Tech CEOs testify before Congress on kids’ safety online - 1/31 (FULL LIVE STREAM)

Tech CEOs testify before Congress on kids’ safety online - 1/31 (FULL LIVE STREAM)

Washington Post

5 месяцев назад

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CEOs from five of the biggest technology companies, including Mark Zuckerberg of Meta, Linda Yaccarino of X and Shou Zi Chew of TikTok, testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about children’s safety online. Yaccarino, as well as the CEOs of Discord and Snap, are appearing before lawmakers after being subpoenaed by the committee. Senators are expected to grill the tech leaders about the spread of sexual content of children online and their companies’ respective efforts to combat child sexual abuse material, known as CSAM.

Young people’s safety on the internet has been a major focus for lawmakers over the last year. The issue was front and center at a congressional hearing 10 months ago, where lawmakers grilled TikTok’s CEO about potential online dangers to young people.

Libby Casey anchors live coverage from The Washington Post newsroom with analysis from James Hohmann, Geoffrey Fowler, Drew Harwell and Cat Zakrzewski. Rhonda Colvin is live on Capitol Hill. Read more: Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube:

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@nikkimcgaw1011 - 02.02.2024 01:02

Why is the president not at these meetings he should be concerned with our well-being he's probably at the beach

@doddly - 01.02.2024 23:09

The idea the government cares about our children is straight comical. Man, I remember when parents did their job and didnt rely on the goverment to hand-hold them. Clowns.

@jass4485 - 01.02.2024 22:36

And what about video gaming industry?

@ethansmith7305 - 01.02.2024 21:07

Expecting a random CEO from a corporation to care about your child more than you do is wild. You wouldn’t send your child into a random stadium of people you’ve never met, why do you let them stay on the internet unrestricted and unmonitored?

@michelleskind - 01.02.2024 20:23

About damn time. Hold them accountable to safeguard children and keeping them from dying!!

@DeerMadBro - 01.02.2024 19:40

Tbh, as much as no one likes lizard man, shouldn’t parents also take responsibility?

@Nathan-qz4is - 01.02.2024 19:34

They dont care about any human lives except their own!! They only do enough to fly under the radar!! They care only about their own greed!!

@HeiligerGrimmnir - 01.02.2024 18:29

Hey parents... you dont need congress. You need to step the hell up and remove the social media from your home.

@siper5542 - 01.02.2024 17:56

Decrepit old fools don't know a single thing about technology or platforms. Only the old fear technology, they rather follow a old book like it's the law of the world.

@MSBenBecker - 01.02.2024 17:47

The MAGA party lead by the convicted rapist Donald Trump, who's an Insurrectionist, liar , conman and is famous for using Social media to bully, defame, harass, terrorize, lie, demean, shame, insult and to spread hate.. Please stop these fake shows for your followers, the village idiots. It's so damaging for the MAGA party. On the other hand pleeeeeease continue to show the world who you are! Vote blue!😂

@MSBenBecker - 01.02.2024 17:36

All the MAGA Senators speaking are Insurrectionists, traitors, bullies, liars, sex criminals, sextraffickers and are backing a convicted rapist and serial fraudster traitor Donald Trump. A collection of misfits grandstanding for the base. The base are uneducated, gullible morons.. DO NOT BLAME SOCIAL MEDIA for the intellectual and moral decline of millions of people. FOX, Traitor Trump and his MAGA CULT..start there, they groomed this village idiots. These people are raising children.. America you have a problem!

@user-bg1rd2ul4f - 01.02.2024 17:26

putting the blame entirely on social media platforms for mental health issues is not fair. people who have chosen not to be here anymore ALREADY have had issues and social media just pushed them over the edge. social media is not the CAUSE. Its a whole other issue and a much greater issue. I mean the US has such high mental health issues rates and in general bad family dynamics - environment plays a greater role here than a mere platform.

also, ur a parent. ur responsible. u cant monitor ur childs activities on social media 24/7 i understand then either dont allow social media or educate ur kids to not do certain things on the app for their own safety.

at the end of the day these companies exist and are extremely popular and dangerous because its so mainstream its ur job as a parent to be vigilant about ur kids not the companies. its not their fault ur child thought buying drûgs on instagram was a good idea. and be realistic u cant expect platforms as big as instagram and snapchat and so on to be able to regulate EVERY SINGLE bad thing on there its just not easy. i mean these companies r insanely huge. people should know what they r getting into and be aware of its dangers. i have not once experienced any sort of "bad" encounter on any platform because i take the initiative to stay away from such things and i have been using these apps since i was 10. ten yearssss olddddddd!!!

discipline ur kids. take control. dont allow social media for ur kids then. educate the youth. allow young people to be aware of the dangers of the real world to an extent that they know how to protect themselves. figure it out. these companies r way to big and massive to blame them alone.

@clayalston7960 - 01.02.2024 15:59

Zuckerberg dodges question with so much word salad, it's like I'm at Olive Garden.

@aussieBaller - 01.02.2024 13:55

Blame the social media giants for suicides due to cyber bulling but don't make the gun manufacturers accountable for mass shootings. Good Job America.

