Hinduism 101: Religions in Global History

Hinduism 101: Religions in Global History

Hip Hughes

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@lucassenju2183 - 20.12.2022 18:58

The word you were looking for is panentheism.

@arasiyalarakan560 - 25.12.2022 18:29

Aryan invasion theory is wrong

@rohanswarnkar369 - 15.01.2023 17:59

Aryan theory is false

@milvertonmom50 - 17.01.2023 19:23

Hinduism all sounds lovely with the philosophy of the path, but it is still based in sexist/mysoginistic roots. Notice that the top of the pyramid is only men. Women are, again, relegated to the bottom. This is why I cannot buy into it. Maybe if I found a 'religion'/spiritual belief that had equity of the genders I would be attracted to it. For now. Hinduism fails my equity test. Sad :(

@LilyCarriero - 23.01.2023 07:17

Getting ready for my midterm 🤗

@jasonh.8754 - 23.01.2023 14:49

After the endless arguing and bickering between the traditional monotheists of the West it is nice to learn of a religious system with more tolerance, thank you for this information.

@virgilioblanco5374 - 29.01.2023 23:31

You're talking about a very old set of "TEACHINGS", it have been "UPDATED" many times, but Satan's manipulations of EVERYTHING related to "The CREATOR", feeds into man's limited minds. Hinduism the most off course of them all. "HEAVEN & HELL are "STATES OF THE MIND", and GOD'S is NOT a "SOMETIMES" thing.

@CHRISTIANLERMA-qd2ic - 09.02.2023 19:46


@saraaros40 - 18.03.2023 15:59

Thank you sir for this beautiful video ! You really did a great job in explaining the Hinduism in such a simple way . I only have a question according to the caste system : how they put people in theses categories based on what ? Their karma ? Who defined this system ? It’s a bit confusing for me and I find it unfair to put people in such categories unless if there was a logical explanation 🙏

@aMulliganStew - 19.03.2023 03:36

If someone comes down and says, " Take me to the Hindu leader", you hand them a mirror.

@tashaun1398 - 22.03.2023 22:28

Why would God give us Hinduism and not share his son basically opening the door of proof that we live in water.

@mkayses - 29.03.2023 23:20

MYTHOlogy classification section

@TRINI123A - 30.03.2023 05:21

Great video. So many concepts easily explained.

@toefoneman - 06.04.2023 19:22

Those 3 gods are basically correct, one who is 3 and 2 that are one. Its complicated but not necessarily wrong.

@tsentol2015 - 08.04.2023 04:29

Bro the longest known religion is Buddhism! (I think but that’s what my parents and all my other bhuddists and their parents say)

@tsentol2015 - 08.04.2023 04:32

I know all the vocabulary words

@evad520 - 17.04.2023 19:30

The Arians didn't bring beliefs they just gave it a name. Hare Krishna

@Varghukarimbil - 21.04.2023 14:43

Dharma is the proper way of doing Karma.
Hinduism through Verna hierarchy divides people.
And I hate the caste system..

@indrabudhu1069 - 21.04.2023 20:39

May Krishna bless you

@khajazakirhussain9611 - 27.04.2023 02:18

Facts of religion
. Peace here and salvation hereafter
. Do good be away from bad deeds
. There is life after death good ones are awarded and bad ones are punished
. Recognise, Creator of this beautiful universe and be grateful to him

@mohdsufiansalleh4085 - 04.06.2023 12:13

off dudy. ahh, the one thing i did every day

@kiraan2610 - 04.06.2023 15:18

Aryan invasion/migration has been debunked so many times.

Hinduism is panthiestic. Everything is Brahman(not to be confused with Brahma the creator).

Dharma is anything that sustains.

There is no caste system in Hinduism, British made it up, as per their divide and rule policy and now we have to live with it.
Caste is a European, derived from the Portugese word casta.

There is Jati and Varna not same as European version of caste system.
Varna( showed in this video) is based on a person's nature or character, Bhagawat gita clearly defines it.
Jāti is the term traditionally used to describe a cohesive group of people in the Indian subcontinent, like a tribe, community, clan, sub-clan. Literally every part of the world has or had this, Indian sub continent is no different.

@mtuscan1636 - 16.06.2023 18:45

You rightly said..hinduism is least dogmatic and most liberal religion among all

@georgen9755 - 18.08.2023 18:44

what is truth ? stealing ? following deceit ? following the CCTV right into people's cupboards and dig their household utilities ? practice all evil so the truth perishes ?

