How To Find Food Fast On DayZ

How To Find Food Fast On DayZ

Archie Stormcloud

3 года назад

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Paul Burns
Paul Burns - 20.08.2023 10:23

Love this guy 😂

Kyle Mayer
Kyle Mayer - 04.08.2023 03:08

Required reading. Most helpful and succinct guide I've come accross so far.

Erik Arnar
Erik Arnar - 26.07.2023 00:45

Love the content bro. Just started playing dayz on Xbox and I’m hooked. Cheers

Real1 - 17.06.2023 08:53

Most underrated guides on dayz

Toha - 27.05.2023 10:47

Didnt know there are berries in Day

TTitan Chaos
TTitan Chaos - 11.01.2023 00:17

Like the video! No one is taking the second 😵‍💫

Violet (Kitty Chick)
Violet (Kitty Chick) - 03.10.2022 11:30

I have like 10 hours in this game.. no freaking food anywhere.. like you need to read an entire bible to learn how to play this game and survive.. no instructions or in game training.. just die countless times!! Every tree I check has nothing.. it is total BS!!

Donovan Ulrich
Donovan Ulrich - 04.09.2022 03:35

Pros: use the trails

Gods: determine your vector and use the woods 🤙

svetlanadiaries - 20.08.2022 20:11

Thank you so much. I been playing this game and couldn’t find sheeeit so your videos are very helpful for noobs of dayz 🤭

Samuel Spiro
Samuel Spiro - 03.07.2022 21:41

This is an abundance of knowledge that I appreciate very greatly!!!!! :D Thank you!!!!!

MrNoOne - 28.06.2022 02:17

It's not only just people not understanding how to survive, it's that some servers have no loot at start or is so rare you die trying to get to the middle of the map where loot actually is!

Scout56 - 18.06.2022 23:59

I got the game today and this really did help I would always be running

Taryn*esmae - 17.06.2022 15:49

I have the same problem, no food to be seen regardless of green houses or trees and the tutorial doesn't help

GOOGLE IS BAD - 15.06.2022 23:48

I either starve to death loot 1000 houses no food. Jog for 10 plus hours no food loot. Boat spawns never have anything

Revan Amell
Revan Amell - 07.06.2022 09:00

I think spawns are just busted. Fix spawns or make the meters a bit more reasonable.

Tony - 27.05.2022 06:17

Games too tedious. Every item requires another item to use. It's already impossible to find the one item

Zubzero5000 - 09.05.2022 20:04

Bro, this video is so awesome! Very useful dude! Thank you for making it.

Anonymous - 06.04.2022 21:23

I ate about a dozen baked and smoked wolf steaks all at once and it barely filled my gut. Fruits seem to be the most plentiful food when you recognize what trees they're on. Found one stone in three weeks if playing but I haven't spent much time on the trails either, mostly roads and cross-country.

Officially Hey Yoshi
Officially Hey Yoshi - 04.04.2022 23:33

XD smiles at the sprinting. oops. XD

Kazuma Yagami
Kazuma Yagami - 31.03.2022 02:20

I still can't find a knife after playing for two days straight wtf...

Noisy Boy
Noisy Boy - 28.03.2022 10:00

This game is so shit 🤣😂 Mrs and I have been playing this game for a few hours now, spend 20min dieing only to find a broom and a Berry 🤣😂

WartAgitator - 22.03.2022 21:18

Man, you shoot a goat one time in the melon... done and done

setv - 17.03.2022 14:28

Don’t be that guy that runs the coast no fruit trees or poly tunnels there it’s a bad way to start

Aeodian - 28.02.2022 09:45

food is so rare and my guy is always hungry its so lame, its almost like the game is just a food scavenger hunt simulator instead of a zombie survival game

Disposed Gaming
Disposed Gaming - 24.02.2022 00:35

I dont ever sub to anyone but you had me with the bed wetter comment lmaooo, i actually wasnt sprinting but i laughedd harder than i should have

steven dion 12#
steven dion 12# - 14.02.2022 20:43

I found it useful. Fishing is the way to go.

