Should You Use Bootstrap?

Should You Use Bootstrap?

Web Dev Simplified

4 года назад

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@user-wr2ky2ec7m - 02.10.2023 21:27

Thank you so much this is really helpful...I have been look for videos like this for the past days, but I never had a clear satisfaction on what to decide on...thanks a lot bro

@jayman1ism - 02.10.2023 03:41

Bro blinks once a minute

@shonuff4323 - 20.08.2023 05:06

Foundation is better than bootstrap

@certifiedfanboy734 - 24.07.2023 06:17

Tailwind is better

@5uryaprakashPi - 23.06.2023 06:20

bootstrap 5 is no longer relying on JQuery. Javascript part is completely re-written in vanilla js.

@turtlethom9127 - 17.05.2023 05:19

Thank you!

@despacitodaniel801 - 25.04.2023 12:19

Bootstrap is for shitty projects that you want to fill up ur github profile

@psy237 - 15.04.2023 18:57

Clicked on this video, read the title, look to the right where "Bootstrap 5 Crash Course" video from WebDevSimplified is, so I guess that answers that, or he was just really really bored :'D

@metallmad77 - 14.04.2023 04:51

I only use the nav bars from bootstrap "occasionally"

@neilclido5105 - 22.02.2023 07:48

This really helps me

@robertbutcher222 - 22.02.2023 05:39

This might just be asking the same question, but what about for a job skill? What if you want to be a frontend developer and you want to learn Bootstrap, or another css framework as a job skill? Is it worth learning Bootstrap in that situation? Or is it better to just learn it on the job when you need it?

@-taz- - 10.02.2023 08:15

Bootstrap is only ok for programmer-only jobs (no web designer, and the dev has little UI/UX capability) and, even then, only if it's a very simple responsive site. Otherwise it's even more limiting than plain HTML. I got added in 2018 to a project that uses it at a popular rocket company, where I had mainly programmed the flight software. After a few weeks, I told them "the CARD is not supposed to be an ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENT." But, um, there were many more serious problems, too, as you could have guessed.

@watchtellyinuk - 01.02.2023 22:53

Well that was a waste of 8 minutes.

@wilfordnkosana6597 - 01.02.2023 01:14

Thanks for this good advice!

@JayMaverick - 26.01.2023 18:39

As a marketer with minimal HTML/CSS knowledge, stuff like Bootstrap is a godsend for launching minimum viable websites quickly. If it works aka makes money, then sure, redo it properly with optimized pure code at some point.

@rodelcrisosto499 - 23.12.2022 07:45

The only thing I appreciate in bootstrap are the media queries.

@jovelynobias5422 - 01.12.2022 16:10

This is really helpful. I already have basic knowledge about html and css, and I'm still learning more everyday. But i think I'm good enough to move forward and start learning bootstrap next. Thanks for giving me (as a beginner) an idea on which scenarios where bootstrap is the best option.

@wanderer1966 - 01.12.2022 10:56

If your a front end developer, use vanilla css. If your a full stack developer, use bootstrap css

@constantine9074 - 25.11.2022 23:52

OK, now you made me change my mind about learning bootstrap .. :D

@creaperxo - 12.11.2022 11:46

muchas gracias aficiones este para vosotros suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

@ashokm4845 - 31.10.2022 22:13

Very nicely put. Thank you.

@oryahelbenbenishti1316 - 27.10.2022 22:49

Funny that you don't recommend learning React and Bootstrap together.
I am currently taking a course through the Facebook/Meta company's in Coursera sit for Front-End, and is a long Bootstrap course over there.

I would love to know what you think about it?

@DennisdeJong - 23.10.2022 19:56

Going through a course that includes bootstrap. Don't like the extremely long class names. Might learn it just for the sake of being able to speed up a job. But i might prefer css in it's raw form with full control.

Thinking about starting JavaScript and doing bootstrap later. Recommended?

@petgrooming - 19.10.2022 23:40

To the point! subscribed

@habeshaplay386 - 02.10.2022 22:17

Thank You My brother you saved my life today

@Aineah670 - 29.09.2022 11:49

I have watch both videos of you explaining Tailwind and Bootstrap and it goes without saying that you prefer tailwind.

@bennonyeokereke6087 - 07.09.2022 14:21

Thanks a lot man, this is really what I needed

@sathvikmalgikar2842 - 03.09.2022 06:39

thank you so much sir

@ahmads9336 - 17.08.2022 22:40


@illegalsmirf - 10.08.2022 18:49


@luisacavalcanti3665 - 22.07.2022 14:34

Boostrap is one of the things that most help me as a developer. The responsiveness and templates save lot of time and create a good looking

@sachinrao7155 - 19.06.2022 14:59

I didn't know jordi is a programmer too!!

@poteaucedar4403 - 18.06.2022 18:15

Thank you! I’ve watched so many videos about Bootstrap, but you’ve explained it better in 3 minutes then a 20 minute video

@adimaralimuddin96 - 29.05.2022 08:11

hi kyle, what's your favorite css framwork? and why?. me personally i love tailwind. i've used mui and bootstrap, but tailwind works for me.

@vamsivenkata3587 - 28.05.2022 07:06

Which css framework should I learn in 2022

@cristiangutierrez1314 - 05.05.2022 17:02

Thanks man just what i was looking for ....

@montebont - 25.04.2022 02:35

I couldn't have said it better. The learning curve is quite steep and "mentally" locks you in to Bootstrap - however nice it is as long as you do not care about its size.
Better invest in learning "modern" CSS. You can sill borrow some of the Bootstrap ideas and concept but it will make your site or app looks less "Bootstrappy" then a lot of other sites.

@HummingBirdUK07 - 24.04.2022 06:59

Totally agree with your opinion.

@kerimtim - 21.04.2022 20:26

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you Kyle.

@tech-eranica9996 - 06.04.2022 09:55

Which is better? Bootstrap or Tailwind blocks / Tailwind Components?

@lauyuhin - 04.04.2022 12:07

Can't say anything else but totally agree! Although I never used Bootstrap in real project.

Conclusion: Bootstrap is for you to play with.

@CarlosEduardo-nj9nz - 01.04.2022 01:09

I'm front end dev in a kind of a big project (my first project), but the guy working before me added bootstrap, I don't really know what to do, because I use just pure CSS but, at the same time I don't want to mess good styles that already have been made but I need to just write my own styles in specific situations. Is there a way I can use both without too much trouble?

@lonewolfcoding5208 - 20.02.2022 15:11

i dont use jquery and bootstrap
i use pure javascript and css html node js
i feel like i can customize my own design

@frankcastellanos - 05.02.2022 07:33

Great advice.

@piotrrodzen772 - 27.01.2022 23:48

UPDATE: Jquery is not anymore in bootstrap so no need to include the big library

@piotrrodzen772 - 27.01.2022 23:46

Thanks for claryfying bro, great vid

@danneytee2860 - 19.01.2022 13:24

Totally agree that bootstrap is not for everyone and every use case. i can use css quite well but the only reason why I'm picking up bootstrap is because many local jobs have it as requirement.

@AozenDreyar - 16.01.2022 23:56

also another thing is bootstrap makes your html look extremely crowded now i get that it adds a ton of functionality but it also makes it almost unreadable for newer programmers.

@srinicnu5283 - 14.01.2022 10:46

can you create a website challange in which every on of your subcribers might have a chance to compete
