Crossing the Pacific Episode 1: EDG Flandre is the best top laner in the world when he chooses to be

Crossing the Pacific Episode 1: EDG Flandre is the best top laner in the world when he chooses to be


3 года назад

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@mmmnn1324 - 21.06.2021 20:29

great podcast

@kissblade8587 - 05.02.2021 04:25

whoa I had NO idea this existed till they shouted it out at Last hits. You gotta get out there Kelsey!

@acsu96 - 30.01.2021 01:58

One question I would love to get perspective on is LPL vision of top lane. You've (semifacetiously?) Joked about LPL Renektons saving flash for dragon fights, but often when I watch renekton lanes I've been conditioned to think junglers will put attention there, and LPL tops seem often content to just even farm to first item. I've had similar thoughts about Jayce and Gnar too. Last year there was a ton of Voli into Camille before other regions too iirc, so I would be interested in the details about these matchups and the internal top meta in the region.

@delontewest6353 - 29.01.2021 00:15

Where is the lec podcast?

@acsu96 - 28.01.2021 23:05

Interesting to hear about comms in game like "oh this guy sucks he's not going to dive me". I feel like this is never a realization you would come to in-game in the West, maybe because the scrim pool is so much smaller

@acsu96 - 28.01.2021 22:48

Love the new show. Really like hearing the insights of someone more embedded in LPL since I always wonder how much western ideas about the LPL are formed by the analysis of a few specific Western analysts

@nguyentri3608 - 28.01.2021 22:45

Nelson Pog

@Vilelavolume11 - 28.01.2021 22:44

Great!! Keep up the good work
