10 Biggest Differences Between Dead Space Original and Remake

10 Biggest Differences Between Dead Space Original and Remake


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@Mordes6748 - 14.11.2023 06:01

A Dead Space 2 remake with additional boss fights pretty please 🥺

@SensSword - 27.10.2023 02:51

TLDW it's a diff game entirely, wearing a skin suit from the original game.

@DGneoseeker1 - 14.09.2023 00:02

My god. Why is Nicole about 20 years older in the remake?

@Jeorgy92 - 20.08.2023 15:05

I just finished it and they actually managed to surpass the original. Kudos.

@patrickbullis594 - 19.08.2023 21:25

the biggest difference is an additional 60 bucks for the same game

@hectorlopez9453 - 31.07.2023 22:46

This was a huge success no doubt, there needs to be a ds2 remake now. The amount of money they'll make off us lol

@ufcfan3940 - 26.07.2023 13:41

Played the original when it came out,playing the remake real fun looks nice

@apictureoffunction - 24.07.2023 18:16

The peeling system is really great, it's really useful during big chaotic fights. If you lose track of an enemy for a second, when you find them again you can see which limbs you've already damaged, and target those

@beezmaar9769 - 22.07.2023 23:19

Is that Asteroid mini game in the remake?

@Underratedcomedi - 14.05.2023 05:12

I like that you can beat the game with just the plasma cutter

@d-7113 - 22.04.2023 19:47

I hated the woke shit in the game

@malytheson - 15.04.2023 17:08

the only thibg i personaly HATE about the remake of this, is Isacs new face. it looks nothing like the original face

@malytheson - 15.04.2023 17:06

i know that alot of people often dont like the remakes as much as the OG games, but i think its cool, becausr it gives the new generation a posebility to play games from older days in their style

@dollarweeb4573 - 11.04.2023 15:27

They did Dead Space justice.The new stories,missions,peeling,character development,new characters motive/story and background.
All done right. The horror is still there.
If someone at EA is watching,please,PLEASE don't ruin this.
Let the people who made the remake ,make 2 and 3 remakes as well. And maybe,just maybe ,give us the Dead Space 4 we waited 10 years for. Isaac needs and deserves a proper ending, with the necromorph,moons and the crazy cult finally being defeted

@Zach.W96 - 27.03.2023 10:01

I remember in the original, the part with the pod aliens. I was playing on I think hard mode. I kept running out of ammo and had nowhere I could go for more. I had to decrease the difficulty because of it, so I wouldn't need to use as much ammo.

@iiii4024 - 14.03.2023 03:24

They also added dead space 2 piercing to the remake so your kenetic gravity thing does actual damage to necromorphs & you can stick them to walls with metal bars

@iiii4024 - 14.03.2023 03:23

They did Nichole dirty... when I first saw her I was like “ewww why did they make her this old”

@midnightblackroses - 28.02.2023 02:45

I never played the original but the remake was great (barring a couple of political messages thrown in that were kinda jarring). But I was impressed enough that I'm gonna try Dead Space 2. I've heard 3 is bad though

@2009142 - 25.02.2023 04:55

Just happy I finally beat a dead space game on impossible first go ❤

@bttmgmr2011 - 24.02.2023 20:08

Just like the Resident Evil series remakes, the Dead Space remake is now the definitive experience of MY gaming. Although the original was awesome, playing the remake with it’s new side quests and multiple endings, plus the immersive horror elements, remakes of 2 and 3 should be definitely considered. EA Motive has given gamers a new reason to play this incredible game so continuing the story is a no-brainer.

@coryl.3567 - 23.02.2023 02:34

I'm glad they got Gunner Wright back to voice and motion capture Isaac. His face does look a little different though. But whatever, still a tremendous remake.

@edwardbickford8277 - 21.02.2023 19:40

I would definitely love to see a similar remake for Dead Space 2 and maybe Dead Space 3. Although the 3rd game should stick more to its horror roots.
While I liked DS3 overall. I was annoyed with being locked out of the areas that required co-op to enter.
Not every game needs a multi player/co op experience.

@DarthSkull1 - 21.02.2023 07:31

First game was scarier and so were the necromorphs, but the remake was still fun. Glad it doesn't have the shity zero g jump lol

@dontcallmewave - 20.02.2023 08:55

It’s hard to improve on perfection. But this remake manages.

