One Piece Netflix Review From An Anime Normie

One Piece Netflix Review From An Anime Normie

Geeks + Gamers

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DDayCobra - 12.09.2023 00:21

My thumbnail is specifically meant to trigger G+G haters. I loved everything about One Piece!

Rodger Ramjet
Rodger Ramjet - 21.09.2023 08:13

I think they actually got woke right for the first time with this series. It is woke but it's not fake woke like most everything else.

Brad W
Brad W - 21.09.2023 07:19

One Piece is without a doubt the greatest story of ALL time. 🍻

Seldom Seen Smith
Seldom Seen Smith - 21.09.2023 05:29

If Sarkofsky had had total creative control over The Witcher we'd have gotten much better show. It shows how important it is for the creator of the source material to have a direct hand in a tv series or movie project. I have no doubt that without Oda's involvement we'd have gotten a completely different show - the producer is the same one that produced Cowboy Bee Bop and we all saw what a disaster that turned out to be.

T S - 20.09.2023 21:04

Seeing strong men with motivation and that dont hate themselves is VERY refreshing.

Grumpy Santa
Grumpy Santa - 20.09.2023 15:27

Oda, the creator himself, had a hand in who was selected for the cast. He just went with who he felt would be best for the role. In Oda We Trust!

Oh, for more of the adventure... that really kicks off in the Grand Line.

Johnny 94
Johnny 94 - 20.09.2023 15:15

They know better than the person who created One Piece in the first place and was involved in this show too. Lmao 🤣

DIZ 666777
DIZ 666777 - 20.09.2023 14:32

nami's sister already had a darker skin tone than nami in the anime so it really wasn't a big jump making her straight black.

E3Ops - 20.09.2023 14:19

I saw a few anime episodes of this show. This live action is perfect. I've been through it twice now.

diegui fdezt
diegui fdezt - 20.09.2023 14:06

Of course the manga is pretty woke or left wing. This is not controversial for anyone who has read It.

Jeremy Brummel
Jeremy Brummel - 20.09.2023 14:05

Anime is generally not woke because Japan media was diverse to begin with.

GeeKin - 20.09.2023 10:46

Does it get old obsessing over ppl that just think you’re lame? Mans trying to trigger ppl over a show he claimed to like. Must be exhausting

R3 - 20.09.2023 01:12

I didn't mind the change. I wasn't the biggest fan of the child actress of Nami's sister, but the older one was great. I don't think it was really a big deal that they race swapped her considering the fact that her race was never really that important to the story. Plus it helps show visually that Nami and Nojiko aren't related by blood, which conversely, was something I always thought odd considering that they actually do look related in the source material.

Jake Hellström
Jake Hellström - 20.09.2023 00:12

She didnt get race swapped. She is suppose to have darker skin. Get your facts right

Reviews. - 19.09.2023 23:31

I’m not a fan of race swapping I like continuity.

Jerric - 19.09.2023 17:07

The scene where sanji joins the crew and says his goodbye is better than the original. The whole cast nailed their characters and it’s the key ingredient that makes everything work, they aren’t just carbon copies in cosplay, they have chemistry and were a lot of fun to watch.

Khyris Eidan
Khyris Eidan - 19.09.2023 02:29

No fanservice.. Sad face

JAYA nice day
JAYA nice day - 18.09.2023 23:08

G+G, you bring up a good point. I think the problem modern stories often have is that they dwell too much on the surrounding points rather than the core. One easy observation of this is when you see a studio set its success on the expensive CGI. Another is when you invest into a popular actor to carry the show. The problem ends up being a lot of money is spent on a lot of secondary points while neglecting to maintain the most important core...the story. As you said, even if there are weird characters in a series, and even if some things do not look top class, if the story is good, it will ride you through these issues. And Eichiro Oda being one of the best storytellers, the core remains preserved and full of enjoyment.

Being a One Piece manga fan from early 2000's, I appreciated that about the comic even if the comic art style was not the usual "manga artstyle". And I enjoyed the Live Action for the same reason, even if there are some critical points (why oh why is Arlong so small?). And from the success of the manga, the anime, and the live action, it seems others also feel this way as well, across all mediums of entertainment. When a studio puts story as a lower tier importance, one loses the magic. Worse yet, when one starts using the secondary points such as actors, CGI, past popularity, marketing effort, etc, as a way of covering up deliberate changes in the story to meet a certain narrative, it is even worse. Fans are not stupid, and they do take heart to such actions.

