How To Rescue Prisoners...

How To Rescue Prisoners...


2 года назад

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Miniature Jayhawk
Miniature Jayhawk - 10.07.2023 14:21

Is it possible to occupy these camps?

gabe owser
gabe owser - 02.02.2023 07:03

first time i did one of these missions and completely forgot to recruit the prisoner although i still got 9 turrets and a mortar so it was worth

Glory264 - 05.04.2022 07:30

Expected some cartel-like stuff like disposing of failed pawns, but this is also good.

JJDziochu v2
JJDziochu v2 - 04.04.2022 21:05

i once had a rescue quest that was 1 guard with wooden club and 18 mini sentries

Arthur Colina-Greninger
Arthur Colina-Greninger - 01.04.2022 22:12

note: claim the building's doors after you have taken out all the enemies and sentries, this will allow easy access and you don't have to break the doors down

Corkscrew 10
Corkscrew 10 - 01.04.2022 01:19

Or you could disable all of the enemies electrical equipment by simply bringing 1 or 2 measly sun lamps to the fight with you. Doesn't take much carrying capacity and enemy bases aren't build to handle the stupid amount of power they suck while active. You just have to attack at the right time.

Miguel Rodriguez Cimino
Miguel Rodriguez Cimino - 30.03.2022 17:09

Usually solar panels are backed up with batteries. If you have access to shield belts, a fast moving pawn can close in and uninstall the batteries. Instead of destoying the solar panels, you can just destroy a single segment of the power conduit, unless there are 3 or more turrets targeting the pawn, a good shield belt should be enough to prevent any harm. Deconstructing the solar panels will yield more steel and components, I like to pod in with some chemfuel for the return trip, and loot the components and steel I need to build the pods. In and out fast and be back at home for dinner.

nam vo
nam vo - 29.03.2022 13:12

I usually bring a sniper or two to force them to come at me

Crispy Diesel
Crispy Diesel - 29.03.2022 05:12

Step One - acquire a KA-52 attack helicopter via mods.
Step Two - load said KA-52 with antigrain warheads
Step Three - send a small team to act as spotters
Step Four - Carpet bomb the base until resembling Dresden
Step Five - Collect the prisoners with a shovel and declare victory

Rubinolas - 27.03.2022 11:30

"...and LEAVE >:("

Ryan Payne
Ryan Payne - 25.03.2022 16:07

Me playing with mods (SRTS helicopters): (shows up with cobra and huey)
Me: (orders airstrike)
Me: (charges in with power armor and automatic weapons)
Me: (strip mines the surrounding area, deconstruct the entire base, and leaves no trace whatsoever, absorbing it all into my own)

Flamme 5.0.6
Flamme 5.0.6 - 25.03.2022 15:43

You can rescue your pawn...?

I had my colonist kidnapped and they just appeared in the next raid. Alone. With just a knife.

Flamme 5.0.6
Flamme 5.0.6 - 25.03.2022 15:42

Get the outpost mod and make artillery outpost for the perfect rain.

ASMR Gaming
ASMR Gaming - 25.03.2022 12:15

theres a mod for treating on the spot without sleeping spots, theres a mod for imprisioning on the spot and well thats about it

Esporeno - 25.03.2022 11:07

i think something is missing in this video. Why is not everything going downhill at the end as everywhere else ? XD

Giacomo Masi
Giacomo Masi - 25.03.2022 11:01

I don't rescue prisoners... I make prisoners

The Mudpit
The Mudpit - 25.03.2022 10:45

Tip: claim and OPEN the doors, don't smash them down like I did, because if you want to use the building for a day or two as makeshift hospital / shelter, you really want that door!

RoseSpark - 25.03.2022 09:19

In a moded game of mine had to send 5 space marines agsint the base the result was a success with the loss of 2 marines to save a old pacifist pawn with high crafting and a decent smelting. He may not like to fight, but he makes good guns and armor. The two marines die from a mod resource I'm currently working on and i made it OP because I didn't understand how to set values for damage types. To put it simply if the melee weapon has ok armor penetration and can be made from stuff items then dear lord a spear can one hit anything with my mod lol. Even if the AP value sucks the sharp damage alone is enough to one hit or two hit pawns not going to mention what it can do to walls and armor.

Lee harvey oswald offical
Lee harvey oswald offical - 25.03.2022 06:14

Is there a mod that allows you to go into enemy buildings without claiming the doors to them? I have found it to be very annoying.

