Woman Dies In Crash; Taught About Love, Spirits, And The Law Of Attraction (NDE)

Woman Dies In Crash; Taught About Love, Spirits, And The Law Of Attraction (NDE)

The Other Side NDE

1 год назад

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Notbloody Likely
Notbloody Likely - 07.10.2023 03:27

As a trained interrogator I immediately picked up three red flags that this person is not telling the truth. Deception cues in groups of three are indicators of lying, or embellishment.

Her account of the crash is overly detailed. Weather, time of day etc. Cue number one. Her fingers arch back when she tells this part of the story. A classic sign of deception, specifically in women. Men very rarely do this. Then exagerated hand gestures with zero eye contact and eyes closed for protracted periods. Also, the story to this point was self aggrandizing. She says if these terrible things that happened to her could help someone else... this is textbook narcissism, portraying oneself as heroic within a victim frame of reference without making any reference to emotional responses, i.e. how these events made her feel. I watched the rest and noticed numerous other cues that i wont bother mentioning but which confirmed the accuracy of my initial observation. At least for me.

This is just my take, but I think this entire story is either untrue or highly embellished. This person enjoys attention but is not very good at lying.

Or - and this is the benefit of the doubt version - she is delusional. Given her body language cues, however, I think she's well aware that this is a fiction.

Sacred Prem
Sacred Prem - 04.10.2023 22:23

Profound experience, thank you for sharing ❤

Howard Huang
Howard Huang - 23.09.2023 07:36

You basically give no information from your NED ! Nothing you said away helpful !

Howard Huang
Howard Huang - 23.09.2023 07:26

People are interested in your NDE, but your car accident !

Howard Huang
Howard Huang - 23.09.2023 07:22

I will have a near death experience in 2027….. July 32nd. !

Just Sayin'
Just Sayin' - 20.09.2023 19:27

I get that she was on a spiritual path already. She used all the buzz words, the I AM presence, Ashram, etc. Then she described all the common revelations from others' NDE experiences. But I didn't get a sense of her own story. It seemed like a paste-up of bits of many other accounts. I get it, that it's difficult to put into words. I found this presentation difficult to get through; kept waiting for the personalized nugget of revelation; that mind-blowing epiphany that never came. Eyes closed "aand" struggling with the next sequence "aand" describing another seemingly irrelevant detail "aand" never seeming to get to the crux "aand" some more sermonizing "aand" never getting the sense that she Had a Most Amazing Experience Oh Boy Wait 'Til I Tell You What Happened Next!! Nope. Bla. "aand" then the next thing happened. She's not very excited or animated to tell a life-altering story. A cynical skeptic wouldn't be convinced. I didn't get that she had any sense of awe, instead just piecing together rhetoric. No matter. We each have our own styles of expression. Thanks for sharing. ❤

Goran405 - 18.09.2023 21:59

Thank you

Soul Blossom 🌸
Soul Blossom 🌸 - 28.08.2023 09:41

I like the word effulgence ❤

Morin97 - 24.08.2023 21:27

I didn't like the manner of storytelling - disliked

BrevsPassion - 24.08.2023 14:33

For some reason l think, but God knows if what she said is true

R. Stu
R. Stu - 20.08.2023 03:32

I am just curious how one would contribute to being taken advantage of by another, by let's say, a rapist, molester, or murderer. And how the individual whom did those terrible things won't be judged or held accountable? Sincere question, Hitler for example

Empowered Woman
Empowered Woman - 07.08.2023 06:27

We don’t need to have an NDE to use the Law of Attraction. The difference is that on Earth, we have to concentrate the mind and emotions on what we want while letting go of negative emotions and thoughts. There’s also a time delay here.

Sammert Koeli
Sammert Koeli - 03.08.2023 01:37

sucks these masks and lhgbtq pride colors in the video worh that kid:'(

Marc Duchamp
Marc Duchamp - 01.08.2023 02:40

How is it that we could judge ourselves when the whole environment is none judgmental and pure love over there?

Sheridan - 24.07.2023 02:38

4 seconds in and it’s a no… the quacking mouth is so extreme I refuse to listen lol. I’m sure she’s nice.

Liz - 11.07.2023 05:01

Thank You!!!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

R.R.R - 10.07.2023 06:57

Your tone is pretty annoying, the way you stress some words... even if I totally understand you

southlondon86 - 30.06.2023 05:51

Brave of her to reveal this story. 👍

Kurt Rivers
Kurt Rivers - 29.06.2023 21:59

Thank you, with love, thank you.

kerry - 22.06.2023 09:48

"There are things that we know that we know that we know that we pretend not to know" - i understand this so completely. Thank you for sharing your experience x ❤️

Kelli Clark
Kelli Clark - 18.06.2023 23:52

I like that the experience was universal and not from a christian bias.

