Where Is The Minecraft END Update???

Where Is The Minecraft END Update???


5 месяцев назад

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@aidenlabarca7311 - 13.01.2024 20:34

It’s gonna happen when the Minecraft movie comes out in 2025

@user-qg5vv6ik1n - 13.01.2024 19:09

No__ your ideas is just a dream😢

@-ZM_Gaming- - 13.01.2024 15:10

My visiom of the end update:

Varying types of End Cities (should be multiple of them because why should 1 tower considered a city), End Ships (Small Ships, Moderate Ships, Scouting Ships, and Battleships), Shulkers (varying damage, levitation, color, and shulker shell types, each with diffetent bonuses like more inventory space, harder shells (to witstand lava and explosions, albiet only for 30 seconds in lava and 1 explosion survived, and having a damagrd variant)), Endermen (Stronger Types, Buffed types with increased teleportation stamina and defense), and probably an Ancient Enderdragon in an Enderian Capital City, guarding the egg instead of beating the normal one on the main island, who also has an army of the strongest endermen, that also safeguards a map which leads to hidden Ender Gems (ill call it Enderian Gems or Endermoid) that have varying stats like Defense, Speed, Player Health, Armor/Tool Health, and a Legendary rarity Teleportation Gem. They also should add some kind of Chorus Tree for wood that is as hard as rock, and Old Endstone, which is as hard as iron. And finally, the rarest and endgame item: the Royal Armor set with Sword, Axe, and shield, randomized in the treasure room with stronk endermen, only found in Capital Cities.

All of these should atleast add lots of difficulty exploring the end, needing proper gear like Enchanted Diamond set or Netherite. The Easy and Medium difficulty of End Cities should be in a 10-15k block radius of 0,0. Surpassing that area would allow for Hard and Expert Cities alongside Enderian Capital Cities to spawn, in which you can find better loot like Sparse, Exotic, and Legendary Enderian Gems.

This increase in difficulty would make the End an Unforgiving Dimension, what is an adventure without risks?

I wrote this for too long, blame my insanity

@NotEmilio - 13.01.2024 14:17

i absolutely hate this RPG route that minecraft is taking, i want my openworld sandbox game where i don't actually have to challenge myself to experience everything

@venomfan2020 - 12.01.2024 22:19

Imagine for Minecraft's 15'th birthday, Mojang adds all the "forgotten" Mob Vote mobs 😅

@JadeAE - 12.01.2024 15:17

thank god someone big made this video, MOJANG DO END UPDATE

@andrewmathewson341 - 11.01.2024 23:38

The End Update needs to be a whole thing by itself, not shoved along with trial dungeons and the autocrafter. Let it come in 2025.

@robertarmitage1199 - 11.01.2024 15:41

I've been watching videos from you for a while without realizing it.
So I Subscribed

@drk7016 - 11.01.2024 13:16

i hate 1.21 update, it doesnt change much, just item

@frogmouth2 - 10.01.2024 19:40

The way mojang has designed the end has sabotaged their ability to update it. To get the very valuable elytra’s and shulker boxes from the biomes, players generate hundreds if not thousands of chunks. Compare to pre-1.16 nether which was used for fast travel, the occasional nether fortress and that was it.

Mojang would need to make a method for people with legacy worlds to easily reach the far points of their end to load new chunks, let alone build a base to stay in them. I saw a video about the idea for a long distance end teleportation system and I think that’s the only feasible solution.

What I’m thinking mojang is planning is an update to the core campaign before the end update, possibly to hype up a following end update for the following year. They actively avoided changing the nether fortresses (aside from making them less common) in the nether update, the strongholds no longer pose a threat compared to other newer structures, the trial chambers could make new structures much more interesting and combative with trial spawners.

So the idea that they’d remake these core aspects of the journey to the ender dragon along with the boss fight itself, THEN update the actual end when everyone’s eyes are on it makes sense to me.

@camtugame4723 - 10.01.2024 16:46

Mojang says no and the community decides to bully them until the end update after caves and cliffs

@skepno7044 - 10.01.2024 14:32

Bro stop yapping
tHe lAsT uPdAtE wAs 8 yEaRs aGo wHiCh mEaNs tHaT iT wAs 8 yEaRs aGo

@TommyTheDummyh - 10.01.2024 10:09

Why am I watching this video when I'm stuck on 1.18.2 because mods I play with aren't updating?

@lavaboatcubesupportsukrain7539 - 10.01.2024 07:20

I might have already commented this but if they added wood, food, made end stone more versatile (all you can do with it is build things if you could use it like cobblestone and make tools and stuff that would be cool) and a way to respond

@BritishBoy - 09.01.2024 23:56

Bro, I just want you to know that you singlehandedly made me feel very old with that intro. 1.9 felt like it came out maybe a couple years ago. Time flies...

@Nightentr - 09.01.2024 20:49

1.9 ;)

@akopatato - 09.01.2024 20:34

so your only lead to think the next update is a end update is a super vague statement that we gonna get "many surprises" in future?

