Google Sheets API in Python | Getting Started

Google Sheets API in Python | Getting Started

Jie Jenn

4 года назад

38,960 Просмотров

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@user-ui1zo6hb8y - 06.12.2023 03:58

When I code in the vscode, there is no code autocomplete for Google sheet API. Anyone can help with this? Thanks.

@amatulathok597 - 06.10.2022 16:24

where i can found secret_client.json jie? thank you

@share_feelings5366 - 17.08.2022 13:22

dir(service) isnt wokring gettting this error

him@HJ-Mac Jie Jenn % dir(service)
zsh: missing end of string

@tamerelias3432 - 22.07.2022 05:29


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Google'

I cannot access to the sheet

@prachiagrawal6908 - 27.06.2022 12:12

Hey thank you for video its really helpful.

I got one error could you please help me out

oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.MismatchingStateError: (mismatching_state) CSRF Warning! State not equal in request and response.

@AbhishekSingh-ux4pm - 05.06.2022 16:16

Hiii i can't access create_servie it's showing error no module as create_servie

@marjanasarker6447 - 13.02.2022 22:26

Hey Jie, I had my app on testing mode and now I keep getting a Token has been expired or revoked error, I changed the app to publish mode like some users suggested, however I get the same error. Could you please help?

@faizififita3010 - 25.10.2021 23:36

When I run the service = Create_Service() line I get the following traceback error,
raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
From what I've read it looks like something isn't being returned in JSON format, my traceback says that it's line 355, in raw_decode

@hanaizdihar4368 - 09.07.2021 06:09

hi, I've been following your tutorial but got an error 'redirect uri mismatch' when a chrome is opened for authorization. Any help on this? thanks, I appreciate your answer so much

@damienminter3117 - 28.06.2021 11:24

OSError: [Errno 98] Address already in use

I seem to be sharing a port or something? - Anyway I can get around this?

@ahmedashour95 - 10.04.2021 11:52

[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Client_Secret.json'

@firdaus9621 - 01.03.2021 19:01


@JocelynJVerreault - 02.02.2021 00:21

Hey there,
Everything's fine (except for Line 1 but that's ok) but what is not is I don't get the browser to open to authenticate once I run the last line (Create_Service) in VSCode. No error message nothing...any help please.

@DuckkkMr - 27.10.2020 12:47

Hi and thanks for the video. When I run the code I have : Client secrets must be for a web or installed app. Any clue on how to clear this ?
Thanks !

@vysniia - 19.08.2020 09:11

Hi! Thanks, for videos! I have a little problem: when I importing 'from google.auth.transport.requests import Request' i have errors: 1. No name 'auth' in 1module 'google', 2. Unable to import 'google.auth.transport.requests'. Maybe you know where is the problem?

@sonalsingh8377 - 29.07.2020 16:02

Hi Jay! Thanks a lot for this awesome series. I have followed everything you have demonstrated, but getting a weird error:

from Google import Create_Service
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Google'

could you please suggest what I have been doing wrong? Many Thanks

@parvathirajan.n - 01.07.2020 11:59

for me, it's waiting for the localhost very long, Once after I gave allow to my account and sheets & Drives.
Can you please help me? that would be really helpful for me :)

@ScrapyHD - 25.06.2020 19:14

Hello, i'm trying to call the google homegraph api however when i run the code with the scope changed for the homegraph api it says error 400: authorization error, do you know how to fix this?