Victor Rouă
Victor Rouă - 31.05.2023 20:55

Very beautiful message! All the best and many blessings!

odys odys
odys odys - 30.05.2023 05:40

Wonderfully told. Thank you mam. Once you become aware we are part of a greater whole, you begin to get really interesting assignments. 😊

J Morgan
J Morgan - 16.05.2023 03:47

🤔I thought she would talk about LOA. Just touched on it for a few seconds. So, Not much info here but that she went to the other side like all the others like her.🙄🙄🙄

Lyndabjornson Moyer
Lyndabjornson Moyer - 16.05.2023 00:10

Thank you dear Laydy with great love❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

msg S
msg S - 15.05.2023 04:40

And ppl think they got it so bad , because they are bored ... Learn to listen and what's important

Marlene - 10.05.2023 19:49

Why are there clips of children wearing masks? That’s child abusers. Wearing masks does nothing to protect against any virus. They suffocate the wearer.

Mark Stancliff
Mark Stancliff - 07.05.2023 05:23

So everything Jesus taught us is just a big lie about judgement and hellfire? ✝️🔥📖

Brian Trombini
Brian Trombini - 27.04.2023 16:52

Something very unique about the way she told her story-I've heard similar beautiful details in other NDEs but somehow Felice made them sound more beautiful.. I've recently told some friends and family that "I think I found God/Jesus because of these stories. None of them are very religious or even spiritual if at all. I also tell them to watch 5 'good ones' and see what they think...this would be one of the 5!

Maria S
Maria S - 27.04.2023 02:25

I wanted to hear far more about what was taught.

Ingrid San Miguel
Ingrid San Miguel - 26.04.2023 21:36

❤❤❤Amazing reminder 😊

iamyourmuse - 25.04.2023 07:32

I know she is right...and you know she knows that I know...She's awesome!

Brennan Hughes
Brennan Hughes - 25.04.2023 01:27

I hate the way she talks and elongates words but her story is cool as hell😂

mdanielle100 - 23.04.2023 22:34

Could healing happen overnight? I've been healing for 2 years and still had more to do. I watched NDE experiences on my computer last night, I cried and looked at my kids knowing they will and already do know why I haven't been as playful and patient as I used to be. It healed something. Then, this morning I woke up and felt almost healed. In my body, my brain has more to go. But, my body felt healed. I know the answer already. I need to trust in the knowing!

Diesel 158
Diesel 158 - 21.04.2023 09:36

What a wonderful girl

Bridget Chapman
Bridget Chapman - 21.04.2023 03:46

Thank you ❤❤

Brandy Rose
Brandy Rose - 18.04.2023 18:46

This was really profound for me, particularly when she spoke of her new awareness of the divinity in all of us.

KohalaLover - 17.04.2023 03:36

Felice is the real deal. So much wisdom she shares. She vibrates at a higher realm. I have a long way to go.

Rockscar K
Rockscar K - 14.04.2023 09:10

You can't say there's no being to judge or judgement because you didn't actually die. How can you be judged when your life is not over yet? You out of all people should know that there is judgement after life because life after death was proven to you based on what you told. This was an experience not a judgement so don't mix those and mislead people by saying there is no judgement. Peace

werewolvesbyday - 12.04.2023 22:36

sounds like fake crap she made up for attention

Marie Polkadot
Marie Polkadot - 12.04.2023 10:27

I really needed to hear that about boundaries, thank you xx

Paletra - 11.04.2023 04:31

These subtitles are here to let you know the universe has a sense of humor 😂

Zerena Wyndell
Zerena Wyndell - 10.04.2023 01:01

💗Loved this souls expression in communication!

Josanna Savoie
Josanna Savoie - 09.04.2023 09:53

Pretty name Felice; thank you for sharing your experience.

Julia - 04.04.2023 01:24

Thank you ❤

Steven Orellano
Steven Orellano - 03.04.2023 02:00

When that God thing said, it's time to live big, I see the Kool aid man in my head. It should've said, ohhh yeahhh!

Kathleen Kvavle
Kathleen Kvavle - 22.03.2023 00:11

Best I have heard

Kenny Monty
Kenny Monty - 21.03.2023 08:44

You have so much love. Now tell me that you love MAGA people. Let us all hear it

JuliettedeHaas - 17.03.2023 20:22

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your profound and enlightening experience! xoxoxo
