Bannerlord's Best Units, Commands & Formations! Final Update Tactics Guide

Bannerlord's Best Units, Commands & Formations! Final Update Tactics Guide

Strat Gaming Guides

1 год назад

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Strat Gaming Guides
Strat Gaming Guides - 21.10.2022 10:10

Well it's finally done - over two weeks worth of work went into this and I was running low on time and energy. Sorry I couldn't add more memes or cool edits, 90% of the effort for this video went into the data and analysis. On the bright side, you'll know how to dominate every battle in 1.9 full release :D I've got a few shorter videos that I need to try to push out before the 25th so stay tuned, it's going to be a BUSY week!

john doe
john doe - 15.09.2023 16:35

you could have cured at least one type of cance with all this effort

K S - 10.09.2023 12:07

There's so much info here, I feel I need a summary of the summaries. A text guide would be nice. Just a short best troop per category and their best formation against enemy X. I watched this video several times over and feel like my brain just melted trying to keep up. Maybe I'm just slow 🙂

Kaador - 08.09.2023 12:13

Hi-di-ho my friends. That need a little update, but you should wait till th next patch in October(this winter thing) to cover something up.
Work-break always means Strat Gaming to me.
And eat of cours.

Einfach ich
Einfach ich - 30.08.2023 02:13

Would be nice to get new analysis for the new 1.2 patch with new behavior and stuff.

David Ward
David Ward - 10.08.2023 06:29

This is incredible! Its like what spirit of the law does in AoE2!!! Thank you! This is fascinating for a new player! I feel like cav should be beasts. But it just looks like they suck against everything. I've been using cav archers and opening with them to create disorganization and my cav to defend against other cav rushes. Once the lines are scattered a bit I start the manual charges and it seems to do well.

Jonathan Gomez
Jonathan Gomez - 26.07.2023 00:09

Circle is situational tactic I’ve done well fighting larger armies with smaller ones circle on a hill and put archers in center while cav hits and runs on the outside even if I did eventually loose some battles it was costly for the enemy

Malum95 - 11.07.2023 07:00

Can someone give me unit>formation>command TLDR? my head hurts

Vincent Clough
Vincent Clough - 04.07.2023 21:53

so now its totally unrealisitc

Kunal Gupta
Kunal Gupta - 14.06.2023 00:20

I'm new to bannerlord and this is a little overwhelming. If anyone knows about a video about best army compositions, commands and troop types plz share the link. Thank you✌️

Iron knights
Iron knights - 13.06.2023 17:21

Shock troops can’t defend against archers so I always use shield as archers are king

StealnSoulz - 09.06.2023 22:46

What would a good army composition be? I like to role play and only use my cultures troops. I’m doing empire right now and have been keeping 1/3 infantry,archer, and Calvary

StealnSoulz - 09.06.2023 22:42

Is this info still relevant? I’m on console and just started playing recently

Irudium1 - 25.05.2023 16:25


Cosmic Tsunami
Cosmic Tsunami - 18.05.2023 20:33


dotGarr - 09.05.2023 22:13

So in terms of which is the better shield infantry, what would you go with? You used Legionaries for the formation testing, but given that Heavy Spearmen and Axemen performed better vs cav would they have the edge?

Quang Đức Trần Ngô
Quang Đức Trần Ngô - 09.05.2023 16:23

I find that the more cav you have the more chaostic it would become. And they are most effective, especially the lance ones, against other Cavs, and back raids. Otherwise getting stuck is a real problem

Trigger - 15.04.2023 18:19

Play Bannerlord, a game where a famous cavalry formation, famous for its success sucks for cavalry, but destroys when used for infantry 😅

Mow Vu
Mow Vu - 14.04.2023 03:06

i would love rts camera mod to work on 1.1.2.
it's so hard trying to find some high ground for s better view before i get bum rushed by the ai

Foo Win Sern
Foo Win Sern - 11.04.2023 09:07

Does this still work in version 1.1.2?

