Warframe: The Corruption of Digital Extremes

Warframe: The Corruption of Digital Extremes


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Rahetalius - 24.02.2019 05:05

L I T Z K R I E G 👌😂👌
On a serious note, this isn't a "voice reveal" for those who are wondering. Although I'm not a native of the U.S. (I'm still a citizen), and I do speak with a slight accent, I'm not British, or even European for that matter. Furthermore, I opted for a voice rather than text-to-speech, because even I think that half an hour of robotic speech is torture.

Name Surname
Name Surname - 31.08.2023 07:33


eL IDeeMioz
eL IDeeMioz - 21.08.2023 03:17

DE Rebecca is a guy with balls an all 😮

Annette Nebiolo
Annette Nebiolo - 05.07.2023 17:10

cringe ass politics in a cringe ass drama video from 4 years ago. TF is this doing in my recommended?

Frehnzi - 17.06.2023 22:50

Hahahaha "frontal arm controls", "killed my shocks" what a dipshit

blaz jurkovic
blaz jurkovic - 09.04.2023 23:04

Nowadays it got worse. my friend got a permanent device ban BCS he offender a trans moderator for nothing

Protocol Savage
Protocol Savage - 07.03.2023 11:25

Warframe players make me laugh, yall got the avengers of neckbeard coomer discord mods and its like the final boss of the fuggin game 🤣

Protocol Savage
Protocol Savage - 07.03.2023 10:24

so i dont even play warframe but i got sucked down this rabbit hole.... apprently redpoint is still on and still being a cunt, for anyone wondering

Sarcastic Guy
Sarcastic Guy - 06.03.2023 14:08

A truncated conversation in Region after crosschat goes live:
Me: 3 weeks, 3 archons, 3 tauforged
Another Guy: 9 weeks, no tauforged
Me: Maybe we should group up next time
(Comment disappears)
Mod: Someone in Recruiting may be able to help you with that.
What the actual fuck?

Blarg Blarg-Jargon
Blarg Blarg-Jargon - 03.02.2023 17:23

no dude, I typed 'warframe lore is shit' and this was the only video I saw that was even slightly related to a negative outlook on that fucking garbage dump story. waited 10 years for a good story and DE just shat all over me.

4j_2905 - 25.12.2022 23:59

Well someone likes vigil from rainbow six siege

ALUCARD7729 - 01.12.2022 19:15

I quit warframe specifically because of this, DE has done nothing to stop power hungry moderators from doing shit like this.

Stabby Meowkins
Stabby Meowkins - 10.10.2022 22:36

Subbed. I got linked to this video after research on a player mod named R3d Point that went on a rampage deleting questions, trade messages, recruiting messages, then proceeding to permaban players from Region Chat(and chat entirely) that called them out on it.

Wish a video could be made on that separately but this alone takes care of 99.9% of the obvious stuff that needs to be done in this game.

If I could personally meet R3d Point, I'd have absolutely no problem shanking him and leaving him in the street to bleed out and die. Nothing better than corruption dying and leaving the scene to see it get better. What is even more sad, is this person is a moderator for XBOX and is able to directly influence PC.

I have nothing against XBOX, but seeing how Cross-Play is a thing now, this is a direct result of it being tested/enabled.

TheBlueraid - 04.08.2022 15:27

[Kinetic Siphon Tr- ]

Quinn del Carmen
Quinn del Carmen - 01.08.2022 17:00

tbh i want to travel back in time and hug chairman mao just for destroying countless religious relics that imo are just piles of garbage xD

Zack - 13.06.2022 05:52

Can’t find Fostinator’s video or the guy for that matter…What happened to him or his video?

Abyssal Serpent
Abyssal Serpent - 02.06.2022 21:10

I know this video is a bit old but I wanted to throw in my two cents on the part of you mentioning DE playing favoritism: it doesn't only apply to their partners (back when the partnership program was a thing) but to the community as well. Back when self-damage was still around people have been complaining about it for years, making countless videos on it but DE seems to have been constantly turning a blind eye. QuiteShy (I'm not bashing on her or anything, just using her as an example) makes a few videos with the issues that self-damage was causing and DE addressed to that. It was the very same issue when it came to DE slightly nerfing melee and "buffing" Primary and Secondary weapons with Primary/Secondary Arcanes and with Galvanized mods. The community has again addressed that issue for a while, DE didn't listen. Again QuiteShy makes a video on it, DE was like "we'll have to fix this asap". I mean if DE keeps playing favoritism to this degree, where they only listen to their personal favorite content creators over the majority of the community itself who knows where the game will be headed a few years from now.

GamingSoul - 23.04.2022 17:16

They didn't stop here. They continue to have bad judgement. DE Steve implying anyone who believes all lives have purpose are nazis, suspending Russian payment options and punishing their people for what the government does at the same time independent news reports in Ukraine show their people saying their own Ukrainian military is bombing them and Russian military is trying to get them out... it will only get worse now that tencent owns them. A massive company that is praised by the Chinese communist party of "party building". I'll never give DE another dime.

Melon - 27.03.2022 21:28

Jizo quite warframe today

No Name
No Name - 16.03.2022 04:35

Rydian needs to be removed

Fancy Pants
Fancy Pants - 27.02.2022 18:38

Anyone remember Sreza on PS4? Absolute scumbag of a human that rivals Telluric.

