Refutation Of Assim Al Hakeem

Refutation Of Assim Al Hakeem

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@alkanadiyoune - 08.02.2023 20:26

May Allah recompense sheikh at turayfee and make him steadfast

@muwahideen313 - 10.02.2023 16:47

Now only you bunch of goons are salafi ... The khariji of saudi branded salafi , the one point must be understood that basic point to check anyone khariji is he use to say i or we are ulma & others are jahil like these Saudi brands are in market & sell by media...

@amalsnne6436 - 14.02.2023 21:31

Salam, i don’t understand, should we follow assim Al Hakeem or not then ?

@imranashari8063 - 13.04.2023 13:28

Ya Akhi, please stop dividing the ummah and get all this hatred out your heart. He spoke about him in only one manner. Never has he called Al Tarifi a scholar nor said to take your knowledge from him other than the scholars. He just said this one good thing about him. This is Nifaq what your sheikh is doing in the video and he is not referring to Sheikh Assim. If someone said so and so person had one good attribute would that make them Khwarij? No it wouldn’t. You take things out of context and idk for what reason. Sheikh Assim is upon the correct aqeedah and teaches from the Kitab Y Sunnah. He has spent years of his life trying to teach and enlighten people about Islam and yet here you are who hasn’t done anything but try to divide the ummah. Why don’t you make good use of your time and go give Dawah and raise awareness and learn something then you can try and speak and bring people closer to the deen and hediya comes only from Allah. Cut this stuff out Akhi.

@ponderislam5176 - 14.04.2023 13:03

Unfollowing this channel .. because this is the one of the channel causes fitna and just put clickbaits for views.. may allah protect us from deviant ppl ameen

@itsirfanshah - 14.04.2023 17:21

I have been striving to gain knowledge but it seems I am done with all the shaykhs. They keeps making me more and more confused and it's very sad.

@user-me3zu8ds1t - 21.04.2023 05:04

May Allah preserve dedo and trefe, some silly scholars got nothing to speak about but other great scholars, they’re weak and jealous !! Allah bless dedo n trefe

@benjobrat3546 - 23.04.2023 06:19

Madkhali 😂😂😂

@jzfg758 - 27.04.2023 12:59

From this video , it is proved sheyk assim Al Hakeem is a deviant because he support sheyk Al turayfi ,

Sheyk Al turayfi is deviant ? Why
Because sheyk Suleiman ar ruhaylee said so

No proof , no evidence, framing someone as deviant or whatever you think just by putting some other sheyk said so

I choose not to see this channel anymore

@sin2591 - 30.04.2023 13:35

i dont take from Shaykh al Irjaa Ruhayli al Murtad Kafir

@hakimibnasri3224 - 03.05.2023 12:33

Did Assim al Hakim rectify his statement?

I really want to follow the path of the Prophet, the Sahabah and The Tabi in and the Taba' Tabi un and those imam who follow them and those who follow them.

@mohannadsayed1657 - 19.05.2023 09:34

May Allah Az ZAwajal give u hidayat brother..u come across as an arrogant individual..Fear Allah as much as u can

@quranwise-yo1247 - 31.05.2023 09:31

MashaAllah now I see sheikh Asim as more neutral and balanced will take from him more now!

@esswasim - 06.06.2023 13:23

Summary of Islam: Believe In Allah as only one worthy of our worship, supplication and all praise belongs to Allah Established above his Throne and has knowledge and control of all of his creation. Muhammad s.a w is his slave and final messenger who recieved Quran and guidance to establish the only religion that is accepted of man before Allah which is Islam on this earth. And the mission of Muslims is to worship Allah and take this religion to far corners of earth until Religion belongs only to Allah. i.e Islam is established throught the world as a way of life and Shariah is established upon every land.

Anyone who believes otherwise must gain deeper understanding of Islam by studying more through the biographies of Prophets messengers and companions of Prophet Muhammad . Belief in Allah and all messengers and prophets, angels, day of resurruction, paradise and hell, the decree of Allah is also essential.
Also changing the religion of Allah for own desires is a grave error and results in innovation in the religion and every innovation is a musguidance and everey misguidance leads to hell fire.

@mojizs - 09.06.2023 18:16

What a stupid video. The video is supposed to show how Assim Al Hakeem is wrong and why the author of the book is from the Khwarij or etc.

If two different sheikhs say that he is deviant that does not help help anyone.

For example i have a sheikh i trust then should i follow everything he says?

People have literally lost their minds when they have freedom to post anything. Arrogant enough to think what they have shared is extremely helpful and they thought this through.

@ahlisunnah8167 - 18.06.2023 21:12

Muzzamil al Faqeeri insulted the rasool peace be upon him, you people are brainwashed

@ibnShafee - 02.07.2023 12:34

Why don’t you make your income halal by not playing these ads before refuting someone

@user-qe9pd9zk8v - 26.07.2023 23:29

Tareefe is more knowledgeable than all your sheikhs you have nothing but disuniting the ummah and defending those that dont judge by the sharia and helping in the occupation of Muslim lands

@user-qe9pd9zk8v - 26.07.2023 23:30

Ruhaily talking of muhadithiin can he even reach there levels😂

@dawn39293 - 31.07.2023 05:33


@swisstunisian - 10.09.2023 16:05

Who hear he isent sunni (assim) but he dont stop follow him he will be have many problems in yaoum al qiyamah!!!

@KakashiH318 - 14.09.2023 14:46

This salafi movement cult spends more time refuting scholars and schools and handing out mass takfeer than actually calling to tawheed.

