Zimbabwe's worthless $100 trillion bill #shorts

Zimbabwe's worthless $100 trillion bill #shorts

Henry Belcaster

1 год назад

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Thirdy Law
Thirdy Law - 29.10.2023 01:37

Zimbwabwe is in the future💀

Sparkle S
Sparkle S - 25.10.2023 21:18

THIS IS WHAT exactly BIDEN is doing in AMERICA !

Landon Walker
Landon Walker - 23.10.2023 08:16

Sounds like what some ppl in america want to do…

Carson Meyers
Carson Meyers - 22.10.2023 18:53

ghengis khan: “epic!!! wait it’s worth 40 cents.”

Water_idiot - 22.10.2023 09:12

It’s not cango it’s co go the “n” is silent most of the time and I’m from Congo

Jackie Nunez
Jackie Nunez - 19.10.2023 23:00

So I should throw away the 100 trillion zim I have

بتّال الشهراني
بتّال الشهراني - 19.10.2023 14:46

Comment this comment and i subscribe!

Hamed Ahmadi
Hamed Ahmadi - 17.10.2023 22:57

When you read history after a while when a government says they are going to redistribute wealth between people you kind of feel like things are going to get worse

The iTravel Vlog
The iTravel Vlog - 17.10.2023 10:52

We used lighting before candles

The iTravel Vlog
The iTravel Vlog - 17.10.2023 10:51

Here in Zimbabwe the is havey rain glasses are bracking trees are falling

The iTravel Vlog
The iTravel Vlog - 17.10.2023 10:49

Im in zimbabwe type your country

loot goblin
loot goblin - 15.10.2023 16:49

I'm rich 😎

Daniel Kardan
Daniel Kardan - 12.10.2023 04:33

Do Iranian Roman and rial next please

Diglet420 - 10.10.2023 00:09

Rhodesia not Zimbabwe

Andrew Brightman🇿🇼
Andrew Brightman🇿🇼 - 09.10.2023 16:27

Speaking as a white Zimbabwean of British stock, it is very sad what Muagbe and his cronies did to our beloved land. However, I believe Zimbabwe has a great future ahead of her. Zanu-Pf and their globalist cabal masters are dying out and collapsing internally. Everyone can see that. That is the natural order of things. With the right people and higher unity/christ consciousness, this country will rise to be a wildlife havan, breadbasket and Jewel of Africa once again. We have amazing wildlife, stunning natural beauty and kind, generous people. I am bloody proud of this country of mine as are all Zimbos ( both black and white ). Zimbabwe will rise again to a glorious future of prosperity, success, loving-kindness, compassion and unity for all. Truth and Justice as it should. I pity those who are offended by me saying this ( you who gave up on life ). I will not be joining your bitter, cynical and pessimistic club.

Andrew Brightman🇿🇼
Andrew Brightman🇿🇼 - 09.10.2023 16:21

The new generations of Zimbabweans ( both blacks and whites ) will clean up the mess the old generation ( Mugabe and Zanu-Pf ) made. It is only natural that Zimbabwe will rise to greatness again. Our wildlife thriving, our people happy and our country thriving on propserity, success, loving-kindness, compassion and unity. I am a great believer that your words, beliefs, intentions and prayers have great and powerful impact. So I will keep on manifesting a better, greater Zimbabwe for all. Those who can't stomach me saying this can kindly never set foot in my country with that attitude. I am not joining your cynical, pessimistic club. No thanks.

Andrew Brightman🇿🇼
Andrew Brightman🇿🇼 - 09.10.2023 16:13

Rhodesia was the Earth's best-governed and well-run country in world history. However, Zimbabwe will rise again to that greatness once again. Speaking as a white Zimbabwean, the one thing that offends Zimbabweans of all colour, especially us whites are clueless westerners and American neo-nazi fools claiming to be experts on our country when they never even set foot here. Yes. The givt is wicked and corrupt. Things can be tough and the economy trying. But one does not cease to be patriotic of their country just because of political changes or how bad things get. Call it Rhodesia or Zimbabwe, it is still the same beautiful country, the same amazing wildlife, stunning natural beauty and kind, generous people. It is our only home. No other can do. With respect, westerners should stay out of our business. I believe the West can't tell the difference between a man and a woman now and allows cross-dresssing pedos to read to children. At least, we don't have that problem here

Tinemufaro Chirikwawo
Tinemufaro Chirikwawo - 08.10.2023 21:43

Meanwhile in ZIM
1USD:12 000 bond

TopBrickbattler76 - 08.10.2023 16:57

dude, the rich kid could buy 6+ houses...

Ognjen Stevanovic
Ognjen Stevanovic - 07.10.2023 14:06

It's sound like germany in 1920s.
