Why Do I Feel Tired All The Time?

Why Do I Feel Tired All The Time?

Kim Foster, M.D.

1 год назад

19,372 Просмотров

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@jameswhite1319 - 11.01.2024 19:26

I can’t even get out of bed ! I have diabetes and chronic pain! I only 66 and the doctor gets me tested low b vitamins and I take them! I just don’t have any energy! 😅

@candicewisbey5614 - 11.01.2024 01:52

Thank you. Yes, I have been hearing more about the importance of gut health and I am always fatigue. I will be looking for that list of Probiotics supplements. Thank you

@lehighstar474 - 06.12.2023 21:15

Thank you for the videos,,,,and your gorgeous,,,just saying 😊

@beatatuscano4980 - 09.11.2023 13:21

I believe in you but this is only now that I feel extremely tired, with cough

@nitahenderson66 - 06.10.2023 01:35

I always knew my health issues came from my gut. I need a good pre/probiotic recommendation. Too many to choose from 😮

@affordablehairwithmelaninq7631 - 30.08.2023 16:10

Amazing video very detailed and clear you rock

@sherim8155 - 21.08.2023 19:58

Oh yes, I’ve heard about the connection between gut Microbiome and fatigue! I have been fighting c. diff for 8 months. As a result I am listening to a lot of videos and doing a lot of research. The gut microbiome comes up a lot. I have subscribed to your channel and would love to learn more. Thanks for the great info so far!

@babup8986 - 13.08.2023 06:39

Gut health is the best health ! No, it is health itself. Love you doctor. !

@ddvantandar-kw7kl - 30.06.2023 06:30

Dr the projects are pending so suddenly stress may be one of the causes

@ddvantandar-kw7kl - 30.06.2023 06:20

We have a big place planning to open hospital need Dr' like you to take care of paitients

@ddvantandar-kw7kl - 30.06.2023 06:17

Dr these symptoms are not frequently but when thwy display feel like alone on the planet

@rosegallant192 - 19.06.2023 01:31

Hi, Love your videos and I am starting to implement your suggestions. Would it be ok to substitute vegan yogurt for regular yogurt? Thanks :)

@kmartin2988 - 23.05.2023 17:16

I recently bought milk kefir grains and having maybe 1/4 C kefir daily. Even with this small amount, I was surprised to realize I was less tired and also slept better at night. I am prediabetic and nearly 70. I made this connection and have just had it confirmed by your video. I think I will be doing this the rest of my life (I am slowly raising the amount of kefir I can stand haha). Thank you!

@ngcmhaven - 21.05.2023 21:36

I drastically changed my diet after many years of misery which I though was normal - tiredness, non-sleeping, body pain, depression. the over all feeling of FUCK....

so.. 1 lemon, 1 spoon of flax, ground halal beef heart - fill up all day on meat, flax goes with first meal and mulch it well, split the lemon thru the day.

I am now a mountain of energy. sleep like a baby, no body pain, and have a general heavenly bliss.

Takes two days. YOU WILL FEEL TERRIBLE after changing to this diet. Your body is addicted to sugar and other bad foods. Don't break. DAY THREE YOU WILL FEEL AMAZING.... try not to fall off the wagon too much.

I have added mushrooms, garlic to diet without negative effect.....

COOKING - my over goes 1-10 and I generally cook everything on 4
can do half your lemon juices into pan, with garlic to soften a little, and then add mushrooms to cook together a little... mixing in meat .. after a short bit you'll have liquid that is almost a gravy....
wanna boil 90% of that sauce away making food taste amaze.

@sherrymacomber7772 - 13.05.2023 18:32

Thank you so much ❤

@user-gb6yd4gy7f - 05.05.2023 05:53

Yup, pre and pro has me a little confused!

@Anonymous-qp4zf - 28.04.2023 13:29

All the good bacteria in fermented food you buy from the store is dead already. In fact, many vegetables and fruits we buy lack vitamins and nutrients due to depleted overfertilized soils. Industrial meat is full with antibiotics and other chemicals. Those are the real reasons for a disturbed gut environment.

@gabbyskitchen6640 - 27.04.2023 18:49

Hi Dr. Kim, I hope you can clarify a few things for me please!!! I’m a 58 yrs woman ( post menopause). Now there are some confusing and contradictory info out there and I’m conflicted. First you have Dr Mindy who says to vary your fasts and you can exercise during fasted state. You have others who say menopausal women shouldn’t fast or at max 14 - 15hrs and definitely no exercise during fasted state. You have Dr Beth Westie who says fasts shouldn’t be done every day And when done should be supported with small snacks( 100 cal) spread throughout and big no for fasted workouts. You have Dr Mary Claire Havar who fasts every day 16:8 and works out during the fasted period. Why is there so much conflicting info I don’t want to mess with my hormones! Would you be so kind and look into these others and explain please 🙏🏻 thank you

@legend_hit_hard - 27.04.2023 11:18

Boost is the secret of my energy ma'am! 💪🏻

@KimFosterMD - 26.04.2023 16:15

I hope you enjoy this video and find it helpful!! 🧡I'm curious: have you heard of this connection before? Let me know!

@paca0526 - 26.04.2023 16:00

Outstanding video Dr. Kim! I learned that I'm pn the right track and need to stick with it! Thank you!
