Signs Of a Gaslighting Boss (Is Your Manager Gaslighting You?)

Signs Of a Gaslighting Boss (Is Your Manager Gaslighting You?)


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@myemmotion - 26.08.2021 18:24

Have you ever been gaslighted at work? Who was your gaslighter and how to you deal with them?

@mathyreegan1554 - 01.01.2024 11:10

Please listen carefully,

@raiden25256666 - 30.12.2023 22:31

Avoid confrontation at all cost and under no circumstances are you to ever ever allow yourself to lose control. You must always always keep your emotions in check. Giving into to rage and anger will only cause them to laugh and poke fun at you and you will feel even worse for having allowed them to cause you to come out of character. BELIEVE ME after you lost control you will NEVER be able to gain back the fortitude you had previously.

@deliaocampo4340 - 27.12.2023 17:06

I know the strategy so to quit the job no matter being the best the favorite of customers working hard not enough confidence I know myself good personality🇺🇸

@Parischick11 - 26.12.2023 00:55

Yup this was my former boss. Not surprisingly she has a terrible reputation

@maxineh9336 - 24.12.2023 08:18

If you are unfortunate enough to become the target of one or more of these cowards please take my advice and leave. It's hard and unfair but you will never win against these oxygen thieves and trying to follow "The rightt processes" will rob you of precious time with the people that truly matter in your life. Over an 18 month period I went from a confident independant person to a anxiety ridden person who was constantly living in fear of...whats next. I was unaware of the impact it was having on me, turning point was when my older sister who lived in different area came and saw me and told me she was scared as we had lost 1 sister to suicide and she could not loose another...pretty powerful wake up call for me because she was pretty spot on, the thought of taking my life so it would just stop was one I had been entertaining alot of late. Three years later, after counselliing and support from loved ones I have 2 amazing little people who call me Nanny....had my sister not spoken up I may have not have been here to recieve those amzing little gifts of life ....all because 1 sad persons insecurity. i will never give a dementor my power again....and yes she continues to keep doing this its just the target that changes.

@angelitoestrada8044 - 21.12.2023 08:17

Thank you EMMOTION by Mark.:) 💖🙏🌞🇵🇭

@stevenbrown3429 - 20.12.2023 22:47

And what does HR do about it... they side with the gaslighter 100% of the time.

@Nardz024 - 18.12.2023 13:27

I don't have a boss, I don't have a job. Homeless 💯

@Doors067 - 17.12.2023 14:44

Mind stood over my desk made me call somebody on speaker to try and catch me in a lie and went through my emails while standing over top of me, after calling me out for being bad at my job to all my coworkers. I've never been more embarassed in my life

@revrabia - 13.12.2023 09:24


@StarkSpartan - 11.12.2023 16:02

thank you for posting this.

@louloumoon9365 - 10.12.2023 17:44

"The Establishment" is designed that way, you either take it or leave it!!!!

@angelwings3128 - 09.12.2023 07:52

It took me years to finally realise - that the gaslighters and narcissists out there are demons. They are “literally” dealing with inner demons. This is more than just bad behaviour, these individuals are demonic and often don’t even realise the possession that’s taken hold of them. This is what’s going on with them, and what good intended souls are dealing with…stay on guard. ✝️🙏🏻

@SonJDoug - 07.12.2023 04:50

After almost 8 years in the same company, there is a new sub-supervisor that is doing 90% of that with me and other co-workers. He is so like the description on the video.

@ElPatron42069 - 04.12.2023 06:09

I just got hired on to a great company and my supervisor has been there forever and she’s a black woman so she won’t get in trouble because of diversity…. It’s so wrong…she has favorites and treats me like shit because I’m shy and quiet but I work hard and do good work, everyone says so. But she puts me down and takes shit out on me and laughs about it later to co workers, saying she was hungry and angry and took it out on me… she fucking laughed. And she did this as I was being certified and the people training me were right there the whole time and said “that was fucked up”. It’s a great job a great company and great pay and benefits but I seriously hate being there because of her

@MysticMiss - 02.12.2023 11:13

Iv had the worst gaslighting bosses. Honestly traumatizing..

@MrOsasco - 01.12.2023 05:59

If your boss is gaslighter, write down three instances and go talk with your boss boss.

