Mass Effect Legendary Edition Build Guide: Soldier (Mass Effect 1)

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Build Guide: Soldier (Mass Effect 1)


3 года назад

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Krav Magoo
Krav Magoo - 24.07.2023 08:47

I only play as a Soldier, since Shepard is NOT a biotic, and once I get Liara, I exclusively take Liara and Tali, unless it is a specialty mission (armor or Saleon). Insanity is a breeze...just finished recording a No Death run--only had to use about 3 medi-gel packs for my character the whole game.

Richard Coney
Richard Coney - 22.12.2022 17:46

Very great guide my friend!

Relyk Hunter
Relyk Hunter - 25.09.2022 05:16

why does no one talk about explosive ammo? It's low key broken on snipers with assassin

D.Maxwell - 25.08.2022 03:28

Downvoting for not even mentioning Kaidan who has both biotic and tech abilities, who can strip shields, overheat enemy weapons, stun organics, use stasis and throw/float enemies in the air, not to mention having both decryption and electronics. His only downside is that he lacks combat ability...good thing a SOLDIER Shepard would make that a non-issue. Sheesh

Sans Ventura
Sans Ventura - 07.07.2022 09:56

Honestly for me2+3 I WISH THEY HAD BETTER POWER SYNERGY! Like you have THREE ammo types in the sequels
And Carnage + Fortification/Immunity are somehow lost to you?!
Like it makes the soldier class so much less fun to play after me1

- MacCloud -
- MacCloud - - 29.05.2022 07:26

Commando Soldier with Garrus and Wrex does the latter consistently.

Dysjong - 29.03.2022 23:39

Commando? No shotgun?
Both in legendary edition and The original, my soldier used Shotgun and pistol, Shotgun for close to medium range, pistol for either long range or fast attacks. Going shock tropper and immunity, a thresher maw is childs play on insanity.

Dmitry Shevtsov
Dmitry Shevtsov - 11.03.2022 15:23

Can sombody answer, why masterkill is locked??

tezcan uyanık
tezcan uyanık - 08.02.2022 04:13

I only use onyx IV just for shepard keep looks good

catfish Billy
catfish Billy - 03.02.2022 22:47

First ever play through of this game what build is best for a beginner

HOL UP - 06.01.2022 11:17

I noticed they nerfed shock trooper in the LE. Shock trooper used to allow you to spam immunity. It’s recharge would finish before the talent finished it’s effect. It was pretty broken given that it made you literally invincible.

The problem with this is that instead of balancing it in LE they made the immunity talent woefully short in its lasting. So Shock Trooper is now kind of useless.

So yeah, to anyone reading this, ignore shock trooper specialisation in LE when playing Soldier. I just learnt this the hard way.

LSA chronicles
LSA chronicles - 19.12.2021 17:21

Weapons will always beat out skills and class talents in this game. This is why a properly built commando/soldier is unstoppable.

Shedrick Goldsmith
Shedrick Goldsmith - 15.12.2021 18:59

I have a similar build to this. Makes Insanity a joke haha nice vid

Brother _Able
Brother _Able - 11.11.2021 01:47

I've noticed you don't put much points in charm and intimidate. Any reason why?

Saifuu Suri
Saifuu Suri - 01.11.2021 01:27

Small note about background and psych profile: They DO affect your Paragon/Renegade points, so if you care about that, you should look into that.

Quintin Nowak-Wolff
Quintin Nowak-Wolff - 21.10.2021 12:47

The max level in Mass effect legendary edition isn't unlimited, its 60

Tony Hamilton
Tony Hamilton - 08.10.2021 16:48

My only hope is that we get to have the Spector weapons and Predator armour (along with others we choose) carried over into 2 and 3.

Sergio Sanchez
Sergio Sanchez - 15.09.2021 00:45

Wth you sound exactly like male Shepard

aarondesch - 01.08.2021 11:45

Solider (commando) with Rex (biotic + close-mid) and Garrus (tech + mid-long)

Not much stands in our way

Trinity Sarvaunt
Trinity Sarvaunt - 15.07.2021 02:07

I absolutely love how badass the thumbnail looks!

Rui Pedro
Rui Pedro - 07.07.2021 18:38

Assault weapon with 2 weapon sink = no overheat.

Grubb - 05.07.2021 18:03

You had me at "bring Tali".

Just_A_Tennessee_Boy - 27.06.2021 19:08

Just finished 1 and now just starting 2! The first one I did every single thing you could do and maxed out everything almost! The only thing I didn't get was max level 30 I got to 27😢.