Talking Mudcrab
Talking Mudcrab - 11.04.2023 00:47

It's amazing how powerful using classical music in the background helps to calm me and make it easier to concentrate on the content. You're killing it dude.

Alec Guth
Alec Guth - 08.04.2023 17:25

Thank you so much for the insane amount of time you invested on this. I had a question i cant seem to find an up to date RTS camera mod do you know of one?

Oldie Wan
Oldie Wan - 08.04.2023 01:29

Great thumbnail BTW! I just recently got this game. Perfect timing for a new channel to start digging into.

Eren Çalışkan
Eren Çalışkan - 29.03.2023 23:20

so in summary, don't use cavalry

Benjamin Stef
Benjamin Stef - 28.03.2023 06:34

How do you have all this time to compile this data?! Thanks for this! :)

foamslinger - 24.03.2023 22:35

I love this content

Naros - 23.03.2023 15:59

These videos are interesting, but the loud meme shit kinda ruin the experience.

Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius - 21.03.2023 19:31

H! Nice video, thanks for the information. What would the best army composition be in your opinion?

pivotmaster351 - 17.03.2023 02:22

Like, this is cool and all, but how the hell am I supposed to make a balanced army with pikes and shock troops consistently?
Spending an hour going from village to village to find them?

And how would I make different armies with specific units inside?

Gurder Games
Gurder Games - 16.03.2023 22:03

I know it's way late to comment but how would I set up that 3 group cav charge? I feel like they'd end up grouping together rather than charging from different angles

Ryan C
Ryan C - 15.03.2023 01:06

I'm using RBM AI and cavalry just dominate. I haven't used native in forever.

I don't know if you use that mod, but if so, what do you think of the Vlandian pikeman performance?

Dylan Stanfill
Dylan Stanfill - 14.03.2023 21:55

How much of this is still legit in 1.1.0?

Leon Davis
Leon Davis - 14.03.2023 18:22

Is this guide still up to date?

Eduard John Montecillo
Eduard John Montecillo - 14.03.2023 00:45

nice guide. is this still applicable in the latest patch? I'm having problem with sturgs lmao

Thomas Kelley
Thomas Kelley - 12.03.2023 21:31

Got my shit rocked by cavalry on a god damn mountain with my archers at the very top but somehow they get up there and kill them all like it’s nothing

Vamp33 - 09.03.2023 11:37

Shame about cav under performing

Andrew Stich
Andrew Stich - 09.03.2023 00:07

Kuzait shock troops are dismounted khans guard, and the glave is very effective.

Ludvig Wibom
Ludvig Wibom - 06.03.2023 10:57

Support comment

Jonathan Jones
Jonathan Jones - 04.03.2023 05:00

Correction why no banner knight or sharpshooters?

Jonathan Jones
Jonathan Jones - 04.03.2023 04:51

Why no banner knight?

Kiro - 03.03.2023 17:58

I'm excited to use skein

Rodrigo Nakamuta
Rodrigo Nakamuta - 03.03.2023 13:01

For cavs, usually i never would order a charge against infantry from the front unless it is sufficiently softened by missiles, in general i would lead cavalry personaly in order to keep running around the enemy and looking for weak spots. the AI goes crazy if you keep running around it in high speed, it keeps changing formation and once in a while it screws up and lets a few units isolated and vulnerable, it feels almost like a pack of hunting wolfs. Cavalry can be extremelly effective but it requires a ton of micromanagement and often will require you to lead them yourself, depriving the rest of your army of its commander.

Sam Black
Sam Black - 03.03.2023 08:06

The ending.... hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. yessir

François - 03.03.2023 03:57

So many tests... That's what I call dedication!

Love Sosa
Love Sosa - 28.02.2023 22:42

You’re a G Strat. Just started watching you and I couldn’t be more impressed

Voss Marionette
Voss Marionette - 28.02.2023 05:34

I am not surprised by the voulgier being so good. They are basically feudal poleaxe users. Poleaxes are one of the if not the best melee weapon of the high middle ages. If the voulgiers had full late middle ages plate they would be almost unstoppable.