SirMan McDude
SirMan McDude - 25.03.2022 05:51

I'm sure the pawn will be grateful for the rescue from prison, especially when they get thrown into another prison because they don't believe in Tophatism...


Chadzelda - 25.03.2022 05:32

Instead of mortars use drop pods, there more accurate and loading booms loops into the middle is better.

Sick Bozo
Sick Bozo - 25.03.2022 05:12

my last prisoner was taken by a bunch of canibals, they litterally spawneed on top of him while he was out hunting . i didnt bother with a rescue mission

Adam Forest
Adam Forest - 25.03.2022 04:55

not gonna lie, since this is rimworld I was expecting the advice to be along the lines of 'they can't kill the hostage if you kill the hostage'.

slomow 1540
slomow 1540 - 25.03.2022 03:15

Me : call airstrike with SRTS
The plane: accidentally bomb the prissoner
The prissoner : dumb labor wimp astma
Also me: aight bois , lets leave.

Willow Lackett
Willow Lackett - 25.03.2022 02:23

No lie, while I miss the longform content, this very short stuff is equally as entertaining and far more practical. It's become really handy where, if I can't figure something out or simply forget due to endless decay of brain cells, I can just pop on here, quickly find which little vid of yours could help, and then get back to rimming! (I know what I said)

Again, many thanks to you and your awesome team. Keep up the solid work! 👍

toto1932 - 25.03.2022 02:10

Dislike. Low quility clip.
It's like "use the spoon when you eat soup"

Michael Fuchs
Michael Fuchs - 25.03.2022 01:59

There is also the simple Warrant Mod you can use to get him back. Just remember to only give a reward for alive. You can also go through the available Criminals like a shopping List for new Colonists to see if anyone has good Skills and Traits.

luna XV
luna XV - 25.03.2022 01:53

There's always a freed prisoner that just walks around the map and never leaves. So if i do leave without them going first the mission fails and i lose relations

Bouncy Rounzy
Bouncy Rounzy - 25.03.2022 01:46

I wouldn't say freeing, I'd say.....Under new management

Daikan Sanchez
Daikan Sanchez - 25.03.2022 01:24

Naaaah, too much work. Just molotov the f0ckers (or the plants around them) and then pick them up one by one while the try to extinguish the inferno around their base. I call this move "the grill 'n greet".

Komyeta - 25.03.2022 01:17

I've played a lot, and never had the oportunity to rescue kidnapped pawns, i suppose i never really let them get kidnapped anyway lol but still... 3000+ hours and counting, no rescue missions to be seen

Unless you are talking about the more generic quest about a 'random prisoner nearby stole a radio to call for help"

your ex-wife
your ex-wife - 25.03.2022 01:12

last time I got so lucky with a solar flare. 8 free turrets and some odd batteries. The prisoner wasnt even worth it, I just left him.

Cheddar_Master Jake
Cheddar_Master Jake - 25.03.2022 01:04

I rescued the prisoner to make them a prisoner who escapes and gets captured becoming a prisoner (etc) prisonerception

reefta - 25.03.2022 00:53

talking about gear up, any mod to make it easier to equip/unequip like 15 colonists? it became very tedious to get each of them to equip up to 4 items and get them all basically naked after a battle
i tried a mod, i think it named gear up? but couldnt get it to work, cant recall why

Mickaël Bernard
Mickaël Bernard - 25.03.2022 00:19

It's all fun and games until the enemy starts using mortars against you.

Viku - 25.03.2022 00:05

Just destroy one of the cables, it's easier and faster than destroying panels

Princess Of Light
Princess Of Light - 25.03.2022 00:05

man what happened to the days of boombalope bombing with drop pods?

atigerclaw - 24.03.2022 23:42

You forgot the part where I land my VTOL craft on the edge of the map and spot for my B-1b lancer bombing run.

Mr Pear
Mr Pear - 24.03.2022 23:40

Remember had a game where it was literally like a Cod mission. Helicopter mod definitely helped add to it. Had one of my melee guy's get his eye shot out by a semi-auto rifle during the extraction.

screaminediot - 24.03.2022 23:38

that last turret wasnt disabled tho

8z - 24.03.2022 23:27

why was that "leave" so aggressive and felt so personal

Templar Knight672
Templar Knight672 - 24.03.2022 23:26

Quick and straight to the point I like it.

Moink - 24.03.2022 23:26

Get your early ticket here

Yeetamis098 - 24.03.2022 23:26