@luxonbanda6649 - 01.02.2024 13:26

So much money in one room 😅

@user-dj3yv6je9n - 01.02.2024 13:06

Finally someone has brought up the geographic media warfare of different content on different contents 🎉🎉🎉 different content to different places is the single.biggest threat to world bar none

@johnsmith-lx9lw - 01.02.2024 12:44

It is congress job to pass laws to ban children from computers, have then learn to read and write and to use math not a computer.

@CitizenSmithChe - 01.02.2024 10:50

First i would pass my condolances on to those families of the bereaved, their suffering is immeasurable. To those on here who talk about parents responsability for their children firstly i would say a parent cannot oversee what their kids do 24/7 period, second what about the responsability of the social media platforms. The owners refusal to commit to supporting the proposed bills shows significantly more irresponsability than any alleged irresponsability from parents.
These proposed bills have been a long time coming. The social media platforms have proven themselves incapable over a long peroid of policing themselves, putting profits before lives as was proved in this meeting. I know their will be others who cite reasons of freedom of expression and privacy as reasons not to do anything but i think the time has come for accountability. The proposed bill allowing individuals to sue these platforms will do more, i suspect, than any other measure to force these companies to finally face up to their failings.
We all, i suspect, know of instances of individuals who have beeen bullied, harrassed and victimised online and enough is enough. We can choose to ignore it and turn away, kidding ourselves that all is fine or we can choose to call it out for what it is. The worst of human behaviour, facilitated and most shockingly of all, actively encouraged by media platform algorithms. It is disgusting.
The day when i see Zuckerberg and his like squirm in a courtroom and made to pay financially to the families and victims will be a day i, for one, would welcome.
In the meantime we all can do something simple to focus their minds, close your accounts. I did on FB some years ago when i witnessed the worst of human behaviour and have never looked back since. If we all did that we would ruin their business model and they would cease to exist.

@danltc9392 - 01.02.2024 09:34

congress is getting ridiculous, all these tit for tat is just for show. what happened to parents taking ownership of their kids own upbringings?

@user-cv7uv7qe6v - 01.02.2024 07:12

I remember very specifically in the last election a total denial by social media top numbnuts that algorithms didn't exist at all.

@katyschildmeyerksapparelde2441 - 01.02.2024 07:06

Also anyone deep faking a person needs jail time. It is identity theft!!!

@katyschildmeyerksapparelde2441 - 01.02.2024 07:05

Half the time you can’t get things removed because of a AI customer service bot.

@user-cv7uv7qe6v - 01.02.2024 06:57

In some ways, I think the Chinese CEO did a pretty good job trying to respond. Simply cuz there is absolutely no way that guy could ever tell the truth. Communism has total control over their people

@Ken_N - 01.02.2024 06:43

What about the companies that actually make the hardware for these platforms/software companies? lol battle of big tech special interests.

@PJVist - 01.02.2024 06:20

If they could be SUED, they would FIX the problem ASAP!! Periot!!!

@Ken_N - 01.02.2024 05:32

Zero accountability from parents. There will be many many more if parents don’t monitor their children’s activities. America has an epidemic of mental illness and ignorant/lazy parenting.

@jacquelinetorres4766 - 01.02.2024 05:31

They are child has been bullied Discord discuss Roblox too has predetors!!!!!!!

@jeamim - 01.02.2024 05:11

Hope this is not a stunt

@TackerTacker - 01.02.2024 04:58

Oh great another hearing 🙄
The US is always great at talking tough, and it's very entertaining to watch them CEO's sweat bullets, but how about some actions for a change?!
It's already a meme online that the EU is the only one actually doing something to keep big tech in check.
I think this will play out the same way as always, big talk, no action.

@Ami_BK - 01.02.2024 04:47

Snap chat CEO leading the way

@kayla-lt7fu - 01.02.2024 04:18

I watched this today. I’m glad that this is going on. I did mention about the disabled. Or the ones who get taken advantage of. I believe gradually they’re starting out with the children. Then the teens and then adults.

@jrquinn9377 - 01.02.2024 04:03

Oh great, another useless hearing about something parents should be doing and not government.

As far as I know, social media is not a utility so it's not a necessity for everyday living.

It is a parent's job to supervise their children, not someone else.
If they are too lazy or too busy, then don't give them access to social media.

Socal media is not something you stumble into like a newspaper or magazine left on a table.

It requires more time and effort to access and interact with social media. So parents have only themselves to blame for not supervising their own children.

@xxsipanxx - 01.02.2024 04:02

These supposed "hearings" are so badly staged anyone with an IQ of 50 could see through it. This is a complete circus and it's all for show. Don't you dare believe any of it. Those senators make a lot of money on these platforms as well. Fantastic actors, though, I will give them that.