@user-vy6oi2wg4c - 19.09.2023 20:13

what if the glorification is coming from tyrant rulers and israhell.?

@user-vy6oi2wg4c - 19.09.2023 20:14

what if a so called scholar works for tyrant regimes and amriika

@mdashekerabbi8308 - 23.09.2023 01:02

so you are refuting one sheikh by another just by blindly following one sheikh rather than providing evidence? Just the people of taqlid and madhabis? are you really a Salafi? where is your evidence ?

@nopurposeposting1548 - 31.10.2023 13:20

who are the hizbis?

@QamruddinKhan-hf4dn - 04.11.2023 23:38

God job wahabis... Ibn taymiyah made seperate army to fight mongols and you don't want to speak against rulers... Its right we can't rebel against ruler but if we have power it is permissible to fight against rulers

@sharmakea3116 - 27.11.2023 15:08

This video is pointless. Can’t hang on to one word and discard someone…

@7muti - 28.11.2023 23:14

No refutation of sheikh assim al hakeem, change your title, what are your hidden intentions?

@Abu_Jihad - 29.11.2023 13:51

Ur bringing a Jarh with no evidence provided and using this As Daleel Agaisnt the shaykh فك الله اسره? Lol anyways Shaykh Rajihi Praised Tarifi and said He knows Tarifi very well and those who Warn Against him are backbiters and slanders, Shaykh Al Muhadith Abdullah Al Sa’d , Shayjh Abdul karim Khudayr, Shaykh Ibn Barrak, Shaykh Fahd all praised Shaykh Abdul Aziz At Tarifi فك الله اسره

@user-db2ou6ms6h - 10.12.2023 12:45

May Allah preserve Shaykh Abdul Aziz at Tarefe

@user-hm7nx7mo4x - 23.12.2023 08:52

do the same with think with rabbe al madkhali then

@aeejazkhan - 22.01.2024 12:02

I clearly see him as Deviants he call people against Madhiabs while scholars of like Uthaymeen, Fawzan and others have praised Madhiab and called toward it.

May Allah protect ignorant from his Ignorant Fatwahs.

And he is not even scholars and some ignorant come and say Sheikh assim said so and so👎

@Airboss007Channel - 24.01.2024 04:44

Salam oua alaykoum
I cant see a refutation here. We accept the truth from whoever it comes from. I didnt see Assim Al Hakeem associating with him to that extend of supporting him. He just read his book and did a series on it.
You should fear Allah when spreading accusations with no further explanation, confusing the people who live in the west even more. We are all an ummah. We have to help each other and not confuse each other.
I see people in the comments talking with pride about their knowledge and down playing the efforts of the people of the likes of Assim.
Show some respect.
And before you act arrogantly remins yourself that you need to relieve yourself everyday in the toilet and that you have fikth in your nose and that before you were born you were semen excreted from organs. So humble yourself and instead of showboating and attacking and confusing and cause separation, be firm in explaining truth.

@user-wr9dh6yv1o - 10.03.2024 00:59

Sheikh Turaifi HafizihuAllah

@Servant_of_Allah_956 - 10.03.2024 06:30

If we see sheikh assims video , we see that he liked the book and explained it in series. Why there would be any problem when the scholars of sunnah also explains and benefits from the books of scholars of ashari creed. Fear Allah ya ikhwaan

@DeMonotheist - 14.03.2024 00:54

Delete these emotional comments. None of them refutes with valid points, all I can see is crying hizbis who follow eachother like cattle.

This is the era of foolish (khawarij) youth who cant differentiate between a real scholar who writes books and educates students and a preacher who gets hyped up on the internet and is compared to the real scholar. Heck, even praised more than the scholar.

@HalalHistory - 17.03.2024 17:10

So many people who blindly love a man, may Allah guide them

@Dopamine_17 - 20.03.2024 09:03

So super salafis r the puppets of govt. Right ?

@user-sz7qg3jw5o - 29.03.2024 18:24

Everybody make mistakes, I will do my research and see wether he made a mistake or not. So far his teachings are upon the haqq of the salafs so im not going to go to extreme just because of one mistake. May Allah guide us all. Im talking about Al Hakeem

@hasinaakter2903 - 29.04.2024 06:55

No wonder i am finding him recently making controversial fatwas . Same with dr zakir naik. I think these people are going slowly slowly into wrong path. May Allah SWT protect ummah from deviants. Aameen

@bulldzr2601 - 23.05.2024 12:56

You cause fitnah

@kingjay476 - 27.05.2024 06:00

Salafis will call other salafis kafirs when they got nothing else going on

@thedawntime - 11.06.2024 16:14

How people end up responding to call of shaytan calling someone innovator just because they found some mistakes which were not intended in a lot of Good.😢 May Allah guide us.

@fernandofuad305 - 29.06.2024 22:59

this shik is coward

@PatientSalafi - 03.07.2024 12:43

These comments expose the reality of the people right now.

@PatientSalafi - 03.07.2024 12:48

"Whoever allies with a mubtadi you will know his condition. He knows and he's still with him."

@BismillahBismillah1111 - 10.07.2024 08:01

The Abdul Aziz Al Tarifi called out house of Sauds and criticized the Saudi Government for destroying Islam and he was arrested for that and still detained by Saudi Police , Support sheikh Assim

@mfahadfayt - 16.07.2024 09:45

My message to the Admin who cares you. MAY Allah bless Shiekh Asim and Shiekh Tarifi
