Laravel First Impressions From A JavaScript Dev

Laravel First Impressions From A JavaScript Dev


1 год назад

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Paulo Sandsten
Paulo Sandsten - 23.11.2023 21:02

After almost a decade leaving PHP for JS, it seems like I come a full circle to actually go back and take it serious again. Laravel seems like a much better tool (framework) than anything that we see in JS community. Yes, Next or Remix doesn't come close.

To actually have a framework where you can deploy a production ready MVP in a weekend as a Laravel novice is just mind blowing.

Rick C
Rick C - 17.11.2023 15:47

This was fun, but for the record if you run npm run dev instead of build, it live reloads :)

JKey程序员朴素无华且枯燥 - 03.11.2023 14:15

__("Dashboard"), __() is for language translate purpose

MrJDubYou - 01.11.2023 00:39

Looking to learn Laravel and PHP to make an app myself so thank you for reaffirming that decision. Love to see more content in this space.

American Hero
American Hero - 27.10.2023 03:04

I am a JavaScript developer working in Laville and it is just not an environment. I enjoy. Next JS feels so intuitive and Laville feels bloated and cumbersome with a lot of extra garbage built-in into every package. Maybe if I built what I’m working on from scratch. It wouldn’t feel so confusing and messy. PHP is aggravating for me. I have been working on learning Go for the backend, and it feels way more intuitive to me.

Re Oz
Re Oz - 25.10.2023 04:35

To summarize, you think PHP is okay/cool/whatever because you can generate a website using some random framework and... it works? I'm not hater, just wanna point that this video is ultra dumb.. dude you didnt even show PHP code :|

BombL - 24.10.2023 08:43

+1 sub

dsego84 - 23.10.2023 13:48

Inertia abstracts away communication between FE & BE, it's like having a React template, you don't have to worry about doing API calls manually, you build your React/Vue page and inertia takes care of preloading data from the server when the page is rendered and then all updates are done async via special json format. The FE component just takes in the props and renders.

airaction - 21.10.2023 06:31

Php is like crypto. It died 400 times but everybody still use it

Hasan ABLAK - 17.10.2023 23:13

Dev Cast
Dev Cast - 10.10.2023 20:17

run npm run dev if you want to see live reload

Cypher - 05.10.2023 12:37

Laravel Vs Others:
Laravel Has The Best Documentation

Carlos Galarza
Carlos Galarza - 30.09.2023 14:26

"HMR how cool" hahaha, great video!

sanjeev dandin
sanjeev dandin - 29.09.2023 18:11

People always forget that React was influenced by XHP which is just another way of writing PHP.

Hasan AlDoy
Hasan AlDoy - 26.09.2023 01:30

Truly outstandingly Honest 👏

Sabin Shrestha
Sabin Shrestha - 20.09.2023 17:16

React or Vue, Inertia and Laravel, I am amazed with these.

junaid waqas
junaid waqas - 14.09.2023 07:36

you see laravel root directory structure it tell you a sequence of developing

Ryan Wu
Ryan Wu - 11.09.2023 11:49

Laravel is actually cool but php without laravel is not imho XD

Victor Pinas Arnault
Victor Pinas Arnault - 08.09.2023 02:14

I Love PHP.

j92s1 - 07.09.2023 15:42

I've been developing in PHP for 11 years now. Always worked for very small companies so my own opinions on using a framework were never challenged. I thought that using a framework would be severely limiting. About 5 years ago, a dev came on board singing the praises of Laravel. He was right and I haven't looked back.

James - 07.09.2023 15:00

Laravel docker... no thanks😅

Frank Rocha
Frank Rocha - 06.09.2023 04:41

Awesome video! How do I do this terminal setup?

Zeeshan Sabir
Zeeshan Sabir - 03.09.2023 00:03

I'm sure, you are not using it first time. are you are taking time to complete this video

Riad Gazi
Riad Gazi - 02.09.2023 13:28

js ecosystem looks much better LOL

Michael Koerner
Michael Koerner - 30.08.2023 03:46

Did you ever build that video using Vapor? I’d love to see it. I’m starting a b2b saas using Laravel and I want to use Vapor.

Nathan - 29.08.2023 09:28

With Vite you can get live reloading on blade files.

Nodsaibot - 24.08.2023 07:19

PHP 8.2 is COOL, laravel is dogshit

Jamesvelopment Hagood
Jamesvelopment Hagood - 20.08.2023 20:11

Laravel is great. The only thing I don't like about the MVC frameworks is that I can't figure out a way to do smooth animated page transitions

Jamesvelopment Hagood
Jamesvelopment Hagood - 20.08.2023 19:54

Your terminal colors are so much cooler than mine.

hexdom - 19.08.2023 15:28

I love Laravel and have been using it for years! It's a stable and battle tested framework with a LOT of stuff out of the box, and the stuff they have included are well thought out and implemented in a away so it makes it easy to work with. The framework is using the MVC model (Model (database table representation), View and Controller (business logic, CRUD = Create, Read, Update, Delete, etc).

It's a GREAT framework.

