Attracting Love ️ Reiki Healing Session

Attracting Love ️ Reiki Healing Session

Reiki Healing Hope ASMR

1 год назад

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@hilow9491 - 13.09.2023 05:11

My soulmate liked me romantically before but now shes fallen for some guy who isnt even her type or shares the same values as her.

@zaraxx386 - 20.07.2023 06:01

honestly these have helped me so much over the past few months finally got self love and love from someone else 🫶🏼

@theo2425 - 20.07.2023 03:35

PromoSM 😱

@magikallynx68 - 13.07.2023 12:14

I've come such a long way since listening to you. When i first moved abroad two years ago, I believed bo one could love me and was desperate for someone to "save me", then I found self respect and gradually got experience. Two years later I'm more confident and less needy for a relationship. The main issue i have now is guys showing interest in me, but once i show interest back they suddenly don't anymore 🤔😐

@CandiseGraham - 19.06.2023 08:49

Thank you ❤ love you

@Noise_floorxx - 16.06.2023 00:40

I went on 4 dates with a guy and everything was great until he had to do emotional labor. I was so disappointed and I just don't know anymore

@theresajg11 - 15.06.2023 20:33

I really needed to hear this today. Thank you so much!

@kitty4059 - 15.06.2023 18:42

I need physical touch i only want it from someone ive poured my soul into. I feel like im going to be alone forever because i have my eye on one person they are the perfect embodiment of everything i want to feel. They never said they dont like me back but they’re on a path of self isolation right now and it hurts

@JuliaLaforge - 15.06.2023 15:28

Thank you very much for this video <3

@emmaeldridge1065 - 15.06.2023 07:26

A year down of listening to you❤️ Got me through a break up, senior year, and now onto college!

@sammydagoat5766 - 15.06.2023 04:58

Fourth Comment

You Always Perfect The Way You Are

@cianaleemartin1031 - 15.06.2023 04:31

And thank u for using my favorite crystal!

@cianaleemartin1031 - 15.06.2023 04:30

Thank u I needed this love

@YllibD - 15.06.2023 04:10

You wonderful human beings all👌
