Divi Carousel Tutorial 2021 | Easily Create 3 Different Carousels

Divi Carousel Tutorial 2021 | Easily Create 3 Different Carousels

Matt - WPress Doctor

3 года назад

11,432 Просмотров

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мя. кот
мя. кот - 24.02.2021 20:15

I used to hate Divi, but now thanks to you my own personal website is on Divi. Turns out I just needed a good teacher 😄
Thanks, Doc 🧡

Suzanna Pereira
Suzanna Pereira - 22.03.2023 18:32

This is great thanks!. Can you use this Carousel for Videos?

Margriet Ravensbergen
Margriet Ravensbergen - 24.11.2022 18:50

Hi, quick question, is autoplay possible on the Full-width Image Carousel?

DoesntMatter851 - 09.09.2022 14:11

Thank you for this video, i was not able to figure this plugin out because i was overlooking one simple button lol. I will also check your SEO video

boe dillard
boe dillard - 04.06.2022 22:07

If you already have the section set up and it has 2 columns - one is a picture and one is text - can you change the image to a carousel??

Heida Lehndorfer
Heida Lehndorfer - 05.02.2022 19:59

First of all - thank you for your great videos. Very helpful information! Maybe you have a tip for my problem. I'm using the DiviGear Carousel - on desktop and tablet everything is working fine, but on mobile it's causing problems. It doesn't run smoothly and parts of the text are sometimes not readable. Sometimes the text scrolls a little to the left, then it just appears or disappears...... It's just a simple testimonial slider. I'm using an Iphone 11 by the way. Any help is very much appreciated ;-)

TheAntipreneur - 25.12.2021 07:46

Great Vid - Used Your Link - Cheers!

Susan LoFurno
Susan LoFurno - 03.12.2021 22:15

HELP! I have tried to purchase this plugin from the link above -- and I am never able to complete the purchase. Is this Divi Gear still in business?

vezecreative 2
vezecreative 2 - 28.09.2021 22:20

These images are all too small for what I want. How do I create a carousel with 5" x 7" images? I uploaded the larger image but it became small in the column.

Zahidul Islam
Zahidul Islam - 28.06.2021 01:24

I appreciate you making such a useful video

Dhruv - 18.06.2021 17:43

If anyone watching this comment than please share our WP Doc's tutorials, it's really helps who want to go with WordPress.

Rui Zhu
Rui Zhu - 08.06.2021 12:14

Dear doctor, you made me very intrested with DIVI not only because of its function and also the discount you offered : -) . But there is still one question I cound't get clear answer from so many DIVI videos. That is can we make Carousel for product categories and Products in Dive, what are they look like , do I need to install some addon or plug-in for this purpose? I want to build e-commerce website , this function is very important for me. If I can get advice from you , I'd be very grateful.

Zeeshan Shakir
Zeeshan Shakir - 24.04.2021 21:58

Its awesome as always bro. Can you please make a tutorial on Mega Menu using divi and Divi mega pro both.

Steve R
Steve R - 01.04.2021 20:30

I LOVE the CoverFlow type look that this provides, reminds me of iTunes. Is there a way to have it play accompanying audio to each image/content slide? This would be an awesome media player for my musician website.

itsQ 999
itsQ 999 - 25.02.2021 14:13

Great sir. Thumbs up
Please sir make a video about wordpress Speed Optimization. Cover from basic to end 👍🏻

Evangelisatie Training.nl
Evangelisatie Training.nl - 21.02.2021 18:33

Awesome, thank you very much!

Mohamed SAHBOUNI - 18.02.2021 10:31

thanks man!!

Gadgets Pool
Gadgets Pool - 17.02.2021 17:28

I love Divi but I prefer GeneratePress