The {{ __('Word') }} is for localization purposes.

Edit: {{}} are Laravel's standard syntax for bringing out variables from the controller. The __() is the localization part. Just for clarity.

Makes it easy to translate using simple translation files.

Tutorials Guy
Tutorials Guy - 14.08.2023 16:11

Inertia can be used even without Laravel and it enables you to pass array of key => value pairs from your backend code to a frontend Vue (or React) component that then receives those named array keys as properties set to values that you've given to those properties in your backend code. It's literally a glue between frontend and backend so your app can be more backend heavy and frontend is just made up of components that receive data they need from your backend controller that renders them. Also, routing is done on the backend side, not in Vue or similar

bookaltd - 13.08.2023 10:25

I wish I'd seen this a month ago. I used to use PHP but haven't done any web development for over 10 years. Just started a new job and built an application from scratch, just used Bootstrap for design. Laravel would've been so much easier lol

Trương Hưng
Trương Hưng - 13.08.2023 06:55

In the last few years, with the development of nodejs, php has been ridiculed a lot

Ganesh B.Y.
Ganesh B.Y. - 12.08.2023 20:55

Laravel + Infyom crud generator = Rapid Enterprise Apps

Pasha Bolokhov
Pasha Bolokhov - 12.08.2023 17:16

Php is one of the most ABHORRENT languages I know:
1. Don't you feel yourself superstupid and superdumb every time you have to type "<?php>" in the beginning of the file???
2. And then you shouldn't close this tag?? Geee....
3. And then, this tag is the reminder that you are able to (and some still do) mix Php, Html and even Javascript by means of mixing the <?php> tag with regular HTML… Geee
4. And then, your codebase is located in the AREA YOU SERVE ON THE INTERNET.... Isn't that STUPID? While you typically shouldn't, some people still leave around various API keys etc in the code. But even if you don't, your ".env" file is still sitting in the AREA YOU SERVE ON THE INTERNET.... And the Git repository is of course there too, with Git config etc..... Geeee people, one big stupid GEEEE...
5. Ah, you're backed by Apache! It's protecting you well! (if it is configured properly; did you not forget to re-configure Apache when you migrated to a newer server?) WOW! What a statement! Apache! Is it still alive?? I mean.. what is all that "modphp", "mod-this", "mod-that" bullshit and how do you know which to load and which not to load? And why not load fucking all of them if you ever need them?
6. Oh yeah, and when debugging, you have to log your debug into the ERROR LOG OF APACHE. Seriously? So, besides just sounding stupid, your log messages will be mixed with other functional log messages from Apache. But then, like I said, it's also stupid because it's the ERROR LOG. Just one Gee on top of another Gee, hard to say which one is Geeer
7. Typehints started appearing just recently, without them you really create a mess of a program when forgetting what argument what function is accepting, in which cases they can or cannot be "null" etc. And while the typehints of a "healthy human" have just started appearing as of Php 8.0, the majority of the code that has been written DOES NOT include typehints
8. Dealing with objects (like { name: "Barbara Smith" }) is super ugly in Php. Those stupid square brackets. Even the ugliest language of Python has somewhat better handling of objects
9. "array_map()" is backwards. How do you chain those? Gee people
10. Module import is the ugly garbage. You have to use another, third party PACKAGE just to be able to import a class!
11. Php stands for Personal Home Page, you didn't know? It's for creating a homepage, the kind you can easier do in Microsoft Word. NOT for a production server.

MikeOnTheBox - 12.08.2023 14:00

Isn't there a difference between technology and programming language?

Michał Lipek
Michał Lipek - 11.08.2023 10:28

I've been using PHP for about 17 years, and it would never be my first choice unless I was doing something fast where quality wasn't an issue. Like a startup app, or simple web app. Maybe I'm biased, I work with big products with complex domain logic and I think Symfony is just better for that kind of thing.

Spawn - 10.08.2023 23:01

I’m digging it!

blindmotion - 10.08.2023 05:59

feels like a huge paid advertisement

Karnes - 10.08.2023 02:07

Laravel is for me the best framework in PHP and the Error Page is very helpfull on development to fix the error.

Will Willis
Will Willis - 09.08.2023 05:00

"I installed my weight in [npm] packages" - after first Hello World app

meduz' - 08.08.2023 18:26

Welcome to the Laravel world, @adamdotenv. o/

Abdelrhman Said
Abdelrhman Said - 08.08.2023 11:50

If you run `npm run dev` instead of `npm run build`, it will enable HMR.

Marek Korcz
Marek Korcz - 05.08.2023 13:06

Cool video! I have a question, what's the name of text editor that you are using?

Pablo N
Pablo N - 02.08.2023 22:29

As a React/Node developer I miss working with Laravel...

Omega Man
Omega Man - 02.08.2023 05:43

PHP is garbage. A web programming language not supporting Unicode natively. Expect for English web site, PHP is a major pain in the A55.

Sonia Blanche
Sonia Blanche - 02.08.2023 02:05

npm run dev for auto reloading, npm run build is for production