@cristianmonge9601 - 19.02.2023 04:03

Make us whole

@Psychotic_Okami - 18.02.2023 05:27

The should’ve remastered all three games and put if on ps5 as well as ps4, really annoyed that they didn’t do that

@erikmartinez1384 - 17.02.2023 22:05

I didn't realize the original asteroid bit was not thought well on. I enjoyed it and was sad the way they changed it for the remake.

@stevesand8845 - 17.02.2023 17:27

This game is fun, the pulse rifle exploit helps a lot (because your gun is reloaded every time you upgrade the capacity, you pay 5k to respec the pulse rifle, get capacity upgrade, then shoot the secondary mines on the ground, then go back in the bench and upgrade to the next capacity and then shoot that clip onto the ground with the secondary fire…. then after you do that like 10 times, you pick up all the pulse rifle ammo laying on the floor, and sell it for like 15-20k, which keeps earning you 15 grand every time and later in the game when there are even more capacity slots, you can get up to like 35k in profit per exploit, and then just keep
buying nodes, upgrades, and items with the insane amount of money you get…. i would suggest since it takes a lwhile to do it while you are watching tv on your phone, cause of the animations of opening and closing the bench)

@stevesand8845 - 17.02.2023 17:16

i think the Callisto Protocol was not as bad as people are making it out to be… i mean there are some fun parts and it definitely scared me with 3d headphones and the room dark…. Dead Space is definitely better but if it didn’t exist i think people would like callisto protocol a lot more…. and it was dumb to release SO CLOSE together

@japhetaguirre4880 - 17.02.2023 05:30

The one shot was available on Dead Space 2 way before God of War 2018.

@terry85mar - 16.02.2023 22:56

I don't like that Nicole now look like she's old enough to be his grandma like dead space 2. Why change that?

@KevinGeneFeldman - 16.02.2023 13:19

Heres one of the biggest differences, damn near everyone in this game is gay.

@kylehammon2304 - 15.02.2023 16:38

Can we have dead space 2 and 3 now, please please please 🙂

@shotbycoaster - 15.02.2023 14:22

Shoulda used the force gun to demonstrate the peeling. Literally peels the skin clean off the necromorphs like those paint stripper videos🤣

@brokencable9832 - 14.02.2023 23:23

I hope they make a new dead space 2 but with a different story direction. They story in 2 and 3 were kind meh

@timelord6616 - 12.02.2023 04:10

Honestly it’s not worth the 60 dollars plus price tag , if you played the original.

@4fortune1984 - 11.02.2023 16:12

You can’t customize your character like Mass Effect right?

@akilbaptiste6942 - 10.02.2023 19:34

People really complain about everything shit is annoying lol the asteroid section in the original wasn’t bad at all on any difficulty the new one is far more annoying

@ayaxmcgill635 - 10.02.2023 17:10

There's so much potential for the franchise now, the spin-offs can b reworked into DLCs, extraction could b an action horror co-op shooter similar to dead space 3 and ignition a stealth based survival horror similar to outlast or alien isolation

@MGrey-qb5xz - 10.02.2023 15:13

the movement system is kinda floaty and isaac himself feels very stiff, there is a clear skill difference between the dev team of both games

@binary001 - 10.02.2023 08:55

No one mentions how the controls are jacked up in the remake. I installed the original and the “look/aim” controls are way better.

@Lucivius27 - 09.02.2023 17:01

I was never immersed on any silent protagonists on any game.

@Boris99999 - 09.02.2023 15:45

To be fair Isaac’s past with unitology was already there in the early designs. But to get to it you would have to get some materials additional to the game itself. Now everything is in the game so you don’t need to search for those things to know the story. Although I would still recommend searching for those things if you’re a fan!

@romanfedotov1152 - 08.02.2023 19:47

Nicole used to look like girlfriend now she looks like he's chubby mom

@steveob3854 - 08.02.2023 19:25

i hope there remake 2 and 3 like this i love this game

@hyperflame17 - 08.02.2023 13:05

god this vid sucks

@masterknight07 - 08.02.2023 02:24

Everytime they say "Isaac," I feel like they are talking about me.

@bigmatt9419 - 08.02.2023 01:32

I want Dead space 2 to have a remake and Dead space 3 they should just completely make a whole new game

@TunnelMonkeyP - 07.02.2023 23:30

This video Spoils the new game plus ending of the game sooooooo. there is that.