I am not sure if Netflix learned their lesson, Oda sicked Mackenyu on the execs to behave, or Netflix ate a Bard Bard fruit, but they seemed to have done the franchise justice by respecting the source material while best adapting the style to meet a live action medium. If the other productions do not want to go down this path of story quality for their own franchises, well, let them become the next Axe-hand Morgan, ego and all.

Jaime Ruiz
Jaime Ruiz - 18.09.2023 20:37

Nami's sister was turned into a HARD R.

Tom Hazzard
Tom Hazzard - 18.09.2023 18:40

I don't understand why people say source material, then reference the anime.......................Which isn't the source material.

naysayer - 18.09.2023 18:21

Aren't these the same dudes that went off because they race swapped Joel's daughter in the last of us tv show? But it's cool in one piece lol just kinda weird to me

Ariel Plaza
Ariel Plaza - 18.09.2023 17:29

As an aside having Nojiko race-flipped actually helped the narrative, as it's very easy to forget in the anime that the two aren't actually biological sisters.

MZ - 18.09.2023 09:39

…..thats a dude in a blue wig…..

Ryan thompson
Ryan thompson - 18.09.2023 06:30

Paying for netflix itself is normie cope.

Klee Klee
Klee Klee - 18.09.2023 05:02

Just so you know… there’s lots of trannies and gay dudes in the series later down the line.

Elise Liana Boyd
Elise Liana Boyd - 18.09.2023 01:48

The creator of one piece was the one who told Netflix what race each character in one piece is. So the race they are in the live action is the race he would have/did make them in the anime

Grey Bricks
Grey Bricks - 17.09.2023 19:07

Best line, "Girls can beat boys but a woman can never beat a man." The writers room must have exploded

Ali Gmal
Ali Gmal - 17.09.2023 17:50

i don't think it make sense to talk about race swap when it comes to one piece because the original source material is what technically race swapped the characters original nationality

The Doctor
The Doctor - 17.09.2023 15:02

Can you do Reviews of the anime too? I really really liked this

MoonshineGraffiti - 17.09.2023 04:43

Ugh, this show is shit. When did fan standards sink so low?

Resident Gin
Resident Gin - 17.09.2023 04:00

I'm at the Wano Arc in the anime (1,074 ep) in. I wouldn't even consider myself a hardcore One Piece fan. But a lot of the stuff I forgave was for time constraints and budgetary reasons. I would never expect them to adapt 1,074 ep of an anime or 103 vol. of a manga. My only expectation was to respect the source material, no partisan agenda pushing, and to have fun with it. They very much delivered.

Нева (Neva)
Нева (Neva) - 17.09.2023 02:23

For the record, One Piece is woke as all hell. The difference as always with movies and shows people complain about isn't its politics but its laziness and pandering. Case in point - Arlong the fishman is played by a black actor and makes multiple speeches about a racial divide that strongly reflects the black experience. Meanwhile, people are losing their minds about The Little Mermaid, another fictional character of a fictional species/race, being race-swapped.

Ftr, Halle Bailey is talented and beautiful, but Disney did nothing to justify or elevate that live action movie except as a cash grab. And they didn't utilize their lead actress also except as a virtue-signaling cash grab.

SirMoist - 16.09.2023 22:36

I also started the anime. I tried and quit a few times way back but the live action made me want to dig in the original.

Sir Boxalot
Sir Boxalot - 16.09.2023 22:18

The manga is amazing especially the digital colored version but the anime has its stronger points too especially in the latter half of the anime

Sir Boxalot
Sir Boxalot - 16.09.2023 22:17

Wait for the cook the doctor the shipwright the historian and musician lol the whole crew is amazing but I did have a problem with nami sister not being hot lol Sanji has a line in anime manga that says something like no wonder nami is so beautiful talking to nami sister (even tho there not actually related)

Sir Boxalot
Sir Boxalot - 16.09.2023 22:12

I’ve read the manga and am now watching anime after watching live action the casting choices are amazing

BIGT100💨⛽ - 16.09.2023 21:05

Idk but they did make Nami sister black for some reason

chichiboypumpi - 16.09.2023 21:01

I had to click, I thought the woketards hated it, I never got into the hype of One Piece, Attack on Titan, One Punch...

Ty Fighter
Ty Fighter - 16.09.2023 16:53

Is Koby a trans male in the anime?

YeetyMcFly - 16.09.2023 06:44

If they race swapped any single character then its dead to me. F this version of society, full hermit mode and I am happy.

IT - 16.09.2023 05:11

One of the reason fans loved One Piece is because of near perfect casting for most roles so if they fk that up due to wokism it would have recieved alot of backlash.

