Ultimate Power In Hades | A Complete Guide To The Mirror Of Night

Ultimate Power In Hades | A Complete Guide To The Mirror Of Night

Legacy Gaming

3 года назад

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lol_whutever - 09.09.2023 23:09

oh, i'm going to fight you on dark regeneration.
the regular amount of darkness you earn per room reward is 12 (with dark thirst, which i use literally always), dark regen heals only 60% of darkness earned
so basically, for every darkness room reward, you get like 7 HP
you might want to go for darkness in the early game, which i can see that he is, but later on this will become worthless
and don't you even dare saying "well bosses drop darkness when you collect their bounty", because you can increase your heat gauge to get new bounties
if you can't do that, then i'm sorry you have skill issue or didn't get enough upgrades to beat hades
and by the time you actually run out of bounties, you won't need darkness
and even then you getting like 2 darkness room rewards per region at most.
that's like 14 HP total.
in comparison to 15 rooms per region * 3 HP per room = 45 HP healed in a full region from chtonic vitality

crimsonraen - 06.01.2023 04:22

Thanks for the video! :)

JEC REX - 26.11.2022 20:46

Considering how little I get darkness in my runs over more useful items, that 3 health per door adds up over time. Mitigates Chaos a bit too.

Nathan Mitchell
Nathan Mitchell - 27.08.2022 04:58

My heroin addiction causes less withdrawal than hades.

Sean Relph
Sean Relph - 11.05.2022 07:45

Why would you make a video on these mirror attributes when you don't even have them all fully upgraded? You can't speak to their full effectiveness or even give proper info on them.

Johnny Montalvo
Johnny Montalvo - 17.03.2022 22:36

I can’t believe that I got 20 attempts in and never realized that you can flip those for different options! Lol. Thanks for this!!

Snarethedrummer - 10.03.2022 07:51

Thanks for this guide, I think it's the most efficient, to-the-point one available from what Iv'e seen so far.

Started playing relatively recently (though I've somehow logged 90hrs over 20 days), and this helps a ton!

BJT005 - 09.03.2022 20:30

I beat Hades for the first time after 20 or so runs before even knowing there was a whole different set of choices in the mirror, before knowing you could upgrade and change appearance of the weapons, and having no trinkets but Skelly's tooth. I was fishing all wrong too I thought you had to time it perfectly with the bobble of the lure not wait until it goes under water. I felt like a fool.

First Last
First Last - 06.03.2022 10:32

Can you just upgrade them all and benefit from them all?

Octopoda012 - 03.03.2022 03:16

I followed this guide and got my first clear right after. Attempt 40. 🤦‍♂️

Jonathan - 22.02.2022 19:04

It’s good to see others’ opinions on this. I think you are probably in the minority on a few fronts, though.

Most people will probably benefit more from using Chthonic Vitality over Dark Regeneration. Styx is arguably much more difficult with Dark Regeneration, since there is never any darkness to heal with. On the other hand, rooms are pretty short in Styx, so those small heals you get from Chthonic Vitality add up quickly and keep you healed up.

Golden Touch is good for one thing: buying things in Styx. If you are saving your coin the entire run, you’ll end up with enough to buy Charon out. Realistically, though, you’re going to buy a few things along the way, which digs into your final amount. There is also a huge advantage to Deep Pockets. If you choose to go to Charon’s shop early, you will actually have enough money to buy a boon if you choose to, which gives you a lot more influence over which gods you’ll use at an early stage.

Also, you will never find every god in a single run. The game caps you at a certain point and will only naturally offer boons from gods you already have. Realistically, you will only get a 20-30% boost from Family Favorite every time. Privileged Status looks a lot more appealing when you know that.

Besides that, I agree with your takes.

TheBerserk69 - 28.12.2021 11:02

36 runs, killed hades twice and still didn't know you could swap the mirror skills. :/

Ccortanaa - 13.11.2021 12:42

I am a bit frustrated with this game. I don't know why they did not make it where you can bring up your inventory of "items", the items used to buy things etc. While i am playing i cannot see anything other than my gold count. It would be nice if they had made it where when you clear a room and you have your choices of doors to go through, you should be able to hover over the door icon so that it tells you what exactly you are going into. And i think the biggest issue i have had with the game at this point, is with a ability i thought was going to be passive forever on the run i am on, and that is double dash. For like 4 days straight, i had double dash (click space bar twice and well, double dash!). Then all of a sudden it was gone, why? Boons disappear quickly, this was not a boon, it couldn't have been, it lasted for days as i logged in each time, why was it gone? That brings up another issue, WHERE CAN I VIEW MY PASSIVE ABILITIES THAT WILL NOT GO AWAY? I like the game don't get me wrong, i just have these issues that seems like they could have made things more easy to follow, less convoluted so you aren't guessing all the time.

Tyson Jensen
Tyson Jensen - 13.10.2021 04:47

Oh dear, if you are watching this video, you won’t get to the Temple of Styx if you aren’t spending your coin. Deep Pockets for sure. The people who can just ROFL the game without spending money so that the 15% is more than 100 don’t need anyone to explain the game to them.

Tyson Jensen
Tyson Jensen - 13.10.2021 04:41

Stubborn Defiance is totally the way to go if you want to add heat and unlock things. Death Defiance is better if you just want to beat Hades and have already mastered the game otherwise. For newbs, Stubborn D is way, way better. You get to stick around longer, which means you get more experience, which improves your skill level. You only spend 600 darkness. It’s easy for someone playing on 30 heat to say “newbs should play with this weapon that only takes 30 titan blood to unlock” or “why not spend 2000 darkness on one skill?” But actual newbs have to carefully strategize. 600 darkness for maxed out Stubborn D leaves darkness for other good talents.

Vladimir Alvarenga
Vladimir Alvarenga - 03.10.2021 17:55

How's he gonna do a video without maxing out the cheaper buffs. You can use the key and respec all your darkness. One key could maxed out most buffs then spend another key to got your old build back.

Anthony Arcangeli
Anthony Arcangeli - 19.08.2021 07:33

I’ve played this game for 3 days straight and didn’t know u could upgrade death defiance 3 times lmao I would of beaten this game at least once by now lol

Juan Carlos García García
Juan Carlos García García - 16.08.2021 00:13

thank you very much!!!!

Milhous Manastorm
Milhous Manastorm - 15.08.2021 22:20

Stubborn defiance is never worth it. By the time you are far enough in the game to have access to the alternate skills from the mirror you should at least be able to get to elysium consistently if not get to hades in most of your runs making stubborn defiance a complete waste of darkness
