5 Drills To Improve Your Forehand FAST I TENNIS LESSON

5 Drills To Improve Your Forehand FAST I TENNIS LESSON

Tennis Evolution

1 год назад

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@jorgelaredo5528 - 10.09.2023 13:59

Very Very good..

@kauthonk - 20.05.2023 15:06

Dude, you're a really good coach

@yunuskhan5000 - 15.10.2022 11:43

great technique to improve FH ......every beginner coach follow this

@Superon672 - 08.10.2022 14:58

She has beautiful technique

@luisriera8818 - 06.10.2022 19:47

Just to let know. The video at your landing page has no audio.

@slipperyblueclay2521 - 09.09.2022 23:27

Thanks for this drill. My HS players are notoriously late when hitting their groundstrokes.

@slipperyblueclay2521 - 08.09.2022 21:44

Have you taken over Tennis Evolution from Jeff Salzenstein? No wonder my login doesn't work!

@BirenPrasad - 07.09.2022 09:47

Nice lesson.... never late to learn. Thanks for posting such a detail and informative video.

@TenisLaMinut - 06.09.2022 17:24

Paying close attention to every shot of the student and even though she is pretty advanced not letting her go with small minuses technically without addressing them with going back to shadow swings, small progressions and feeling the move. Really great lesson!

@solrosenthal7359 - 06.09.2022 02:00

What’s the v about can you explain more please ?

@brycehoffman7175 - 06.09.2022 01:50

Not sure if this is just me but trying to visit your site gives me a 403 error.

@lognathan7119 - 02.09.2022 00:52

Kudos for posting a full lesson and features a real student. The real take away is it takes time and reps to build a technique. We live in a world were people think they can teach (or learn) everything in 20 seconds "shorts" video.

@danezu791 - 01.09.2022 21:35

Compliments to the trainer! If I had such a trainer when I was a kid...

@francissilva9822 - 01.09.2022 18:42

If she hits super way in front, shes gonna be hitting early and the ball will constantly go cross court as we saw in the video..

@johnmamercer - 01.09.2022 18:13

The contact at 45 degrees (135 degrees from chest) is dependent on the semi-western grip she has. If one uses an eastern grip, the contact point should be around zero degree ( 90 degrees to chest). The door knob wrist action needs perfect timing and may be too advanced for recreation players ( but something to work towards). The footwork stance is a neutral stance and is a good reminder that close stance ( left foot goes too far to the right) will jam your body. Montaguaru has a video on open stance and should be kept in mind. This is a very good video.

@solrosenthal7359 - 01.09.2022 17:27

Excellent drills