@dc.19X8 - 30.11.2023 07:06

My manager is actually scared of me, like the only thing she can really do to me is fire me like as i'll DIE if she do 😂😂😂 dumb isssh

@aishajackson7143 - 30.11.2023 07:02

My boss Cynthia is a gaslight no leadership skills nondegree.makes me feel like I am the problem. I am currently seeking employment elsewhere. They say I want the attention from them and I don't like I want to be their friend I don't. I am on the radar the goons she has lied to HR about me I asked her to fire me. They said they can't I know they can . I am not quitting until I get a job I have bills however if I can't wait they can fly a kite .I will make then fire me they're ways. Miss 3 days straight or in the different time frames. Maybe . Any tips on how they can fire me😊

@RiCaNBanG - 29.11.2023 06:44

Gaslighting definitely happen to me at my job for a couple years. Every time something went wrong or something didn't work for me at work, it was always my fault. And always got sat down and spoken to which would definitely made me feel i never did anything right or enough for them. It brought my moral down and insecure. Every time my boss calls my name to come to the office it makes it feel like "what did i do and what am i in trouble about now?"

@kimbo-kyoungclairehana599 - 27.11.2023 07:51

Hugo Boss is not my Boss 🤚 Make him Hugo STOP
+ Miss Claire is 김보경 +

@spamhere1123 - 24.11.2023 03:05

Fun story:

I got a CDL (commercial driver's license) for my job, and my blood pressure was barely low enough to pass. It was so high that the doc said I had to come in for another checkup in a year to be sure it went down, or I might lose my CDL. Now, the job I was working at was hell. I honestly couldn't call my boss a gaslighter, but he certainly was never, ever happy with anything anyone did. Constant tension, constant disapproval, you were always too slow, too imprecise, too whatever. He slammed a desk and raged because of how I was sweeping a floor. It should take 4 minutes instead of the 15 I was "wasting"! I dreaded going to work every day.

But I got another job. It's not perfect, but it's FAR less stressful. Almost never any yelling, slower paced, and my job expectations were so much more manageable. I knew what I was supposed to do when I went into work every day, instead of trying to guess which thing the boss wanted done first, and never guessing right.

Then my medical checkup came...and my blood pressure had dropped FORTY POINTS. In ONE YEAR. And all I really did on a medical level was cut white bread from my diet.

Bottom line, bad bosses are genuinely bad for your health.

@idrone3989 - 22.11.2023 02:25

The more I watch these videos about workplace boss dynamics the more paranoid I become.

@MelodyMan69 - 21.11.2023 06:50

Having worked over 50 years in the Corporate World for Multi-National big companies, i can guarantee you that all managers gaslight their staff. Even PLAN to do so because they believe it gets results.

@madchessLeviathan - 20.11.2023 23:40

I did not know what gaslighting was when it happened to me. Never did I belive I was the problem, but when your boss states that you are doing a bad job without elaborating on what they think is wrong and what to work on to improve I was convinced he was just speculating since I've had nothing but positive feedback up until that point in similar fields. Well jokes on them I left after Brexit was put into effect and they have been unable to find a replacement for over a year since I was doing cs in a foreign language. I'm pretty sure I did way better than what google translate and collegues with no understanding of the language can do.

@buenoloco4455 - 20.11.2023 17:12

I play with the numbers. I don't give a fuck if my boss tries to gaslight me, my numbers don't lie. Tip: if you feel your boss is doing this to you, value your time per what you get. And act on that basis. Of course if you're medium or suitable for the job for your first year, you just need to take for future CV and experince. That's how it goes, but! If you think your boss is ok, and you can learn something in that corp, definitely go for it! There are good emploeyrs out there. So take your shot, but also do your job, it's a common sense

@bz3105 - 19.11.2023 22:46

Great video and I agree with everything that was said here. Another thing I would throw in is that if your boss speaks in coded language and/or sounds like a politician, there's a good chance they're trying to gaslight you. I had a boss like this (a middle school principal) who was trying to override my labor law rights as a public school teacher and subtly tell me that I "had" to perform XYZ after-school services that were NOT in my contract. One of the things she said during this little sit down was "when you're new, you have to be 'flexible.'" That word, "flexible," was her coded language/politician's way of saying "I know I'm not asking this of the veteran teachers here but you'd better fucking do it or I'll fire your ass." I just nodded my head and basically said "yes ma'am" and then turned in my resignation at the end of the school year. Like everyone, I'm going to be dead pretty soon and putting up with shit like this between now and then just doesn't make sense to me.

@happisakshappiplace.6588 - 19.11.2023 16:15

Why do people use the word Gaslighting, lets give it it's proper term. Bullying.

