Ranking Linux Distros 2023: Linux Distribution Tier List

Ranking Linux Distros 2023: Linux Distribution Tier List

Novaspirit Tech

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@novoiperkele - 01.01.2024 00:43

Meh, this guy is a buntu kiddie, no reason to listen any opinions

@novoiperkele - 01.01.2024 00:40

shtbuntu needs to be on the "trash" category

@santhiagoelayan4952 - 30.12.2023 12:14

Kali Linux is definitely one of the better distros 💯💯💯💯 if you really know what you're doing with Kali Linux you can really own inside and out any other Linux distro out there.

@termintor1 - 21.12.2023 16:51

“Security researchers”

@gbflater - 20.12.2023 05:21

MX wasn't even mentioned. My fav

@Chris-tu3xx - 18.12.2023 17:11

I'm 100% kubuntu. Activated prime nvidia 100% and using steam snap. It fixed every issue related to vsync, gaming, stability and vsync video playback as well as compositor vsync.. Omg! I went from using Linux for years since 1997 writing scripts per app to repair vsync issues, then shot over to windows for VR gaming. I'm back on Linux. Sadly not trying VR on it just yet. It just works. I just bought an acer nitro with dual gpu and swapped out the internal for a 4tb pci-e and a 8tb ssd. I'm soooooo happy with it. I added a 32 inch 4k monitor and some other bells and wistles just to get my feet wet again. I love how dolphin sftp to my 100tb Nas server like nothing.

@DaniloGCO - 18.12.2023 03:58

Manjaro is bad? Haha. You're a joke

@louaguado995 - 15.12.2023 01:01

You only rated 14 of them. 🤷‍♂️

@DaiBataieFrate - 09.12.2023 22:17

I wonder how secure it is to use a secure linux system in the vm that is installed on windows 11.

@rgavel - 08.12.2023 18:34

I've played around with 45 different distros over the past quarter century, dual-booted Ubuntu & Windows for about a decade, but I currently run Linux Mint and/or LMDE6 on my two desktops and laptop. I gave Bodhi with the Moksha desktop a try recently on my secondary system and loved it, but eventually switched over to LMDE6. Haven't used Windows in years.

@thomasandresen8373 - 07.12.2023 11:19

I’m slightly biased since my favorite OS is Zorin. Anyway, it’s funny how different our experiences are using the same OS; even on the same hardware. Fedora might have the latest and newest this and that, but my user experience of Fedora is like driving a Cadillac, with the smallest engine option, from the 70s in really mint condition. So, it’s shiny, big as whale, pretty reliable and looks smashing, if you into that kind of thing. But it’s not super fast and cumbersome to move around.
Zorin, on the other hand, might be old, but it’s like driving a modern, medium sized Subaru with a reasonably powerful enginge. It’s snappy, very easy to drive and very stable. I can do any kind of modification I want and it will still be stable. What more do I want from a daily driver? That being said. I like Fedora too. It’s kind of the flagship of Linux distros. So, I say live and let distros live.

@trollerbladdering - 06.12.2023 19:51

I struggle to understand how you have almost a quarter of a million subscribers, and you spent more than 15 minutes talking about distros.... but you didn't mention OpenSuse, Gentoo, or Void. You did take the time to talk about BlendOS, a niche distro that many people have likely never heard of, but not bother to mention Linux Mint.

@kobs9636 - 06.12.2023 04:15

windows 10 is the best. easy to use

@zweiwing4435 - 03.12.2023 03:16

I wonder that which Linux Distro can use run Android and Windows software?

@TheDesertLad_Commenting - 30.11.2023 03:49

I'm very drawn to try Linux Mint or Zorin OS personally coming from Windows. Yet, I know I won't fully switch given how many Microsoft applications I use.

@patrickprucha5522 - 29.11.2023 03:58

good choices. I agree mostly with your choice! Cheers

@griseldadiaz5594 - 26.11.2023 09:06

NO, no Debian12. After its release a few months ago, I changed my mind. At he beginning all worked OK, Later on, Plasma has presented MANY errors from start, which became increasingly more repetitive and very frustrating, after every new update (???!!!) to a point of more errors, including my video drivers (AMONG MANY OTHER THINGS). Programmers need to be sure and more careful about update compatibility. NO tech support from the mentors of this distro and there is NONE Forums for Debian12. I would NOT recommend it for beginners or intermediate... sorry!!!... To backup from Timeshift is NOT as simple as from Cinnamon or Mint. I'm going back to them.

