UiPath - How to read Outlook Mails and save them to Excel

UiPath - How to read Outlook Mails and save them to Excel

Anders Jensen

4 года назад

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@sameermore2249 - 11.09.2023 12:00

Hello sir can you help how to read Email atach document under particular text

@FazlulHaque77 - 09.12.2022 19:31

Followed everything minutely but on Run with write line Date activity got the error message saying = Write Line: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. could not solve

@owgjunxian7111 - 16.09.2022 12:24

hi anders i love your videos i just want to ask if i have a section in outlook with different emails of same format but different format how do i extract the information inside the email

@sathishKumar-lr7tl - 15.07.2022 09:29

Multiple Assign: Can not assign 'item.Headers("Date").ToString' to 'strdate'. i am getting this error message

@baijayantimalanayak5518 - 07.04.2022 19:27

Hi Anders, i want to extract the details of the phishing emails which are saved into a folder with eml extension. How should i do that because if i create a folder in my outlook and move the phishing emails to that new folder , then nothing gets extracted but if i give any other folder emails then those emails get extracted into an excel.
It would be great if you could help me !!!!

@praveendhanasekar2555 - 25.03.2022 09:30

How to bring email in foreground

@tele2662 - 31.01.2022 01:44

Super video.. Thanks Anders!

@sunny-handa - 20.12.2021 15:50

how to pick specific text or numerical value from body of the email?

@SumitSingh-cg2qc - 01.12.2021 13:34

Hi, Anders jensen
I have a problem related to extraction of mail message form outlook
when i execute a Get outlook message" activity and use a message box
it shows a message "[UiPath Community Forum] Summary". I able to understand why this shows to me can you please regarding this problem.

@joyaldavidabraham5688 - 27.08.2021 20:47

Sir how to write queue items to excel

@niccolodonati3588 - 07.05.2021 11:24

Awesome video!

@govindpatel8063 - 30.03.2021 13:10

How can I extract specific data from the body of the mail and save into Excel

@itsmechethan6105 - 30.03.2021 10:07

Hello, Andres please help I am trying to get a mail body I get a null value I use item.body.tostring
I get null if I use item.header("Html Body").tostring for this expression I get the mail body and it in Html I need to extract only body how to do? Please help me I hope I will get a solution from You

@Mihirpatel2402 - 27.03.2021 14:33

How to extract specific data from the body of the mail and I want to use for multiple mails

@cyrus300000 - 23.02.2021 18:59

Hi Anders, I like your videos, I've only just started learning UiPath, I have a key question that I'm trying to solve. I need to rename my files with a date string. The specific problem I have is downloading from Outlook (like in your 14 min video on the subject) and then saving to a folder, I was able to create individual folders (as you showed) but I need to save all of them in the same folder and give each download a name with a date string appended to the end. Make sense? Thank you for your videos they are great!

@itsmechethan6105 - 29.12.2020 08:24

Can you please do a video on using APIs we have to automate website or using API key we have to automate the map not only map. some other activity like fetching or send the data because a lot of people don't know about how to use API in uipath

@MrShoumen - 29.11.2020 09:03

Hi.. THanks for the video. I just wanted to know how can I copy a table from email body to ta excel

@dmitrygarmatyuk3831 - 22.11.2020 05:33

Hello, the script is always overwrites the results in Excel sheet. How to save added earlier rows in a Excel sheet?

@coffeeedobrien - 27.10.2020 00:31

this was very helpful , thank you !

@andrewandrew9928 - 01.10.2020 23:41

Hi Anders, great video! How would the file path to a subfolder in Outlook look like? For example, in my Inbox, I have Invoices folder and within Invoices folder, I have New folder. Would the folder path be "Inbox\Invoices\New"? I tried it and it's not working, so I'm wondering if the MailFolder path needs to be in a different format

@kreigfields3157 - 04.09.2020 19:23

Hi Anders, I need to extract fields from the body of a well structured email (redacted version shown below). Can you give me any recommendations on how to approach this? Is this something I can do with a "split text array" or Document Understanding?