TweetySY - 13.02.2022 07:55

This guy is not funny 🤦‍♂️

Quahmeil Robinson
Quahmeil Robinson - 06.02.2022 21:13

Thank you

nateworldscool - 23.01.2022 07:14

I found a gun, ammo, good gear and died to hunger and thirst... this games frustrating lmao

Joe - 22.01.2022 14:51

starvation is the number 1 enemy in dayZ

Isiah Rocket
Isiah Rocket - 17.01.2022 02:29

You Remind me of Joe Perra from Adult Swim 😂😂😂 💪🏽💪🏽

xThe_WhiteMexican - 14.01.2022 21:35

Bruh I was literally sprinting when he said he would tell everyone about me being a bed wetter lol

ThePoisonCorpse - 13.01.2022 17:33

I've been playing for a week and still haven't found a stone

Star Melo
Star Melo - 04.01.2022 20:23

I literally came across a light house once i saw the ladder i heard flies i looked down there was 8 dead survivors and im assuming suicide because any of them couldnt find loot 😭 i went ahead and joined them 🕊

Samuel Thompson
Samuel Thompson - 02.01.2022 22:14

"Small knives can be crafted with ease" lmao okay, ill keep that in mind next time I spend an hour straight looking for small stones

ERIK DULBECCO - 01.01.2022 11:37

Sorry, how can you have eat icon at the full?
Do you have better probabilites to consume less calories or what?

AnSegamingLV - 28.12.2021 11:15

Thanks man

Sceptic X.
Sceptic X. - 26.12.2021 06:50

I think many dayz players have gone to far tht they forgot to the simplest thing..what is the goddammed hotkey for simply eating eating a fruit like a apple. plum or pear ...simple question, simple amswer...oh, thats ctrl plus someting...i do not need a whole explenation for later things, i know where they grow, i know where they can be found.....and i'm not asking about zombies...think simple bro...simple question, simple answer...WHAT IS THE FREAKING eat key ?? i have a question for you., to find a stone in dayz....i guess i make a video on the hoe stone really conduct in material, make a video an hour about this, and neglect the quesion...thank you, i now know what i did not ask

Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Pie - 25.12.2021 03:28

He got my ass. I would sprint everywhere

The Unknown Spartan
The Unknown Spartan - 19.12.2021 01:44


Crisis Morne
Crisis Morne - 07.12.2021 01:08

This is kinda why I prefer Scum now, not as difficult to find food. Hard asf to not get killed by Zombies or players or yaknow getting hyper/hypothermia but at least I don't have to worry about food since there are farms and stuff.

Pewee Charles
Pewee Charles - 26.11.2021 00:44

I starved to death cause I couldn’t open a can of food

GeeMan Gaming
GeeMan Gaming - 23.11.2021 16:58

Great video. Thank you, sir.

Rothulin - 16.11.2021 20:21

big help man gonna save for later

TheMilkman - 13.11.2021 21:11

What kills me the most even with 700 hours is disease. I get sick all the time and will randomly die eventually

Zagreb Vlogs
Zagreb Vlogs - 09.11.2021 10:39

Great video very informative, however I don't agree with one thing you kept stating and that is to STOP SPRINTING... so i just want to give more info on that, so by just jogging you burn 0.1 calories per second, sprinting uses 0.3 calories per second.. so yes, technically you could say that sprinting "wastes" more energy, but not really, it actually doubles your running speed so if you do the math you actually use triple the energy but double the distance travelled, and that gets you to travelling double the speed actually wastes only +0.1 more calories per kilometer sprinted then jogging.. and then if you weigh the pros and cons of sprinting, jogging makes you easier to shoot, takes you longer to travel in open field and therefore improves odds of someone spotting you.. and not to mention that you move your travell time for example from Electro to Berezinho from lets say 25 minutes to more like an hour, not even counting the looting and stuff, and this things reeeeally add up man! With a good Electro loot route you can hit NWA in about 3 hours, without sprinting? its easy one day of playing...And also this is in no form hate comment or anything, you are very helpfull to new players with some great tips... but let me give one tip to new players, dont think defensively, instead of thinking "how can i conserve calories?" , think "how do i get more efficient in gatherin, hunting and cooking food so my backpack is always full with cooked food while travelling and i am self-sufficient to camp in woods for 8 hours if i want"
Thanks for the video bro

Envy - 24.10.2021 21:53

If you would have told me this 4 hours before It would of been nice, Now i'm in fucking northwest airfield with my best gear dying to fucking food .-.

Just In case
Just In case - 24.10.2021 01:43

Hello, if you wanna team up and start a adventure of day Z PvE. Type your Psn name in the comments.
I play on PlayStation on Vanilla++ server. Also I play on keyboard and mouse servers.

Houston Texas
Houston Texas - 17.10.2021 21:06

Yeah fuck this game. Food and water is so damn scares. Everything drains your players health and all. You spend 99% of the time trying to find food in order to keep living. Can't even enjoy the game because all you do is look for food.