@RiverReeves23 - 25.11.2023 14:16

Green = good. Red = bad... it's universal chormapsychology and built in to our DNA. The rating system need's to be colour coded to match our brains. The S,A,B,C,D,E is a stupid rating system that was brough over to the US from Japan for rating fighting game characters. A,B,C,D,E,F is natural and colours should go from green (good) to red (danger)... literally how our psychology is mapped from millions of years of evolution.

@user-en3uz2oo3k - 25.11.2023 00:54

عندي توقع ان ذا التوزيعات اصلا هي الوحيدة اللي جربتها

@abbaruah9685 - 23.11.2023 19:09

People want just one OS, one Microcontroller & one MT brand

@kescco - 22.11.2023 07:32

Thoughts on LinuxMint.

@Verbalaesthet - 21.11.2023 23:47

I have tried LMDE5 (worked great) and LMDE6 (had some problems I didnt have with LMDE5 probably due to the disppearance of the driver manager). Then I tried Nobara and it had good language input options (writing different languages). And games worked much better than on LMDE. But other than that it felt clunky and the German translation was really bad (while the German Mint translation is the best thing I have ever seen).

@Alexander-mk4qf - 21.11.2023 06:49

No mint? This guy must be braindead

@MindoverMaster1 - 19.11.2023 23:35

Pronounce Debian wrong.. :P

@weldonparmley8147 - 19.11.2023 18:43

you left out Mint

@alejandroaguilar9038 - 18.11.2023 22:50

Humm do you have one for most similar to windows ???

@stevenfernandes27 - 18.11.2023 02:21

I just installed linux mint the other day. Back when i was in college, i played with fedora and centos. I always understood that fedora was red hat's test distro, and centos was the most stable, basically red hat itself.... I am not a crazy Linux nerd, so correct me if im wrong. Although, i do know that ubuntu is meh tier. I was never a fan of their UI to be honest.

@Anu4ManU - 17.11.2023 15:13

Agree with you on on top 2 Debian & fedora(currently using from last 3-6 months). Before that Ubuntu from last 8-10 years.

@TheAsjdj - 17.11.2023 12:47

I always find it weird that no one explains is this a general list or a all list. Few people mention SUSE which is more for business yes but is rock solid. I tend to go with debian or OpenSUSE for my home and work machines due how stable they're

@deadlynightshade9778 - 17.11.2023 10:26

well I super dislike this list but I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Ubuntu should 100% be in the "bad" tier and I would also move alpine Linux up because its really good for containers. I would also move endeavor OS up to great along with arch linux. There are a bunch of other things I would move but that's just nitpicking.

@JJSloan - 16.11.2023 00:42

MX is great for all the reasons that Debian is great, except that it has a better default desktop experience.

@imthestein - 15.11.2023 01:25

When I came back to Linux years back I started with Ubuntu and quickly to Kubuntu but after a while it was clear it was having problems and I was hearing about the privacy issues. I went to Manjaro and it was great at first but then it started happening where things would break down and even after new installs so then I moved to POP. Now I’m starting to have boot drive issues with POP and I was thinking of just going straight Debian and you’re making that more likely

@nikichashadow - 11.11.2023 12:06

gento is great for new users btw

@funbucket09 - 11.11.2023 09:17

I use Arch BTW

@scripteaze - 10.11.2023 08:53

gentoo, fedora, mint, pop!

@Ferienpapst - 07.11.2023 01:09

I tried to install Fedora. But it wont work due grafuc issues..i tried gaduda, it had also some.iasues. pop os was nice, but my monitor kept dimming (i use a desktop) and no way to turn off that issue. I tried nobara and so on. Using a nvidia card and that seems to make trouble for most distros.

@ChipEstrada - 05.11.2023 03:47

ubuntu sucks, not sure I can trust your judgment anymore....

@MHill98 - 04.11.2023 08:12

OMG this is too funny. I have two laptops. A Thinkpad t480s running Debian for school and an RoG Gaming Laptop running Fedora. That's hilarious that he put my two favorite daily drivers on the top of the list 😂

@MHill98 - 04.11.2023 07:54

Ah. A fellow Debian KDE user. I salute you kind sir!

@wintermute740 - 01.11.2023 23:26

Slackware. It fits in all your categories, depending on the level of the user ;)

@ucpmod - 30.10.2023 03:11

I wasn´t very impressed with this video. You listed very few distros and missed some important ones like Linux Mint and Endeavor OS. I got the impression that you haven´t really thought things out yet and rushed this video out. Just my 2cents.

