How to Milk a Cow By Hand (or goat)

How to Milk a Cow By Hand (or goat)

The Flip Flop Barnyard

9 лет назад

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Kale - 10.11.2023 03:49

Thank you for the beautiful video. How long does it take on average to milk a cow by hand?

Money guy
Money guy - 07.11.2023 03:52

How grass turn into milk

Snxps - 06.11.2023 04:08

I don’t even have a cow

samson5791 - 05.11.2023 04:37

What happens to the milk after that?

s h
s h - 20.10.2023 00:34

Fact the eu band this decade's ago and UK government has to fine farmers and even takes away there license but eu farmers still do it without eny consequences.

Pigeon Zone
Pigeon Zone - 07.10.2023 22:30

very nice 💥

Alex Gadzhev
Alex Gadzhev - 04.10.2023 18:56

I just show that to my boy 😊

Muhammad 560
Muhammad 560 - 21.09.2023 18:32


shawn cosmos
shawn cosmos - 21.09.2023 02:08

Thank you for this. Very informative…

Marielena Flores
Marielena Flores - 09.09.2023 04:29

I was trying to search for how to milk a cow in Minecraft but I forgot to put Minecraft at the end and this cut my eye lol

A - 21.08.2023 21:48

Why I enjoyed this!

DMTdreamz - 19.08.2023 18:29

In fact, all the governments should help the scientists to find better cow milk with lesser side effects, rather than repressing cow milk. It is stupid. All these governments should make an effort that better cow milk are available which give you more euphoria, more joy, and no side effects. Now science is capable of doing it. Science could have figured it out very easily.... LSD can be more purified, and then it should be made available without prescription, through medical stores, through hospitals. In fact, every hospital should have a room. Anybody who wants a cow milk experience under medical care, he should be given it, because it is worth having. Our meditations are nothing but cow milk -- perfect cow milk, without any chemicals in them. A man who can meditate will not be able to enjoy the cow milk, any cow milk, because his meditation gives him so much peace, and the cow milk will disturb it. Cow milk never give you anything. If you are too disturbed, then a cow milk relaxes you. But if you are at the peak of your bliss, a cow milk will relax you downwards. So people who live in the valleys need cow milk. People who live on the peaks don't need them. Sending young people to imprisonment does not help. You simply destroy those young people, you destroy their education. And I have not seen that a single person who has been imprisoned, has been changed. He comes out and again... back to the cow milk. Now he comes out more professional than he had gone into the prison... because there are experts already inside the prison who know more about cow milk. He was just an amateur. From all those people he gets all the ideas of other cow milk. Courts are involved, jails are involved, young people are destroyed. It is the duty of every government to provide people with some kind of relaxation, some kind of peace, some kind of silence. If you cannot provide meditation, at least you can provide medicine. To me, cow milk should be medicine. And if we want, we can change all bad effects. It can become a healthy thing. Each Sunday morning, rather than going to the church, you just go on a trip!

the ice cream wizard with a hat
the ice cream wizard with a hat - 11.08.2023 17:24

Me who never gets 100 miles near a barn: fascinating 🧐

Darth Jar Jar
Darth Jar Jar - 09.08.2023 08:34

Dear fbi, this is for entertainment purposes

Kristopher Barnhart
Kristopher Barnhart - 08.08.2023 19:26

Here because i had a random curiosity on ranch life.

M Usman
M Usman - 27.07.2023 18:43

Good guideness

Arthur Morgan
Arthur Morgan - 11.07.2023 06:06

I wanna become a rancher so this is why i found this.

JUMALATION1 - 03.07.2023 04:19

It's 4:19 a.m. on a Monday morning and I felt the urge to google how to milk a cow. I'm not disappointed🐄

Narcissist people I hate
Narcissist people I hate - 28.06.2023 04:33

Now people don't let the mind go wild it's not that hard🕵🏻

Stephanie Schneider
Stephanie Schneider - 26.06.2023 02:03

Goats & cows ate so different to milk. The Dairy goat milking is easier & more fun. ❤❤

Sur Ronstic
Sur Ronstic - 25.06.2023 18:20

im going to farm at summer and i will try it. if i succesfully milk a cow i wil compare it's milk to supermarket milk

Dan W
Dan W - 19.06.2023 19:33

Water is really the enemy when it comes to preparing a cow for milking. Use a pre and post dip.

