Retrospective Review - Dawn of War: Dark Crusade

Retrospective Review - Dawn of War: Dark Crusade


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Joe - 24.09.2023 04:25

This game singlehandedly ignited the fire of computer gaming in me! Your review is spot on, aaaaaand I now feel an overwhelming urge to revisit it 😂

The Smilyguy Guy
The Smilyguy Guy - 22.09.2023 17:43


Emiel Peper
Emiel Peper - 18.09.2023 00:06

One quality of life change Dark Crusade made was that only a single model had to board a transport/building, and then the whole squad just popped into it right away.

floricel_112 - 02.08.2023 12:32

Kronus's background is so hilariously nonsensical I just can't help but love it. It's as if someone at one point decided to pile up as many contrivances as possible.

Kronus is a peaceful on the fringes of the Tau empire with a human population.....also there's orkz here....and 10000 years ago a great battle was fought between the forces of chaos and the space marines.....also it's a tomb world

Matthew Tucker
Matthew Tucker - 07.07.2023 16:31

Just saw this vid. Loved the burn-roast meme 😂

Obamos04 - 23.06.2023 10:44

No way bro just roasted the funny Space Squids

Garudo - 15.05.2023 20:31

What! I bought it when it came out but never thought of checking under the cover! 🤣 That's awesome!

Brady Donovan
Brady Donovan - 10.05.2023 10:05

I feel like I’m being briefed before a mission by a custodian of some sort.

TLDelapore - 31.03.2023 00:23

Eldar being broken as hell and not fixed adequately over a decade +. Damn this is really a good simulation of the tabletop game.

VX9982DCFG 0
VX9982DCFG 0 - 22.03.2023 20:42

Coming from winter assault I was definitely terrified when the enemy was rushing me with 6 defilers les than 5 minutes in

BLOODKINGbro - 19.03.2023 22:34

Op railguns to tag team with tigbitties Tau propaganda

McSmash - 13.03.2023 19:17

hard is the actual normal difficulty , nobody gets any bonuses and everyone is equal , but the eldar harlequinn spam and all that stuff really ruins the experience , they have quality and numbers while i as a space marine have quality and not so high numbers

Mojew JewJew
Mojew JewJew - 12.03.2023 13:49

Ironically enough this was my first game of the Warhammer and Dawn of War franchise,unlike those who started out with the story mode so this changed a bit my perseption of it at start,I remember losing my computer data and forgetting how this game was named and only remembered the icon,eventually after years I found the game again,not sure how but that doesnt matter,Dark Crusade was really fun from the bit of story,wargears,honor guard and the lore of the map and post stronghold.

The only things that I really hated about it as Thunder said are the terrible scaling,like normal is fine but I want a more competend AI and No 1v2 which makes no sense,the enemies dont use honor guards like you which mind sound dificult but in my opinion would make the game more balanced,each map doesnt have something unique like the objective ones like the Space Port,those were peak campaign missions,if only each one was like that...

The AI is very predictable with a certain pattern,it will do the same moves over and over again like the Necrons taking the province west then the space port,the orks going straight north,the eldar straight down,some resources/special abilities from provinces were kind of underpowered while others were very strong,The Map is very small,the persistance of buildings is great in Dark Crusade but there is no other way to truly reinforce the provinces,2 units and a vehicle wont be enough if the enemy has a full roaster,even worst that its 1v2,your own base doesnt have anything unique,Im not expecting the same as a enemy stronghold but why not? Atleast give us something,its unfair and anticlimatic,like this its almost guaranteed if they reach it that you lost,so the game pretty much revolves around blitzing your enemies so they dont get too powerful,though the challange of 1v2 with the enemy full roaster against your unmanned province was fun but too much of that and it gets annoying fast.

Honor guard units are pretty basic,save for a few they are just standard units with more hp,vehicles that are part of the honor guard are hard to distinguish because they have the same look and name,lost a couple this way because I mixed them with normal units,if only there was a way for there to be 1v1v1 or 1v1v1v1 on the same map not just 1v1 or 1v2,this could be done by having the commanders pick their province and attack at the end of the turn,strongholds are great but I always felt like there could be more done to improve them,all in all there is not much variety overall but the game is genuinly fun and the story ties it in perfectly,if only there were some changes it would be great.

Gorehound - 11.03.2023 15:02

I recently done a Hard Ork play through and I swear to god the Tau are the bane of my Ork existence. I ended up getting so sick of fighting them I just rushed there stronghold to early and ended up doing the stronghold for like 3+ hours. Was satisfying af when I won tho.

JawsOnYou67 - 07.03.2023 09:43

Coming back to hear Kitten talk about the T’au.

Ouchiegiverjr - 07.03.2023 09:33

This video doesn’t feel 6 years old, this man’s editing is crisp!

Hunter James
Hunter James - 04.03.2023 19:04

I recently experienced the terror of pariahs and the lord when showing this game to my lil brother he found it so cool that the necrons lord just “gets up where he left off”
And that map before the elder stronghold I shed so much virtual blood taking it and after I made it so fortified it would force pertirabo and Rogal Dorn to agree for once saying “this is sufficiently fortified” and then killed everyone else because fuck the elves
Also after playing through all three I was sad when I couldn’t whirlwind spam though playing spacemarines like guardsmen was so much fun “whirlwind here!”

Tyton - 01.03.2023 03:45

I actually bought this game from a charity shop best purchase I ever made from there

GarfieldLover861945 - 21.02.2023 08:03

by my estimation the greatest game ever made

l0rdstrontium - 09.02.2023 05:40

This is the funniest game review i have ever watched!

