Remitano Complete TutorialHow to Trade (Buy & Sell for Naira) | Other Services, Tips & Strategies

Remitano Complete TutorialHow to Trade (Buy & Sell for Naira) | Other Services, Tips & Strategies

Jude Umeano

5 лет назад

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@patrickegbuche9916 - 05.11.2019 03:29

I just subscrined... Watched your videos mostly with that of quidax, i opened an account and bought btc twice on it. but how do someone withdraw from quidax? Its not working and also I couldn't send my bitcoin to someone else. Why???

@tiusoro - 11.06.2020 18:42

Thank you...I have been using Remitano for a while now...been buying from Remitano since 2017 but always transfers to Luno to sell. For some reason i couldnt understand how to sell with Remitano...Your training just clarified that. Thank you

@britechime1190 - 26.08.2020 02:04

Quick question, is it a must to buy from a bank similar to yours because how often do one get the same bank at first 5 pg.

@amasiatulasbrey6081 - 18.09.2020 05:28

Bro, can I have your contact?.. need some personal questions to ask you about remitano

@chandrank182 - 22.10.2020 08:39

Well explained

@ley4u - 31.10.2020 13:21

Awesome... Well explained 👍

@mormehliakpor3538 - 05.12.2020 21:19

I will be glad to learn

@giftgrace899 - 16.02.2021 10:37

Thanks for ur teaching on crypo, pls am usually luno wallet, pls i want to know weather is it works with this escrow u talked about as a third party in crypo exchange?

@omoniyimanfred7959 - 20.02.2021 16:33

Jude, your videos are well explained. Keep up the good work. Thanks and God bless you.

@thelagospriusdriver - 10.03.2021 11:58

Quick one. Can you transfer cryptos on Remitano to other crypto wallet?

@malikdacapone - 15.04.2021 13:10

I think a new more recent video should be done on how to sell coin to get ₦aira on Remitano platform...alot has changed since this video was done and it's totally different now and much more complicated...I tried selling some Bitcoin for naira on Remitano recently and it didn't work at all...despite trying multiple times..once you click to sell~ enter the amount~ from there it's totally different. Can you look into it and update this video?

@kennyoputa8253 - 17.04.2021 03:54

Can i send money from my naira wallet to remitano for withdrawal into my bank.

@judealbertokwudei6641 - 18.04.2021 05:52

Please Jude help me.
I'm finding it difficult to verify my Remitano account. How do I go about it?

@gameplaydodo - 04.05.2021 01:31

Thank you. I just started trading in USDT

@obasmichael7876 - 05.05.2021 15:54

I'm new to Crypto. I trade using Luno and Remitano. Can I transfer coins between Luno and Remitano? If yes, pls can you advice?

@mosesnyirenda6359 - 08.05.2021 07:40

I'm trying to with drwa but Im getting this messange"error Exceed seller's sell_quota"what do i do?

@MrLatibra - 10.07.2021 01:46

Sir , How can 1 send my BTC in REMITANO Account to another BTC wallet address?

@mchchezzy270 - 29.09.2021 06:18

Can I verify my account with NIN

@austineademiju9188 - 17.10.2021 18:38

You are a good boss, I will to give it a trial on remitano trade.

@krisosaze5554 - 10.02.2022 03:07

Hello, I want to know other cryptocurrency app that work in Nigeria aside binance and remitano.thank you

@oluremihamzat1615 - 18.02.2022 15:00

Kindly guide me I want to withdraw from Remitano. Touch ID/Face ID always pop up if I click on confirm it takes me to my device finger pattern which I did but I t always take me back what can I do

@veronicalawson9752 - 26.02.2022 18:25

How can I register

@Udobele3989 - 25.04.2022 08:55

Hi Jude, from the selling. Does it mean you will receive about 3 million naira from the buyer?

@efesalubi2571 - 07.05.2022 16:15

Good day sir, is there a course for OTC TRADING? Am interested in it.

@ebinumbrightokudaye6078 - 19.09.2022 19:46

More grace

@ebinumbrightokudaye6078 - 19.09.2022 19:46

More grace

@frances-salt7382 - 15.07.2023 19:36

Thank you Sir, you are the best🙏🏾

@ceetulb - 03.03.2024 01:12

Deposited bitcoin for like 3 hours I have not seen coin in my wallet

@BelovedSonia0598 - 04.04.2024 01:08

Thank u so much, Sir 💓
The teach was very helpful

@JudeUmeano - 11.03.2021 09:06

A lot of persons have been scammed in the comment section by people pretending to be me or work for me. Or by people that drop claims of how they made a profit through an IG or Telegram User.
Some of these persons even create a fake account using my name and profile picture to deceive people.
I try as much as I can to delete these dubious comments, but some still slip by.
Please note that I or any of my team members will not ask you for money to trade for you or anything at all.
We will certainly not leave our phone number in the comment section. If you must contact, please go to the description box our contact information is at the end. Thank you.