Juan Luis Pimentel Martinez
Juan Luis Pimentel Martinez - 27.06.2021 03:17

hi thanks so much for the build i play with this build on normal and insanity mass effect 1 now im continuing on mass effect 2 do you have a build similar in mass effect 2 and 3 thanks in advance love soldier so much

Jaded Old Joe
Jaded Old Joe - 20.06.2021 22:29

Wrex over Liara in combat? Fucking whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Ahem, singularity, ahem…

Jaded Old Joe
Jaded Old Joe - 20.06.2021 22:21

No level cap in ME1? Since when?

Juan Luis Pimentel Martinez
Juan Luis Pimentel Martinez - 14.06.2021 17:43

Dumb question but is this build also for ps4 lol i know is a stupid question but just asking im a soldier too so i wanna know thanks in advance

that was very scary
that was very scary - 09.06.2021 19:10

but i plan to kill Rex

TheKrensada - 06.06.2021 08:39

I thought the level cap was 30.

dreadrath - 02.06.2021 17:52

Damn, I had no idea just how involved the skill and tactics system was in this game. I bought it without realizing I couldn't just wing it and unthinkingly brute force my way through every situation like I do in most games. Guess I'll actually have to start using my brain now. lol.

Draco Dragneel
Draco Dragneel - 30.05.2021 22:11

How do i use the diferent ammo? Like cryo and flame rounds.

Moonlight - 28.05.2021 14:42

Imagine actually using Tali lol

Mikuláš Svěntý
Mikuláš Svěntý - 26.05.2021 08:43

"...assault rifle...since the soldier is the only class, that is fully equiped to wield it", me playing infiltrator on insanity with assault rifle, still really good with right accuracy and decent damage, also I recommend using high explosive ammo for sniper rifles

TheStrategist23 - 25.05.2021 15:41

Nice. Thanks.

Michael R
Michael R - 24.05.2021 22:36

how do you unlock commando for soldier class

Devecz László
Devecz László - 23.05.2021 19:28

Alternatively for the armor choice, do the Bring down the Sky DLC late into the game (after Virmire), and at the end, choose the armor as reward. It'll give you the other best armor in the game, the Colossus. A bit lower shield and tech protecttion than the Predator, but more damage protection. Also looks cooler :)

Lone Wanderer_93
Lone Wanderer_93 - 23.05.2021 05:40

When are you going to do a me2 soilder build

Commander Shepard of the stormcloaks team black🇦🇺
Commander Shepard of the stormcloaks team black🇦🇺 - 21.05.2021 15:03

You should always go for charm and intimidate first everything else can wait.

Þórarinn Snorrason
Þórarinn Snorrason - 20.05.2021 02:49

I'd argue that Shock Trooper better fits. You get cooldown reduction for Adrenaline Rush and Shield Immunity, which are core abilities imo.
Also you start with 3 points so my recommendation is to put them all in charm/intimidate depending on how you play. Max out your Charm/intimidate asap so that you can better get the results from dialogue that you want.

Kaynos - 19.05.2021 23:06

Not that i like Soldier but i absolutely want to have Tali and Wrex without overlaping skills.

Mr. Sarcasm
Mr. Sarcasm - 19.05.2021 22:56

solider build guide: see weapon, grab weapon, shoot weapon

Rosco Jenkins
Rosco Jenkins - 19.05.2021 18:29

Fex gonna have his hands full with this one keep up the good work as we love these builds
Question for the community what class are you guys planning on playing for all 3 games and the big question Paragon or Renegade?

Irv885 - 18.05.2021 17:50

Colossus X > Predator X

Jock Package
Jock Package - 18.05.2021 10:34

if your not dealing with robots just swap Tali out 4 Garrus who basically switches weapons from pistol/shotguns to assault rifles/sniper rifles while just loosing hacking 4 durability. on the biotic side who needs durability from a mage when u have a better mage with even more OP crowd control so just use Liara. it's all up 2 u and whatever u find fun but so i'm just offering alternatives
4 armor mods the health regen mod combined with the soldier skill that does something similar u r basically immortal so that's an option 2 if u want 2 play more in the classic ME1 run and gun playstile while ignoring cover completely and ust using it 2 protect squadmates since back in the day cover was a bit of a pain. if u ever envy those Krogan or large geth that just run at u making voer dangerous while they take a lot mroe 2 kill than most enemies this is 4 u lol

Corey Gamble
Corey Gamble - 18.05.2021 09:57

I don’t care what anyone tells me or says, Garrus and Wrex are the only companions allowed in any build.

Stofsk - 18.05.2021 01:48

Nothing on bonus talents?

Twelvie - 18.05.2021 01:02

Didn’t anyone else not go through the character customized some how and ended up with a soldier? Idk if I missed something or it was a bug

Matrix - 17.05.2021 23:28

Love all of your guides. Always so helpful. Thank you