@hibiscussunflower5916 - 22.08.2023 03:44

God created Adam and Eve. Civilization began from here.

@adityapandey144 - 21.09.2023 17:04

You dont even know 1% of what is hinduism. Please read more before sharing an opinion or view that’s very basic to say the least.

@georgepeters4536 - 23.09.2023 11:35

The worst religion out there LOL

@mohislam3041 - 10.10.2023 21:46



@nazzicentaurio2038 - 13.10.2023 11:09

Is it a henotheistic religion?

@enrique3oo - 07.11.2023 23:22

Theses people need Jesus Christ

@mr.akkannak2589 - 12.11.2023 21:46

First please all people tell what is God? For example 3000 years back, god gave four dharm or religions on earth , and later 12 different people gave another 12 religions saying that god told them to give these religions to fool the innocent people to get some benefits  by some four selfish people and to do good to society by some 8 good people. But, these 12 people lied, god never told them anything.  They wrote some good morals, ethics, some stupid things, etc. In all 12 religions, they told teachings and later came as religious books - this god is best God in the world, this religion is best religion in the world.  Now, totally we have 16 religions , four original and 12 fake religions. How would you know which four religions or dharmas are original and which 12 religions are fake?  First answer this. All those religions are followed by crores of people for example take. Please answer.  Without answering this, it is just time waste to describe about any God. Because, that god may be original or fake God.

If somebody is really interested to know about god, then don't try to know from religious books. Instead, search god on your own. If a person is good, mostly he will be good with any person in this world, he/she never hurts others intentionally with words or deeds, if possible he/she would help others whatever possible. He/she never speaks anything with bad intention of dividing the people to create fightings among people, so Good person has atleasr this much and even more good qualities follow, then just imagine if god is there, then god must follow even more good qualities , he/she never creates fightings among people, never gives words that are harmful to the world. Apart from this, He/she has the capacity to do creation. So, first understand what is god bt seeing and observing the nature, sky, sun, moon, proper order of life, people, good people and bad people, birds, insects, rain, air, etc..and understand the God expects people to go in good path and expects all people to help each other , but never divides the people to create fightings among the them. Even if only one god there, also god qualities will be like this only, or multiple gods there also, their qualities will be like above only. He/she/They possess highest good qualities with creation doing power, that is why he/she/they called as gods. So, blindly don't decide god is one only or god is multiple, these are useless discussions made by many people. Our focus should be on following good path without hurting others by words or deeds, don't create differences between people as high or low, but respect all people, then only we can say we are following god. One god or multiple gods, is not important or useful topic to discuss, because without meeting any god or gods, how could people tell one god or multiple gods? If I was born 4000 years back, I write a religious book on my own by copying teachings from other religious books or elders words good, bad, cruel and write total 126 gods there, 63 male and 63 female gods,  all gods came to me, I saw all gods, I would write some names also whatever I wish as per my interest. Then, later that would form as religion. Now, that religion followed people 50 crores or more than that for example, blindly think only 126 gods there and their names given, any other gods in society we don't accept,  they would say. These 50 crores people never I derstabd that I never saw any gods, and I only created all duplicate gods with duplicate names as per my wish. So, is there any meaningful in their belief that there are total 126 gods there as per their religious book and that is only true? No meaningful at all. But, blindly they say and believe blindly and live with blind faiths and keep on fighting with other religions if any religion god name not in their 126 gods list. They would say, your god name in not in our 126 gods list, this is final truthful list, so your god is duplicate . But, they themselves don't know that their 126 gods are duplicate gods created by me 4000 years back. So, blind beliefs are dangerous to society and people. So, don't bother god is male or female, don't bother god is one or many, instead focus on following good path by believing God without following religious books . Or if somebody wants to follow religious books, then first observe that teachings in book are useful to go in good path or harmful to a person and society. If useful to the life without creating troubles to others, then follow that god and that religious book. Please understand that 6-7 good food items can be spoiled by small amount of poison spilling on food. Sameway, even if some good teachings given in any religious book, if some teachings are bad or cruel words given to create troubles to ourselves or others, then that type of religious book following is highly dangerous to the person and society. Because, all good teachings become useless because of some bad or cruel teachings. So, blind belief is highly dangerous. Instead of blind faith on god, it is better not to believe any god and live as good atheist with good rules. Or some people interested to follow god, then start thinking and observing the world, society and learn what god expects to live, and live as good person without creating troubles to others by words or deeds. Don't live with blind faith on god, but use commonsense, intelligence, reasoning and understand that following god means following good path. 
Sometimes, even if god gave good teachings in the past, later after some years that teachings could come in bad and selfish gurus or religious leaders or common people hands who take the responsibility to preserve it and they may change some good teachings to bad, may add their own bad and cruel teachings on the name of God as if god told that, to get some benefits from society like money, power, luxury, women, control the society for their selfish desires. Later after some hundreds of years or thousands of years, innocent people blindly believe all that good, bad, cruel teachings and follow that blindly because of fear about god or interest to go heaven by blindly following all those good, bad, cruel teachings and spoil their life and destroy others life in society. So, how present people know which are god given teachings and which are duplicate teachings added by past people? For this only, we need to use our commonsense, reasoning, intelligence to understand and accept  only good teachings that takes us in good path and reject bad teachings that harm our life or others life in society.
I am a Hindu, I follow God Krishna.