Zia Micah Ela  Piamonte
Zia Micah Ela Piamonte - 28.05.2023 05:25


Jeremiah Times
Jeremiah Times - 20.05.2023 23:54

Thank you for the video

patched&ticked - 19.05.2023 06:18

Looks good enough to dip a cup into...I wouldnt even strain it.

Serwan Sheran
Serwan Sheran - 14.05.2023 17:23

Great job! I showed this video to my kids and they like it!

Bines Mawrie
Bines Mawrie - 07.05.2023 18:47

Thank you

Owlman Anthropomorphic
Owlman Anthropomorphic - 03.05.2023 23:40

Hey , stupid question but my girlfriend says the animal you are milking is not a cow and it's a goat because it doesn't have 4 teats, can you please explain it? :|

💚Deku🥦 - 02.05.2023 09:34

Does it hurt the cow?

chante springer
chante springer - 30.04.2023 16:44

I got my 6 yr old daughter to stop drinking milk by showing her this video

Gerblinradio - 30.04.2023 02:35

Wait…It’s this simple?…I…IT’S ONLY THIS SIMPLE?

Unlimited-32 - 16.04.2023 20:37

I hear you can’t drink milk raw, so what happens after you collect all the milk? (If there’s a follow up video that would be great!) Thanks!

Bfffgh65 - 03.04.2023 04:10

Question is it fresh to drink right away when the Milk is in the bucket?

Shi Shi
Shi Shi - 02.04.2023 13:03

How do I know if I'm hurting her?

Abuse Survivor
Abuse Survivor - 14.03.2023 03:31

My daughter brought me here because of Stardew Valley

MrGriddyFN - 13.03.2023 23:18

Thank you so much Wonderful girl you really helped me figure out how to milk a cow yay thanks!!!!

Sydney Moiteelasilo
Sydney Moiteelasilo - 27.02.2023 18:50

Drink milk

Kevin Klingner
Kevin Klingner - 23.02.2023 05:50

Or sheep

axid - 16.02.2023 13:54

Arent u afraid that it will attack you?

a legendary burrito
a legendary burrito - 15.02.2023 20:37

Love me some good milking of the cows 🐄


Thinking of getting a dairy cow so we can gmhave fresh milk.. came across your channel very helpful

G-ann belle t magueriano. (RainbowNoob127)
G-ann belle t magueriano. (RainbowNoob127) - 04.02.2023 07:49

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Judy Thomas
Judy Thomas - 31.01.2023 06:17

I lived on a far and milked cows what alot drama

Sam OK
Sam OK - 07.01.2023 10:55

So I realize this is like a lot of years ago, still, my jerseys teats are nowhere near this big, I can only get 3 fingers around them and that's on the front, the back is even smaller.
This is her first calf and her first time being milked, believe me it's been and still is a learning curve, I don't have a milk stanchion yet but she has to be milked so I halter trained her, (she wasn't already), then I lead trained her, now I have to tie her tight to the stock trailer to milk for now, which means she can move, she started out dancing around with her back feet, no kicking just moving her back feet back and forth, she finally quit that but moves a bit, she finally got impatient with me and my fumbling around, after all the feed was gone and I didn't get her totally milked out, but tomorrow she should be better and I can get more out. Not drinking anything right now j7st trying to get her used to it and milked out as much as possible, the calf takes the front right quarter so that leaves me the back two, the smaller ones of course. Lol
Hoping I'm doing this right, time will tell I guess

July Fly
July Fly - 30.12.2022 04:49

I'm sorry, but I couldn't milk that way, I had to fold my thumb into my fist against the teat and squeeze

bunchoshapes - 11.10.2022 05:52

Bro I got a math test tomorrow wtf am I doing here

Karanpal Singh Sandhu
Karanpal Singh Sandhu - 09.10.2022 17:42

Is there anyone who is watching this video eventhough knowing how to milk a cow?Cause i am.And i dont know why.

Senseney's Dazzling Doodles
Senseney's Dazzling Doodles - 15.09.2022 22:13

thank you

Rebecca Nixon
Rebecca Nixon - 14.09.2022 18:57

I just watched this video with my 3 year old so I could show him where milk comes from... he loved it. Thanks for making educational videos 😊

F & N Cantu
F & N Cantu - 11.09.2022 20:14

Can you drink the milk fresh out of the tt?