Neu7r1no - 28.01.2023 12:09

Replaying the game now😅

Qichar - 16.01.2023 03:39

All those years ago I remember winning my clan's in-game tournament playing the overpowered Eldar. I have no idea if I was actually the most skilled player (I'm a diamond SC2 player, nothing special, I admit it). This is because I just abused the crap out of fleet of foot and spammed grenades from the basic infantry, suppressing squads, and getting all up in my opponent's sh1t before they could properly get into their tech tree. Good times. I felt kind of bad for abusing the game (and yes, I wrecked my Eldar opponents too), so I gave away the first prize (1 year subscription to World of Warcraft) to the mate who came in 2nd place.

Anyway, I loved the music and art direction of this game, so much so that to this fighting the Necrons controlled by the AI on the hardest campaign difficulty level is still quite scary. It remains in my memory as one of the most atmospheric RTS game settings, and I still go back and play every now and then when I'm feeling masochistic.

Alex Yoblick
Alex Yoblick - 01.01.2023 20:28

I noticed something hilarious when it comes to beating the Necron Stronghold. Guard and Eldar have the easiest and fastest escape methods for your commander (guard tunnel traveling between buildings and the Eldar webway gates).

All you need to do is build a structure right by the bomb site (for the Guard I make a field command fully upgraded it just to be safe), plant the bomb, have your commander travel all the way back to your start point, and escape in most likely less than a minute.

Alex Yoblick
Alex Yoblick - 01.01.2023 20:22

Not sure who else might have figured this out, but on the Necron stronghold there is a way to get 2 relic units (things like Baneblades and Land Raiders) on the map.

What you do is the following; build your 1st relic unit, purposely send it to get corrupted by the Void Dragon beacon (try to make sure it’s at full health or as close to it as you can), then build a replacement one, and the final thing to do is destroy the Void Dragon beacon as quickly as possible (just focus solely on the beacon). You really only get one good chance to do it right, but if you do then you could have 2 super strong units at once.

Guard have the most effective units and abilities to pull this off since you just need to put a couple Basilisk’s on a ledge near the beacon, then use your field command scanner ability to mark the beacon before you hit it with Earthshaker rounds.

Fenrir's Rage
Fenrir's Rage - 25.12.2022 12:06

I still wanna know more about this Captain Johnny if he charges into battle with a combat knife and a chainsword in hand.

Seriously tho I love that model and I wanna see more of it.

G C - 18.12.2022 23:27

More videos please

Erik Germer
Erik Germer - 15.12.2022 12:48

Hallo you are the German Fan here ist noch Import supporten ist. In die Info da ist nur Cametaman it's an servo Skull. You make good Videos i hope to see one and the future

Fenris8800 - 03.12.2022 09:15

Still good! Even in 2022:)

Freddy McShreddy
Freddy McShreddy - 07.10.2022 03:16

IMO they should have added 2 easy difficulties. Add the Easy AI from skirmish to the campaign and name that "Easy" difficulty and keep the one they added and rename it to "Journalist" difficulty.

Michael Andrei Palon
Michael Andrei Palon - 03.10.2022 12:02

Peak Dawn of War: both a blessed and cursed designation.

calikk26 - 26.09.2022 06:37

Why don't you love us anymore dude?

Jake Nicol
Jake Nicol - 21.09.2022 17:51

Wouldn't a Warhammer 40k Total War game have provided a better experience useing the same concept? I still can't see why such a game does not exist

DeadTako - 04.09.2022 07:35


Upyours99xs - 28.08.2022 11:28

Where is Chaos rising?

Xeo Nespydonum
Xeo Nespydonum - 17.07.2022 09:24

I wish there was a difficulty between "one squad of guardsman clearing a stronghold" and "fight tooth and nail to stop two death stacks of cpu honor guard from killing my base in under 3 minutes."

LizardBoy - 02.07.2022 05:34

steam sale its like 3 bucks now lol

Fr0sty - 17.06.2022 10:06

Is that dawn of eldar page a real thing? If so can anyone send me a link?

OctoDude - 10.06.2022 20:58

I am embarrassed, even on easy mode I still get ass handed to me cause I play slow

Azzie 420
Azzie 420 - 10.06.2022 16:05

It is pretty justified Orks being there since canonically with the numbers crunched (no thanks to GW) there’s an imperial planet with 8octillion guardsmen there and the threat is classified as “there are still some Orkz” which is mental

Gxbvy only Sniper
Gxbvy only Sniper - 06.06.2022 03:38

Hold on, have you dubbed someone on TTS? I remember your voice from somewhere

Boas7742 - 04.06.2022 11:44

This video is so cursed the first time I watched this my grandma died an hour later when I watched it again my rabbit died randomly of a heart attack

Phrophetsam - 06.05.2022 08:00

I miss being able to field a million kasrkin thought 😔

Phrophetsam - 06.05.2022 07:58

Bruh I spent hours on the province before the Chaos Marine Stronghold. Shit was insane. The AI was sending Daemon Princes, Defilers, and tanks at me constantly. I basically hunkered down as the Guard and used the Basilisks and Lemans to try and hold for as long as possible.

Adrien Perié
Adrien Perié - 19.02.2022 20:50

Easy difficulty ? To make somebody learn RTS ? If he can’t enjoy the pain of losing again and again and turn his own rage into the fuel that will power him through winning and enjoying brutally humiliating other human beings on an online game, he can go foooooock himselves. Yes.

Adrien Perié
Adrien Perié - 19.02.2022 20:40

Man those were the days, creating an online game with a complice then launching a 2vs1 you could spam the chat to hide the countdown and get an easy vitctory to boost your win/lose ratio.
I was 15, and the world was ours !

Kydan McCarthy
Kydan McCarthy - 17.01.2022 18:21

Dramatically dismiss all help pop-ups got me goood
