Air Circulators vs Traditional Fans [WHICH One is BETTER?]

Air Circulators vs Traditional Fans [WHICH One is BETTER?]

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@hawkofthereborn43 - 08.06.2023 20:10

They're both fans.

@iHorus - 10.06.2023 11:08

Fans change the temperature? How? They just move the air

@josecastro2332 - 17.07.2023 12:52

Air Circulators are best used near AC vents. Their blades are pitched in a way to throw air at a further distance and it gives the room a nice chill feeling when it bounces the walls. I’ve saved a bit on my electrical bill cause the AC doesn’t turn on as often. For reference I use a Vornado 279TR and a WooZoo Globe Fan. Both were bought from Costco. I’ve also owned a Vornado 660 but gave it to my uncle to use it in combination with his Mini Split.

@algorithmicalychallenged.291 - 17.07.2023 21:45 it.

@smash461986 - 21.08.2023 21:36

Bought a Meaco air circulator to replace my fan. It does make the room feel fresher and is far quieter. Worth the extra doe imo.

@hijazzains - 27.01.2024 20:09

How dies ir do vs ceiling fan

@freddyfish835 - 06.02.2024 09:03

i love how the brand name is just "brand" 😂 nice touch

@sigiligus - 28.02.2024 16:04

I think the whole premise behind an air circulator is kind of nonsense. It obviously cools you down the most when it’s pointed directly at you, just like any old fan. Only difference is that it’s more quiet and pushes more air. And in my experience traditional fans tend to develop a lot of annoying noises after a bit of use—rattling, clanking, motor whine. Makes it impossible to sleep with them on.

@samisrandomb4r - 10.04.2024 05:28

The thing with air circulators is that they propel the air in a vortex-action, which can travel longer distances. The vortex can bounce off other objects and walls in the room until it is eventually sucked back in through the back of the air circulator. Fans can also work to circulate air in a room, they just don’t propel the air as far and as efficiently as air circulators.

@cfordd13 - 08.05.2024 04:29

Fans also have a 360 oscillator, my circulator doesnt

@theofficiaIsteve - 18.07.2024 09:10

air circulators work well when there are openings (vents, doors, windows, etc) that are struggling to pull air across, as the circulators ensure that air gets cycled constantly

@urbanorebosa - 18.07.2024 13:09

air circulators are just rechargeable fans but bigger and use an ac current.

@plastikins - 21.07.2024 05:13

Nice design.

@doe9de995 - 28.07.2024 01:36

A fan and air circulator are the same thing. What do you think a fan does? It moves the air. 😂 When was the last time anyone has ever said? Let's buy an air circulator? I have never heard anyone say that. Im sure some company out there probably makes a fan and calls it a air circulator though, probably hoping some poor sap, will buy it thinking its something special.

@picanha694 - 26.09.2024 13:08

They are only fans bro