Case Information
Case Name: CaseNameLast, CaseNameFirst
Case ID: ######

Child(ren) Reunified
Child’s Name/DOB/FSFN Child ID
ChildNameLast, ChildNameFirst, 2011-10-12, FSFNID
ChildNameLast, ChildNameFirst, 2013-02-23, FSFNID

Living Arrangement Information
Reason for Placement Change: Reunification With Parent
Date/Time Child(ren) Placed: 07/25/2020 04:00 PM
Parent Name: ParentFirstName ParentLastName
Address: 1000 Some St.
Lauderhill, Fl 33319
Parent (1) Cell #: (###) ###-####

@griiiinless - 23.07.2020 14:55

Hi Anders,
I could create this project with no problem, cause you made it so easy and I appreciate that, but when I'm trying to do it on a remote machine, "Get Outlook Mail Messages: The specified folder does not exist" comes up. I switched focus to the Outlook on remote machine by making a basic recording, something else should I do? Thanks in advance.

@scuolaperfezpnl - 01.07.2020 11:02

Thank you for your good explanation. Can the robot enter in a mailbox not mine but another mailbox?Because I received always an error, in mine never error

@ranjaniranju8834 - 05.06.2020 08:05

Is there a way to read the attachments of same name in all the mails

@aleksandrakondraciuk2401 - 30.05.2020 09:08

how to add link to folder if its name agrees with id?

@j0k3R619 - 26.05.2020 23:29

Hi can you show how to extract other details like Flag status, categories, size (mail size in kb) and Flag completed date?

@damandeepsingh2859 - 16.05.2020 13:58

You Screen size is too small don't know why.

@tanupareta6171 - 09.05.2020 09:28

What is same process in Gmail account... ??

@mariposa9318 - 03.05.2020 11:08

Very good turturial! But how do I sort out the mails and there possible PDF attachments with keywords stored in 2 CSV files?

@kratirajoriya3117 - 01.05.2020 17:29

hello Anders, how can i get the particular data from the body of the mail

@kratirajoriya3117 - 01.05.2020 17:16

hello Anders, i am getting the the error of object reference in data row

@bahadarkhan6355 - 27.04.2020 17:29

Hi, Anders
I get all images which are in mail body for example under signature as attachments. How could I avoid theses?
Bahadar khan

@remixowlz - 27.04.2020 08:08

Thank you so much sir! Your explanation is very good , keep up the great work ! :)

@jeffrey102000 - 26.04.2020 15:13

Hi Anders, sorry its me again, I noticed that the date i got from your video class is just the "From date" on the email body. I am trying to estimate how long it takes for msg's in the box to be fully answered so i need both dates eg when the mail was received and when the response was given, so i need to be able to extract both "From" and "To" dates on the mail. I also noticed the "UID" doesn't appear to be the actual msg-ID, I was hoping to use the "UID" as a key for both "From" and "To" on the message to establish the link between the msg's but they are not related. I thought i could take a specific subject on one of the emails that are related and verify the relation with the "UID" but the "UID" doesn't seem related so i cannot use that as an option to aggregate the msg's

@jeffrey102000 - 26.04.2020 00:21

Hi Anders,
I am still experiencing timeout even when i set it to 20mins just to extract about 2600 emails.
What am I doing wrong?

@divyatirunagari2760 - 22.04.2020 12:10

How to read body of first unread email from email thread to excel ? I followed one of your video and successful in reading email body to excel, now am struggling to read only first email and don’t want the entire thread to be copied to excel. Is regex suggestible in this case?

@jeffrey102000 - 18.04.2020 19:25

Hi Anders, thank you for the tutorial, its very helpful.
I have two questions, 1) how do I access the subfolders on an inbox instead of the main inbox, I tried using the subfolder name instead of the inbox name and had an error, it did not recognise the subfolder name.
2)I need to analyse emails in a shared inbox and i believe every email has a tag so even if it is replied to multiple times keeps the same tag or sort of email id from outlook. I want to create an analysis to see how effective we are responding to emails and how long it took of a particular email to be dealt with, where can i find this outlook id or tags relating to a particular mail.

@mailanuraggoyal1 - 13.04.2020 10:29

Very systematically explained. Please if possible also suggest how to get the mail body as well.

@CA_Sandeep_Modi - 29.03.2020 09:56

please increae volumn while recording

@nicolevillegas7267 - 06.03.2020 22:16

How do you get words from the body of the email?

@NatkhatNeel - 13.02.2020 22:19

How to read only excel sheet data from the saved attachment folder?
