Your Hit Parade (December 31, 1955) [RESTORED FULL EPISODE] - New Year's Eve from NBC Studio 8-H

Your Hit Parade (December 31, 1955) [RESTORED FULL EPISODE] - New Year's Eve from NBC Studio 8-H


3 года назад

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@Nick_S_21 - 20.12.2021 21:03

Nice Job! After watching and listening to this I sure can go for a toasted tobacco Lucky Strike and an egg shampoo.

@dbj1941 - 19.02.2023 04:45

When this show aired on 12/31/55 I had just turned 14 and my family had listened to Your Hit Parade on the radio from as far back as I could remember and had recently got our first tv. I still enjoyed the songs of the time but Rock And Roll had come onto the scene and it was here to stay. By the time we were into the mid-sixties, I was looking for oldies stations.

@richardcompton8881 - 14.12.2023 10:34

I think this is genius....Thanks

@maureendeller5984 - 06.01.2024 19:07

Your Hit Parade, in our home, was a must to watch each week. I remember going into New York City, to NBC Studios as a child. We listened to the rehearsal, and Gisele McKenzie was singing. I was so excited, even though we just heard her, but didn't see the performance.

@LeoOrientis - 26.02.2024 16:56

🎶 For the taste that you like, 🎶
🎶 Light up a Lucky Strike! 🎶
🎶 Relax: It's light-up time! 🎶

@xbubblehead - 06.03.2024 06:27

I had just turned 12 when this was first aired and I had such a crush on Dorothy Collins. Some songs stayed at the top of the list for weeks really stressing the creativity of how to stage them. How many different scenarios could you come up with for "This Ol' House"?

@robertort793 - 27.03.2024 08:15

Gisele MacKenzie was really THE STAR of Your HitvParade

@mollylandrigan2657 - 26.04.2024 23:17

What was the theme song

@dexterthor6147 - 09.08.2024 19:41

Such nostalgia for us old timers

@SlugSage - 02.09.2024 01:09

Marty sent me here

@bubbadon7540 - 20.10.2024 00:55

Cool beans.

@sandy3482 - 15.12.2024 09:24

Wow Gisele ! They should have just had Dorothy Collins trimming the tree while singing White Christmas instead of that weird thing they did! I was 5 and I remember singing 16 tons constantly, I drove everyone crazy.

@stephenperretti8847 - 22.01.2025 07:38

This was two days after my NINTH birthday. Sixty nine years ago.

@snarflatful - 22.01.2025 09:46

That's a lot of show to pack into 30 minutes, and it was live!

@johnmcclearen - 22.01.2025 18:11

I was a tike when this was on and remember watching it with my mother . However, looking at it as an adult now I think it would have been much better had they had the current recording artists who actually made the songs hits on the show with background dancers instead of a regular cast singing them.

@lindawatkin9667 - 22.01.2025 22:54

I was 15 years old This really was early television

@misterseattle - 24.01.2025 09:42

I was 26 days old, so probably didn't consciously hear this at the time!

@cynaraslover - 24.01.2025 17:24

This was aired a month before I turned five. I remember my parents.Let me stay up late because it was New Year's Eve, and it was the first time I ever had a "Shirley Temple." For the last 69 years, is the only actual memory I have of it is Gisele Mckenzie singing "Les Feuilles Mortes," and I think I only remember that because my mother used to play it on the piano.

@Juliaflo - 02.02.2025 23:45

Okay, put on your thinking caps and name the group of sisters who made their debut one week earlier on another program singing 'He'. A bubbly appearance, if ever there was one. Good luck.

@tomfilipiak3511 - 16.02.2025 02:47

Lennon sisters or McGiure sisters

@tomfilipiak3511 - 16.02.2025 02:51

Giselle was a fox,I was seven years old,I had a lot of crushes as a kid,was I wierd!At 76 now I think I need help,send your donation to !

@tomfilipiak3511 - 16.02.2025 02:58

Really a great program!

@EdwinK-g5h - 23.02.2025 08:11

I got the chills 😮

@janemcewan2194 - 25.02.2025 02:21

I was very little but remember

@chuckmyers7698 - 01.03.2025 07:47

I was 11. Thank God rock music was just around the corner.
Never liked any of the old music.

@james-o5p2n - 11.03.2025 16:52

Oh Brother...........

@musicom67 - 19.12.2021 21:00

This episode has been level-corrected and noise-reduced in Dyna-Stereo.