@EmreYey - 09.01.2024 19:39

It feels like every year that someone predicts the next update is the end update

@neenidiscord - 09.01.2024 15:25

You forgot to mention the end eye in the launcher, like why that item it couldve been any other item

@IrisGacha - 09.01.2024 09:31

if they do that, they need to take a page out of the mincraft dungeons end dlc. it had 3 unique types of enderman, a boss called the endersent, and an effect called void touch that slowed the player when they touched the void liquid. not to mention notable terrain changes that weren't over the top. if they add the mcd end or even just elements of it, it would be a fantastic addition to the game.

@LucyWoIf - 09.01.2024 07:18

A lot of assuming stuff on your end out of thin air but okay

@williswonky - 09.01.2024 04:40

2016 was eight years ago?? aw :(

@rylandgreer7726 - 09.01.2024 03:38

Imagine a citadel building in the end that acts like trial chambers

@corysms - 09.01.2024 03:34

the end update was the combat one

@agsilverradio2225 - 08.01.2024 22:51

The End is also the best place to do map art, because it's such a blank canvas.

@tenidiotaodpizzy4603 - 08.01.2024 22:07

how tf was 2016 8 years ago

@Bend-B - 08.01.2024 20:43

All dimension's are supposed to have their own specific purpose, the overworld is the resource-rich dimension perfect for base-building and farming and is the safest and easiest way to travel, the nether is the treasure-full dimension that is full of hazards and risks but rewards with excusive items such as netherite, wither skulls ,blaze rods and high-speed travel. The end is a barren and desolate dimension, with vast gaping expanses of empty void and barren islands, it is designed to drain you, drain you of your food, blocks, durability (and probably sanity) it constantly tempts you with one-way portals back to safety, it's no accident the only food in the end is so impractical that it makes healing in combat impossible, it's tempting you, trying to pull you out, and if you manage to stay you may find it's cities where you have to fight off enemies that push you away and force you to slowly and painfully tackle every room of the labyrinth. After all of that, it becomes clear the end is a looting dimension, it rewards you with the rarest items, the strongest loot, but it's never done. Even after looting the treasure the end does not give in, it never give's back the food and blocks it took from you, it does however give new options, wings to glide across the expanse and boxes to keep many times more items for longer journeys, but the end NEVER wants you to be comfortable, even with the best loot, levitation is still a frustrating threat, the empty expanses get emptier the longer you explore.

And that is what I hope they build upon with the end update. Even better loot with other new items, new strong enemies with gimmicky attacks that take time and struggle to counter. New environmental threats, build upon the otherworldly atmosphere. Maybe even add new ways the traverse the void that still keeps that constant threat.

Final Note: add the "End Anchor" from Kenadian's video it's the best idea I've seen in decades

@woofes8958 - 08.01.2024 19:38

I do like the idea of the end getting an update, but I doubt its going to get an update any time soon with the planned features Mojang has for Minecraft in the latest snapshots.

@corners1733 - 08.01.2024 18:56


@minecraftwarrior3685 - 08.01.2024 17:12

In mc live Agnes does say that the trial chambers were the "Main thing" in the update, so unless the end gets chambers too; I don't think the end is getting updated.

@WaMoon515 - 08.01.2024 16:01

I think you totally forgot about speedrunning the game

@Nitratez - 08.01.2024 15:53

I'll make a bet to whoever is reading this, a new cape that starts with the letter t,p,r,g or j will be realeased this year mark my words lol

@Jaironiely - 08.01.2024 15:39


@ya_hya - 08.01.2024 12:00

hot take: end update will be the last surge in minecrafts relevancy

@kyceessadki2501 - 08.01.2024 11:31

I think it would be cool to start players on the outer end islands and have them make their way to the dragon, in a random location several hundred blocks away, fighting through mobs and stuff to make their way there

@nota9341 - 08.01.2024 11:06

Wtf it feels like the 10th anniversary was last year

@RBLakshya - 08.01.2024 10:58

Okay, let me say it this way, how much can you take mojang's word as fact or evidence, their parody shows with constantly tell how bad they know the mob vote decisions, the mob designs, etc is (They constantly mention the regret among players for Phantoms but they still don't give them any more utilities), they constantly talk about how bad the combat changes are but don't work on that ages old combat snapshot that's jus there waiting to be of any use. And there's much more if you dive deeper.

@jedenasty2226 - 08.01.2024 09:49

Considering their latest few years, the oncoming "big" updates will probably be about ants. And they will give up on them anyway, because these are unhealthy to cows or some sh*t.

@michaelsoars17 - 08.01.2024 09:14

I am suspecting a combat and end update similar to 1.9 but somewhat bigger and have a lot better changes.

@ironiccookies2320 - 08.01.2024 08:58

After an end update, they could add new dimensions. I wouldnt mind seeing a warden dimension or a heaven dimension

@MichaelRBaron - 08.01.2024 08:30

I hope they add a bunch of hostile mobs so flying around isn't safe

@stackja78 - 08.01.2024 07:56

Free Minecrafter

@rollerjumps - 08.01.2024 07:11

The End Update... Again...

@OldMacDonaldHadAFarmEIEIO - 08.01.2024 06:41

i just watched your r/place video again before this and i think you hit puberty over the past year 💀💀
