SCUM 0.8 - How To Upgrade Repair & Mod The New Modular Vehicles

SCUM 0.8 - How To Upgrade Repair & Mod The New Modular Vehicles


1 год назад

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RayKit - 20.02.2023 06:29

Most will know how to repair wheels and the vehicle in general but here's some tools you will also need on the road -

-Improvised tyre repair kit
-Tyre repair kit
-Vehicle repair kit

You can also repair your car via the trader once your vehicle is on the vehicle jack

STRYKER1467 - 15.10.2023 13:06

Instead of having medium engineering there should be books on how to maintenance cars like 5 books or something, its such a pain leveling engineering it would be easier if you could purchase the books from a trader.

zhanshiDE - 09.10.2023 18:31

i want change the god damn color :D and the SUV back :D

RUSTY NEEDLES - 01.10.2023 05:23

Honestly, I decided to give this game another go the other day, so downloaded it and well, I'm already bored shitless with it, the monotony of searching through cupboards etc for loot when 90% of them are empty, fucking sucks, I've always felt and still feel that if more loot was laid out like it is in DayZ, that would make it more enjoyable, but after playing for another 12 or so hours, I honestly find myself bored shitless again and frustrated with the awfully shit looting mechanics, soooo I'm unfortunately un-installing the game once again.

dekipower - 01.09.2023 21:16

how cheap or how expensive is the gas on the gas station ?? coz i always have not enough money for...

aa11ff - 23.08.2023 19:16

i need a good server survival hardcore pve

Oliver Long
Oliver Long - 06.08.2023 10:01

Something to consider, some servers will have a cap on the number of Engines that can spawn so be careful when playing the unpopulated old servers

xXBam BamXx
xXBam BamXx - 29.07.2023 00:41

And the game starts to look outdated now, they need to step up their game, or else it will die a silent death.. I have to hei this game for a few years now, but I can tell it looks even worse noe..

xXBam BamXx
xXBam BamXx - 29.07.2023 00:37

Doesn't look like they put any efforts to the artwork of the armor on the car at all 🤦

Pixel Rabbit
Pixel Rabbit - 22.07.2023 19:29

You'd have to have someone to drive the car on tow.

Roy Serles
Roy Serles - 21.06.2023 13:54

I tried to repair my tires with a tire repair kit but it didn't do anything. Do I need a toolbox also?

POTAMtribe - 16.06.2023 01:26

im wondering if you need electrician tools for the car battery? considering it is an electrical item.

Skylar - 14.06.2023 00:27

Maybe u need to confirm the purchase for engine and battery before it does alternator. Like put 1 part and pay for it then the next

DerFoxY - 18.05.2023 21:38

just a big thank you! :)

Patrick McDonnell
Patrick McDonnell - 16.05.2023 20:08

Wouldn't breaking the engines out into repairable/lootable components you can bring to a found car instead be much more realistic/efficient? Hope they implement something like that instead.

Russian Hands Roman Fingers
Russian Hands Roman Fingers - 23.04.2023 22:00

I saw a dude roll a car into a safe zone last night and another dude sold it out from under him, will putting a lock on the door stop other players from being able to sell it.

Fincer Z
Fincer Z - 20.04.2023 04:32

the Car Jack doesnt work at all i cant do anything to my car

ortiz.marcos17 - 18.04.2023 01:47


LoneWolf Wilderness
LoneWolf Wilderness - 10.04.2023 19:59

Love the vids, enormous help Ray. Thanks and don't stop. Love the level of detail you go into to help those of us who have trouble figuring out the controls and commands.

gecko - 10.04.2023 03:37

I can't even find a car and it won't let my buy one

Ranelle Ronquillo
Ranelle Ronquillo - 09.04.2023 21:33

This is why I always buy their support packs because this game is just LIT! I love the devs of scum! cannot wait to get a modular pickup truck!

Panjshirwarrior1997 - 30.03.2023 17:25

I need this game on ps4!!!

Nabil - 11.03.2023 00:50

Man those devs have no imagination at all! Copying everything from DayZ the "Gunter2" and "Ada 4x4" lol

I swear guys this game will remain early access for 10 more years collecting your money and then exit scam without finishing it 🤣

Zach - 03.03.2023 01:13

I still cannot buy an engine at the mechanic. Ive tried card and cash. HELP

Zach - 02.03.2023 05:40

I've had a problem with not being able to pay for the engine even though I have the money

Añdy Ñichols
Añdy Ñichols - 01.03.2023 10:57

I've found the more mods you put on you vehicle the more fuel you go consume, and now you pay for fuel its not really worth it. Ive taken all surplus things off the car,ie doors, seats and back hatch and it makes a big difference

Captain Jonna
Captain Jonna - 28.02.2023 22:56

uuuurh i'm not coder so this could be a ridiculous request for all i know, what about being able to have more than one person push the vehicle to allow you to push up hill maybe not super steep at a guess 15-20% gradient maybe more with a 3rd man pushing from the rear, but me thinks its would be complicated, with de-sync and physics, can't really think of complex game like scum where multiple players can manipulate the same object in unison, probably best to just getting towing implemented probably far easier to dev and code lols i'd guess

Captain Jonna
Captain Jonna - 28.02.2023 22:49

can anyone else think of game where a cars engine can be missing and pushing a vehicle like that in scum is a thing in any other games because i can't in my 28 yrs of life, That feature is truly amazing, its why i've always said i'm not just passionate about games but its the ideas themselves that turn into awesome features, i think its way i fcking dispise ubisoft and EA games alot of other AAA company that beat there talented work force into submission of a copy and paste frenzy, CEO sez "thy creative passions and ideas will not get in the way of my profit margins", Loving that smaller studios are coming up with fresh ideas, i really love project Zomboid for its in depth-ness, like being able to do car mechanics and break up objects or move objects like walls, furniture is a remarkable feature .