@bryanteger - 29.10.2023 14:51

Debian & Arch ftw

@talktothehat.3314 - 29.10.2023 11:09

No Mint?? Really. C'mon......

@c0det621 - 27.10.2023 17:31

Hey everyone, Im starting to use kali linux as my first linux os and please guide me does kali linux can be used for all purposes like coding, developing, testings,etc as I learn through?

@CuttinEJ - 25.10.2023 22:55

I spent about a week trying to get NixOS working. It’s not that it doesn’t work. It’s that there are too many different ways to get something done and there’s a pretty good chance that the first thing you try won’t be the right one. There’s also the fact that some of the ways to do a given thing will step on each other’s toes. And the documentation is just as scattered as the rest of it. You might be able to figure it out, but I needed help just to install a package that was listed in their repository. It took about 5 hours over 2 days. I just don’t have that kind of time to dedicate to everything that’s going to take that kind of time. And I’m not talking about complicated tasks. I’m talking about things that I can get done in Mint or Debian or Arch in under a minute. So it’s a good idea that’s just not ready for prime time until they can focus and refine the work flow and the documentation so that a fairly experienced user (though not recent experience) can use it without going back to college for 2 or 3 semesters.

@mrcomment6035 - 25.10.2023 13:48

Since Solus released an update in July, I think it became great again. They went through some hard times with the main maintainer leaving the party (and working on a different project: Serpent OS), but they are back with it now, they are keeping up with the Blog and Solus really does feel fresh. They fixed a few annoying nuances (like crashing when going into the multitasking settings, breaking, if it doesn't get updated out of the box, etc.). Budgie also feels refreshing, partially because it is now more of an independent project. I really feel, like Solus deserves more love. It is very unique, it is a rolling release, while maintaining that stability and usability. Plus, it is the quickest complete distro, that I have experienced. Alpine is quicker, but not suitable as a daily driver and NuTyX has its ups and downs.

@ThermalLance-hg4rd - 25.10.2023 02:53

EndeavourOS is my go-to. All the power of Arch without the initial headache.

@zoeyaaahmed203 - 24.10.2023 21:21

oh hey thats my tierlist, really fun seeing it in the wild ^.^, also i apologise for all the duplicates, tierlist is just very buggy it seems :p
also based fedora in the top

@herald1953 - 24.10.2023 20:54

used to like ElementaryOS, but honestly they should just switch to Debian considering how small the team is, it still feels very buggy, on my machine even the Plymouth on startup are like wrong size icon, window snapping is weird, and they still use that browser, sure it is usable now, but gnome has everything out of the box compared to the current state of eOS, the only thing i like about it is just the code text editor (weird name, considering ppl associated it with vscode, but still better than gnome-text-editor)

@k.b.tidwell6910 - 24.10.2023 04:09

In my little Box o" Distros, full of USB sticks, way back in the back corner, sits a little 8 GB drive with Mabox Linux on it. It's my guilty pleasure. My secret sin. I love it and I hate it.

Picture Manjaro without the a$$-hattery on the backside and there you have it. It's based on Openbox, so it is indeed lightning fast, but it's also a different learning curve to your average experience, and I'll tell ya', it's frickin' *beautiful*. If you've ever messed around with window managers, you know they are usually kind of...austere. But the Mabox team has kicked it up thirty notches. If nothing else just try the live USB and play around with it. But mostly, just LOOK AT IT.

I'm triple booting Linux Mint 21.2, Sparky Linux, and Garuda Cinnamon. Linux Mint is my favorite all-rounder. There's just enough hand-holding to get past the tedious stuff, and it's so smooth and well-put-together. Garuda is my answer to when I feel that recurring Arch draw, but it's ten million times less tedious than Arch. It'll probably be what I install on my gaming laptop when I convert it from Windows 11 one day, if I don't go the Nobara route. Sparky is deb-based, but is curated to a comfortable point without being stuffed full of stuff you'll never use. It kicks around much fast (on my machines) than Mint does...it feels lean and mean.

My goal is to run Fedora on everything I have. The only thing stopping me is one Windows program I use quite a lot, but which is notoriously hard to get to run on Linux. The few successful guides to installing it require a Debian distro, so I'm stuck in that realm, at least on my writing machines. But I LOVE Fedora.