Carlos Amaya
Carlos Amaya - 16.09.2023 02:59

Lucky Roux (Shanks' fat crewmate) was swapped from white to black, Ussop and Yassop (Shanks' crew sniper) were swapped from brown to black, Ussop's mother was swapped from white to black, Nojiko (Mani's sister) was swapped from tanned (she wasn't white) to black, I got any problem with those changes nope, you can watch Lucky Roux and Yassop in the actors the swap didn't matter, same with Ussop, Ussop's mother didn't have much screen time but I understand that it's that way for the spoiler of Ussop's father (Yassop), and Nojiko is the only one that make me noise, first cause Nojiko is very beautiful and the actor not so much (sorry, my opinion), and second, she has a mayor and important change cause not knowing of Nami's sacrifice take all the meaning in her tattoos, cause she did those tattoos as a way of silent support to Nami when she was still a child, but in the end I didn't hate the final product cause it was a great show, and about Koby been acted by a trans man, didn't care, the first time a saw him I say that's Koby and after that nothing make me change that opinion, and please, most of us want Bon-chan in the second season or Ivankov in maybe 10 years and still can dream with Okiku in another 20 years of the Live Action xD... the WOKE haters of One Piece will be so confused with a show with real diversity...

Krucial Moments
Krucial Moments - 16.09.2023 02:56

Finished One Piece anime recently and I enjoyed it. It was a fun watch. But the Netflix live action series at first, I did not even entertain the idea of watch it, I taught it was going to suck just like everything else that came out of Holly-woke these past several years. I've been watching anime since the 80's and I'm also an OG (Original Gamer) started gaming with my Atari 2600, I'm also an OG (OG) but that's a whole different story. Anyway, at first, I was not interested in watching this Netflix live anime interpretation because I had already convinced myself that it would suck, just like everything else that I loved and I held dear in my life, that had been destroyed, humiliated, spat upon and decapitated by the new destroyers of all hopes and dreams, and of anything fun that brings joy to the world "The Evil Woke Empire!" They infect everything they touch with their evil woke mind virus and it spreads quickly leaving nothing in its wake but woke-tards and woke-turds. Then I heard rumors that it was actually pretty good, and that they have learned from the Netflix Cowboy bebop (which I hated, couldn't get past the first 10 minutes, love the original anime) I heard they did the total opposite of that show, like listening to the fans, and they stayed true to the original source material. also, the original writer of the manga was heavily involved in the show, and nothing got past him that he would not approve. I couldn't believe it! Netflix is not bending the knee to Holly-woke, and it's woke-tard writers? They are going to catch a lot of flak for this! might even get a low ESG score. But then I heard Netflix One Piece is catching a lot of flak from the Social Justice Woke-tard Army! What? Insane! Did I just cross into another dimension? That means Netflix One Piece is actually going to be good! You know something is good when the Wokes attack it! I had to give it a watch and man was I not disappointed. Wow! Impressive, most impressive. Netflix you delivered! I had a lot of fun watching it, I grew to love all the characters, they were all amazing, great story telling for everyone not just pandering to the that loud psycho minority group known as the Woke-tard Army who destroy everything they touch in the name of social justice instead of creating something positive for all humanity. Thank you, Netflix, for not pandering. Man (can I even say that word anymore? Is it ok to say man? anyway) I can't wait for season 2, standing ovation. Please watch and support none woke content to save our planet. Thank you all for your time.

F1rst World NomaD
F1rst World NomaD - 15.09.2023 23:18

One Piece is so overrated.
It IS a good show... but the best selling manga of all time?
Its not THAT good.

F1rst World NomaD
F1rst World NomaD - 15.09.2023 23:13

They also gender swapped one of the black cat pirates...
The maid, I forgot the name, thats a dude in the original.

Dax Rico
Dax Rico - 15.09.2023 23:13

One Piece definitely has some woke elements, but that's balanced out with some based elements. I get the impression that if the creator didn't maintain creative control, the show would've been a woke abomination

F1rst World NomaD
F1rst World NomaD - 15.09.2023 23:12

Nick Fury and Namis sister dont get backlash cuz normies dont know they were not black originally.
I hate race swaps regardless.
Its easier to overlook if its a side character... but its still complete bull.
It would still be bullcrap if they did a black to white swap... but they would never do that, lets be honest.

Mangster - 15.09.2023 22:07

Once u falling into The anime hole you are going to find more holes to b stuck in! Good luck 🎉