@Julijacreates - 18.11.2023 21:32

you are literally explaining my boss word by word. There people are usually very sad and internally poor humans

@MetsudaMush - 18.11.2023 07:11

You put it well. I am a victim of this. Gas lighting bosses kill your independence to think on your own. If you handover your job decision making to them , he comes back to say you mean you don't know what to do? This is meant to just frustrate you to leave. They are cruel and unpleasantly. Good is bad for them. It's like working for satan.

@user-on3if4pr2z - 16.11.2023 10:09

I have not worked in a large corporation, but I have also been deeply affected by the kind of gas lighting. Most of them are done by governing body issuing irrelevant citizen duties. When we cooperate, they take credit from us. When we don’t, they issue public letter that blame most of mistakes on the citizens.

Thanks for help me to keep loving my country. I love its geography and people’ culture. Only poor governance by a handful of evil individuals just ruins everything.

@ekkamailax - 15.11.2023 08:28

The root cause of all these problems is our education system which trains people to be obedient slaves to a boss instead of teaching them to be financially independent

@ekkamailax - 15.11.2023 08:25

If you are good looking, smart and talented, this will happen to you quite often, because you trigger envy and jealousy in your boss.

@theromanempirewrestlingpod1605 - 15.11.2023 03:42

That’s my boss alright but also it’s the whole damn workplace

@pishi1990 - 14.11.2023 20:16

When a boss pits employees against one another by gaslighting and lying no one sees whats going on and since everyone is fighting amongst each other the department goes to hell.

@CJfunctional - 14.11.2023 09:02

It happened to me!!! I eventually had to document his action every move. He tried to get me moved from my position but it backfired, because of my documentation. He was playing checkers I played chess. I won! It is rare butI won. He quit because his ego could not take it!!!!!!

@sellyourhomenowbook - 13.11.2023 23:55

I think alot of people don't understand work is about doing your best and covering yourself. Your boss and co workers arent friends, and they can and possibly will back stab you.
Be honest
Do your best
If the situation vioates any laws go to HR but know HR works to minimize damage to the company. If you pray, pray about it.

@funartcreations2190 - 13.11.2023 13:46

Spot on.

@rchen8464 - 12.11.2023 03:26

I had a manager like that. She moved to another department. I was so relieved when she left. Then couple months later, she asked hr to contact me to interview a position in her department. I was like, what the f**k, why do u think i ever want to see or work for you again. Stay away. I dont need to see the devil again.

@paulsmith4875 - 10.11.2023 18:05

You're HR person. You are clueless what gaslighting is. This information is too basic and no boss would use unless the manager is blank stupid.

@swathysunil5328 - 06.11.2023 21:30

My boss is qualified for all this signs.. Congratulations as hole

@katarzynakaczor9007 - 06.11.2023 11:53

I will never understand how such bosses can be kept in their jobs! They are harm for the employees and the whole company.

@cindyzhan223 - 06.11.2023 04:22

Thanks for sharing the video let me know I definitely have a gaslighting boss, I have been suffering by her almost two years, for many reasons included you mentioned the finance issue I can’t leave the company for now, the toxic boss drove me in depress and anxiety, I’m seeking a mental therapy. I hope the time coming to leave this company not too later,Could I seek a psychological compensation lawyer’s help?

@SuperSokol7 - 06.11.2023 03:17

My boss told me after the first two months that I asked my colleague in another country for help every five minutes, which was not true and got me mad and a week later repeated that infront of another colleague and put that in my KPIs. What should I do? Should I quit?

@9ryoko - 05.11.2023 18:05

"They say one thing on Monday and the opposite thing on Tuesday" - that's exactly what was happening with my management 😂 I wonder if that's part of the "managers" training or they just lack education and common sense.

@AnonYmous-mw5lc - 05.11.2023 17:13

Completely disregarding your prior professional experience, because their methods are the ONLY way to do something: Civil Engineering P.M.s 101

@robertgerber2533 - 05.11.2023 01:47

I’ve been gaslighted my whole working life. I always tried to let the quality of my work do the talking for me. Unfortunately that’s not how the world works. Especially when you are older. The majority of bosses and managers want you to kiss their ass and brown nose them. They seem to get a kick out of it. They like the power of making you jump through hoops. And there are no shortage of workers out there that are willing to operate that way. They kiss ass and stroke the boss so they get the easier tasks and don’t have to work as hard. And when you are an older worker they try to make you so miserable that you quit so they can hire someone younger for less money. Gaslighting. I didn’t know it had a name

@BlueJazzBoyNZ - 04.11.2023 21:27

Oh There are so many vacant shops / factories in the area....

@ATumblelinaTruth7777 - 04.11.2023 00:22