@SmartPhone-ro3xe - 22.11.2023 03:20

perfect I immediately subscribed

@sudhanshuranjan4044 - 24.11.2023 18:15

Aryan invasion theory is wrong😅 give proper information this was theory termed by British who wanted to divide country in 1900😅beforw that there was no such proof or anything 😅

@TamaikiiPogi - 13.12.2023 14:04

you Hindus stop worshiping demons

@rodniki14 - 20.12.2023 23:37

Interesting. As with all religions, based on faith, meaning, finger to the wind.

@bluedragonstruth1532 - 19.01.2024 20:07

Ganesha is Jesus and he is coming and he is blue like the story is told
The blue knight

@convid1941 - 26.01.2024 00:36

Hindu's final destination is in hellfire....FACTS.

@bullvinetheband7260 - 01.02.2024 01:02

😂I noticed that Christinity and Islam had pagan signs the three wiseman afirming Jesus with a star and Mohammad affirmed through the black stone just an observation.❤

@Zodapopzzx - 02.02.2024 21:08

Hi friend! Ok so I found a way to save universes. So first step is Y'shua is Yah. Yah means I Am, so He is The Great I Am. YaHuWsHua is another spelling and YaH is in his name. So in the NDE's when people go home they are shown they can move in and out of form which is like in and out of omnipresence with God. We can do the little I am meditations for healing that they teach in Christianity. It helps us to heal and get better without taking God's glory. We are the light of God. So if people remember Yshua is also God and was a real person and can move in and out of form. then we will see The One is God. I call God the God of Universes and also The God of Wholeness. Y'shua is also an I Am and can move in and out of form so is The Great I Am, and The Oneness.

@bystanderbutch3509 - 05.02.2024 15:49

Homer Simpson is Genesh. He tried to stop Apu's wedding.

@sonarbangla8711 - 15.02.2024 15:52

Hinduism isn't India;s state religion, it is Sanatan religion preached by Krishna.

@7EightSwag - 27.02.2024 03:53

The Aryan invasion theory is wrong
Please check
There is no evidence of the Aryan invasion theory
Hope you do some more study

@dhyangyan31 - 03.04.2024 11:25

That is not caste, it is called Varna system. The job you take over is your varna. If you are intellectual then you are brahman,if you are warrior then you are khashtriya,if you are business man or farmer then you are vaishya, if you dont do anything then you are sudra.

@anthonybaransky137 - 27.05.2024 21:40

At half way through I was impressed with your accuracy 👍bet you might not know that even Hinduism became a religion based upon the knowledge that their ancestors had a direct connection with the cosmic conscienceness (God) the Holy Science

@dadinla - 24.07.2024 22:10

Aryans are from India

@manorasawh5428 - 23.08.2024 00:44


@sophiakansasamy5826 - 29.08.2024 21:09


@Vencat. - 30.08.2024 07:07

It is mentioned in the Scriptures that God Shiva is only Dissolver- Not the Destroyer for destruction is different from dissolving things

@LuckReynaga - 02.09.2024 22:50

Shivah and Vishnu are the devil

@LuckReynaga - 02.09.2024 22:50

And Brahma is just one of the aspects of the devil