Zäta - 27.02.2023 16:41

If you want a walking dead experience. Join the server "Bropack". lots of zombies, NO ROBOTS, build where you want!
Good luck and stay Frozty!

Sean_C82 - 26.02.2023 10:01

Wait ao did they remove all the other vehicles besides these 3?

tugido - 25.02.2023 13:17

I think one important detail that often gets missed (which I did recently) is the requirement for having medium engineering skill. Another one is if the car is missing a wheel you can't push it at all and need to find and put on a wheel first.

RoyTT - 24.02.2023 15:17

What if multiple people push the car together? Can we then push it uphill?

Michael - 24.02.2023 09:53

Yoo Mad Max vibes.

Georg Haeder
Georg Haeder - 24.02.2023 02:27

I found a Wolfswagen and now all I find are Laika tyres. facepalm 🤣🤣

Christo Hees
Christo Hees - 22.02.2023 16:53

i cant wait for mod support its going to be amazing

Rob G
Rob G - 22.02.2023 11:18

I Take the hood off the car and it works for me to install battery.

Scuubadooba - 22.02.2023 04:41

The amount of things devs can do with modular vehicles is endless. More storage space, more armor, more efficient fuel consumption, gas tanks instead of back seats, lockable modular prison sell on the backseats, some makeshift rocket launcher instead of front seat, more powerfull engines.

Tomáš Pelikán
Tomáš Pelikán - 21.02.2023 23:23

Hi, great video! Please, do wheels spawn in garages too? Or in any specific containers / areas? And does Laika wheel to VW car? Thank you.

Schizz Popinov
Schizz Popinov - 21.02.2023 21:43

To install a car battery you need to point at the blue washer fluid reservoir. Kinda odd but it works. Also be sure to have the battery in your hands. Car jack is only needed to fit and remove wheels.

D3CAY - 21.02.2023 16:31

From my experience you can add the battery not in service mode

AIKIDO SILVERDALE - 21.02.2023 08:17

I think they may have made the cars too complicated. wheels and engine yes, but all the other parts just stop people from getting on and playing the game. be interesting to see if they drop the alternator etc in later patches

♏Scorpio Melancholia♏
♏Scorpio Melancholia♏ - 21.02.2023 05:48

You know they shouldve just made the whole car customization stuff exactly like how most racing games or games like GTA 5 does it
Once you bring it to the mechanic it goes right into a separate gamespace for it and when you're done it drops the customized vehicle into the world via a load screen

If you played any games like GTA 5 or just any racing game you get the idea of what I mean

Cause let's face not everything in the game has to be that realistic that it's counter intuitive and could be done a lot better and be way easier on the player

♏Scorpio Melancholia♏
♏Scorpio Melancholia♏ - 21.02.2023 05:43

You might want to shill the scum discord tho

Don't have to but if I was scum content creator id let the audience know it exists

That and that's where they can make their suggestions for in game features etc be heard and stuff

Samuel Swearingen
Samuel Swearingen - 21.02.2023 03:49

I think I heard that if you have someone with you, you can have the other player use another vehicle to push you while you are in the other one. (If that makes sense.)

Colin Bazilewich
Colin Bazilewich - 21.02.2023 03:20

Some of the services are skill locked.

Shawn James
Shawn James - 21.02.2023 02:13

Can you push a vehicle missing one tire?

Load Toad
Load Toad - 20.02.2023 23:01

One thing that happened to me was when i found a Wolfswagon. Missed a wheel, driver's side seat and door, missing boot cover, and battery wasn't charging. Found that out after I got it running when I installed all the parts I located. The issue was, the battery wasn't charging. Looked at with the vehicle on the jack and found that the alternator was bad. I pulled out an alternator from another vehicle (same one I found for the other parts), installed it into my dead car, and the car started immediately (after a small charge from a pair of "Never-Ready" batteries I found while looting. It can take a LONG time to get things going, but the grind was totally worth it! Enjoy! RIBBIT!!!

Daniel Outdoors
Daniel Outdoors - 20.02.2023 21:33

The boobs of your lady avatar are surely modified too.. But to the point, its too ambitious, they havent released half of what they have shown on leaks, and for over a year ago.. Instead we are getting leaks of more females clothing and hand abrassions... Like common! I dont think this game will release 1.0 i n15 month to be honest. Will all the ambition and work that still need to be done.

And apart from that, other games are like both releasing (Rooted, Son Of the Forest, even freaking ARK is getting updated to UE 5!)

Anthony Papenfus
Anthony Papenfus - 20.02.2023 19:47

Cars can be pushed up hill. Depending on the hill steepness. If it's not steep but a long gradual climb, u can push it up. If it's steep u can zig zag it up. Also if u have a squad, 2 or more pushing (WW golf can have 4 pushing) then it's even easier to push uphill.

Be it that your character has been played with in-game in order to increase strength and constitution. Also a good way to exercise to increase stats.

The Weekend Warrior
The Weekend Warrior - 20.02.2023 19:28

I strongly disagree that installing and removing parts should use up your REPAIR kit... it shouldn't. Repairing should use up your repair kit. You don't throw out a wrench IRL after you've tightened 10 bolts.... this is ridiculous and completely unneeded.
