How to Monitor Audio in OBS Studio | Ultimate OBS Studio Tutorial 2022

How to Monitor Audio in OBS Studio | Ultimate OBS Studio Tutorial 2022


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@keithgreene79 - 19.11.2024 19:35

Helped me figure out the audio monitoring. Thanks a bunch

@mr.bubblezthebot - 25.08.2024 23:59

Dang it was that simple this whole time.

@eddy_sonik - 27.06.2024 17:17

👍i LoVe !

@PianoWithStacey - 30.01.2024 20:00

Thank you!! You solved my problem.

@Easygoated3418 - 09.10.2023 19:24

I want to have my teammates audio in fn to be heard but it’s not so this is a way to do it right? I’m not sure if this is for something else

@ConsumeTheInternet - 05.08.2023 20:29

Afther a 4 hours googleling i stumbeld upon this video informing me to go to my sound setting with in the pc's settings.. you are a mad lad thank you so mutch it finaly works.

@thewingedheero9593 - 04.05.2023 23:38

This was perfect! Thank you

@ILNT - 14.04.2023 08:17

Thank you so much for sharing this.....lifesaver!!!

@jnkmal9519 - 07.03.2023 04:47

This didn't work until after I closed OBS and reopened it. So yall may want to try that if you have trouble.

@Stoviecakes - 26.02.2023 05:12

12 hours later, no dice. Ive watched 100 videos. Windows 11 is sh$t

@_Common_Logic_ - 11.01.2023 07:14

I can't monitor my audio in real-time due to a delay in my stream, and the obvious indefinite replete, but want to check my sound before broadcasting as I do some live acoustic music w/vocals... I'll be performing this with no monitoring while live due to the lag.

If I follow your detailed directions, and end up changing the windows audio setting as well, when testing my levels and effect mix, will ALL of this need to be reversed in order to get sound to my stream again? I'm (obviously) new to OBS. Tips from anyone would be appreciated.

@OfficalChaosBayouGaming - 07.01.2023 15:00

im just trying to figure out how to turn my mic volume up and my obs always looks different then everybody els obs

@john_mohr - 06.01.2023 08:16

Just wanted to say thanks, worked like a charm.

@torierose1855 - 21.04.2022 00:06