Cerebrophage - 14.01.2022 10:55

Alright. I'm not buying it. After some closer looks at the stuff you posted, things weren't adding up.

Cerebrophage - 14.01.2022 10:03

Is this still relevant?

JC - 07.01.2022 23:06

what is that ear cancer you put in here cuz its trash

Benjamin Keith
Benjamin Keith - 02.01.2022 15:25

All I hear are “The Guides of the Lotus”, are the fem boys region mods.

GetaHorseToStickItToPutin - 31.12.2021 15:45

Old video but ultimately you dont get paid for it so de doesnt have any incentive to care

Hüseyin Sami Orhun Gökçenoğlu
Hüseyin Sami Orhun Gökçenoğlu - 22.12.2021 12:20

Does anyone remembers the revxdev?

VITAS874 - 15.12.2021 14:33

Garbage gambling game, only frames looks good

Macbangers Craventures
Macbangers Craventures - 07.12.2021 08:12

People on Q&A and region chat = soyboy turbo virgins. You can just sense the viriginity from the words they spew

Raven Redwake
Raven Redwake - 05.12.2021 04:51

You ever just want to be the evil they say we are? Like, just round these people up, pack them in shipping containers and send them to, oh pick a place. Get them out of said containers and then just leave them on whatever island you dropped them on so they can have their neo communist trans utopia.

The Ranger
The Ranger - 02.12.2021 14:15

I have never once seen a Guide of the Lotus, so what's the point of having them?

Sardaar - 27.11.2021 11:22

When you see the dude being a "Limbo Main", you know how fucked up they are.

Also to other Limbo mains, if you know what was limbo before you are what you know you are what we know you are.
if you don't know what was limbo before and you are a modern Limbo main well enjoy the game; It's not like before (much much better).

Edit: Yeah I was a Limbo main once, Not proud.

raznovgamming - 20.11.2021 22:39

Can someone update me on this situation?

Ed2smooth - 17.11.2021 18:55

Fkin sux man we didn’t need PS+ before for multiplayer, it all started when DE accepted help from Sony, in other words they made a deal with the devil

I D O - 02.11.2021 15:46

mate, you're a different breed then DE management (mean it in a good way).

GOOD MANAGEMENT CANNOT CO EXIST WITH EGO. And the silent treatments about complaints, literally dozens of posts one of them with thousands of upvotes regarding border-line criminally abusive streamers such as AGGP (which I used to be a big fan of a few years back), blatant nepotism, head-butting with the community and saying changes are made "not because you wanted it, but because we thought it was the right idea and you as a community had no sway in this decision whatsoever.

Also - great ideas for improving game community - guides of the lotus and mods. but not moderating these ideas by a responsible, capable manager - is precisely why they went down the drain and caused such a negative backlash. and then not even owning up to the fact that it was a mistake, apologizing and correcting course - is a decision fueled purely by EGO.

It's hard admitting your flaws.

I served four years in the air force, half that time as a commissioned officer. In my first position as an officer I had troops in my command, and I was absolutely TERRIBLE. after about 7 months I owned up to shortcomings and told my CO that I am not fit to lead these men. I think that, from the get go, DE has made bad management calls, putting people in positions of power and authority which they are not qualified to be in (which has nothing to do with their talent as game developers which no one can argue about). My father always says that a great man always learns about his shortcomings when he gets into that one position it's shoes are too big for him to fill.

And if it wasn't for Reb - this community would completely fall apart.

Andrew Rakow
Andrew Rakow - 22.09.2021 20:04

For those of you thinking xbox is safe from DE's extraordinary mishandling of community mods, we have r3dpoint, who banned me yesterday from first region chat, then all other chat servers when calling him out on it. DE's response? "We don't condone the disparaging of mods" or in other words, "your fault for calling him out." Really? Me? There's a whole subreddit and petition to get him removed, but I'm the problem?

VerkingKerng - 07.08.2021 15:59

If you "could care less" then you're saying that you do care. I am confused. 🙃

Carlos Alfonso Lubrico
Carlos Alfonso Lubrico - 23.07.2021 03:09

And after two months, on April 2019, guides of the Lotus program was dissolved. Thank you Rahetalius!

Duolingo's big brother
Duolingo's big brother - 22.07.2021 18:06

0/10 should’ve made a distrack.

DIEGO - 16.06.2021 07:12

They are really abusing people with this game you right.

Levi - 13.06.2021 05:39

Probably more relevant today than when originally posted

Drew Thompson
Drew Thompson - 13.06.2021 02:11

What do is telluric a female or not? I don’t want to feel awkward if I find out “he” is a legitimate he.

Ardenz - 08.06.2021 18:31

Leftists will be leftists, I suppose

ItsDaKoolaidDude - 02.06.2021 11:06

Oh hello. What is this doing in my recommendations in 2021?
I wonder why...

Darkumineru - 30.05.2021 18:07

funny thing i feel the discord problem can have been fixed at any time has they have the forum just one post this is the official discord for warframe make it a perma thing in the orbiter (the codex) and now they can throw the discord out

That Guy
That Guy - 21.05.2021 10:41

I got banned on warframe discord server for ahegao pfp, lol

Ryan C
Ryan C - 14.05.2021 05:55

Holeh I frikken love your vids bro

Especially after I found this

Joxeia - 04.05.2021 18:29

you're so full of fucking shit lmao it's unreal