@DarkHorse-bp3xf - 01.02.2024 03:56

Suing a tech company because you lost a loved one is ridiculous. I'm an advocate of protection systems for tech but they are no more liable than the NRA, liquor stores, neighbourhood convenience stores who sell tobacco, or cannabis outlets. Young people are vulnerable. Even adults are vulnerable (money scams) but the real issue lies with a mass education campaign that takes control away from the predators and gives it back to the individuals. Sending money to an online person (or bot) that you've never seen in person or talked to is a choice. Sending revealing photos to someone is a choice. Buying fentanyl online is a choice. There will always be thieves and scumbags in this world. Teach children from earliest possible age (at home and at school) to recognize the dangers and how to handle them. The caveat to this is the use by tech companies of algarithms that target certain sectors of the population, especially young people.

@Diana-lq5yj - 01.02.2024 03:40

First time I've ever agreed with anything Lindsey Graham says.

@SatanJigglesMyBalls - 01.02.2024 03:08

This isn't going to be a popular comment or opinion, but I give zero fucks. Your kids are your kids, and it is your job to protect them. Your job. You are the one who decided to have children, you are the one who protects them. It is not the job of Corporations to protect your children. Set parental controls. Take away their devices if they break the rules... be a parent. You chose that life, now own up to it and watch over your kid bc none of the rest of us care about you or your kid.

@scourge213 - 01.02.2024 03:02

Most of this is just senseless finger-wagging. It's like pointing a finger at a military ammo manufacturer and asking them if they are responsible for the killings and whether should they feel guilty about it. The answer is no. The problem is the users and the control should be on the users.

@user-ru5jy5lr4g - 01.02.2024 02:34

I like how all these muppets blame everyone except bad parenting.

@PedroMiguel-if3ll - 01.02.2024 01:45

Nobody is force to use social media. Of course for new generations all is out of control!
By the way, X CEO is so phony!

@danielli9167 - 01.02.2024 01:20

No every body use social media to order drug pills. Where were you when your kid abuse the social media? May be you were busy to find another man to Fxxx.

@Jaws... - 01.02.2024 01:08

I didn't catch all the hearing but it seemed like a lot of, trying to jam innocent add salesman, that make a lot of money, somehow liable for people they never met or lived with... either way did they get anywhere on caring for the youth. What happens when high-school sweethearts get married, and as they go on their honeymoon, get jammed up by TSA at the airport. TSA go through both there phones and in a deep state of it find nudes they sent to each other years earlier, under age. They are now both child predators. They have a baby and the government doesn't stop bothering them, or even maybe takes their child away because of what it says about them on paperwork from their honeymoon. It seemed like at the hearing they wanted to put it all on adults for the inappropriate behavior, and as adults there was no talk of what happens when the youth become adults with what's on their private platform, because children are sending them to children... what to do when you come of age. I've always suggested to the youth in my life to get rid of it before you're of age and to really not save it at all. unfortunately a under age girl sent something years ago to a dumbass and he spread it around. The whole thing went away until 5 years later when everyone is now adults, somehow I heard it was circulating again. The later is hearsay to me, and the former is hypothetical question

@JenniferIlenePerry - 01.02.2024 01:02

Social media is dangerous but the Republicans are going to save us? While children are being terrorized in school massacres and they wear AR-15 pins in Congress? More BS and PR of lies for Americans. Insurrectionists are in Congress and the Senate. They have divided our country getting behind a criminal and Insurrectionist. All dishonoring their oath to the Constitution. Accountability for ALL!

@JoeyBoBoey - 01.02.2024 00:29

If Musk hadn’t renounced there’s no way he’d show up to this.

@claudiaholmok6148 - 01.02.2024 00:19

Thank you Linda Yaccarino for protecting all children on your platform and beyond.

@CreciendoenlaFedelaManodeJesus - 01.02.2024 00:15

In recent times, we have witnessed an alarming situation involving a large number of undocumented immigrants working for delivery applications such as Amazon Flex, Walmart's Spark Driver, Uber, DoorDash, Instacart, and many others of the same nature. This situation violates the laws of the State of Florida and the United States of America. What's even worse is that these companies take advantage of this circumstance to unfairly benefit at the expense of undocumented individuals, reducing payment per delivery to offensive and unjust levels. This not only harms American citizens and legal residents but also limits their job opportunities and plunges them into immoral levels of poverty and humiliation.
Furthermore, it is important to highlight the existence of criminal syndicates that coordinate with undocumented immigrants from their home countries to negotiate with these applications and secure a source of income upon arrival in the United States. These syndicates illegally amass great fortunes, even utilizing bots that greatly harm American citizens and legal residents, undermining equal opportunities as established by our Federal Constitution. It is even more concerning that these syndicates not only exploit undocumented immigrants but also usurp the identities of legal individuals and American citizens in our great nation of laws and values. To make matters worse, they evade tax payments, resulting in a multimillion-dollar loss for our country, as these criminal gangs operate in every state of the United States
The press and the community have begun to discuss this terrible scourge and other crimes of significant magnitude that terrify society at large, urging all federal and state authorities to take urgent action to immediately halt these criminal acts.

@philunseld - 01.02.2024 00:09

Why do I see Zuckerberg with horns, cloven hooves, hairy legs and a tail?
