Gospel Of John - The Movie Part 10

Gospel Of John - The Movie Part 10


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@rjweber89 - 12.08.2007 23:19

Thank you Jesus! Love you dad!

@CharlesCreed - 16.01.2008 19:23

Thank you Lord For all you have done for us.For all you have Given us. I praise you. Father I love you.

@rjweber89 - 22.01.2008 06:23

It is better to be rich in the spirit of truth then rich in the world because the world will not last. Only the Word and the Word is Jesus and He is God. My friend, I once thought as you. I thought it was better to sin and be rich on earth then believe in Jesus as God but he found me and Now I care not for the riches of the World because they can be taken away and destroyed BUT anything I have in Jesus Christ, for He IS God, can not be taken because those things are with Him.

@ChrisBridgenT2W - 22.01.2008 17:49

Do you really know who He is to be saying such things? Remember condemn and you will be condemned, judge and you will be judged but FORGIVE and you will be forgiven. There are some who have had it worse than you and some that have had it better, but God judges the heart of a man and everyone will be rewareded accoding to what they have done.

@Jany1954 - 14.02.2008 09:05

No one is more favored than anyone else - all are FAVORED in His eyes who BELIEVE in Him! That's the problem - those who believe they are better than the other :-(

@babelshouse - 17.04.2008 18:22

Great story, I've always liked a good fictional movie. Although the main character is a bit arrogant, thinks he's some sort of savior. But yet again, we are talking about beliefs, not facts.

@Mayer200 - 07.06.2008 18:47

It is clear that the true teachings of Jesus in the Gospel according to John, could not have inspired the torture and killings during the crusades nor the massacres committed by the "Christian" Fascists in Lebanon during 1978-1982.

@snetx10 - 17.11.2008 21:44

I hope you are not judging

@raseiler - 04.12.2008 02:58

1COR 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? Romans 12:4 For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: 5 so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

@raseiler - 04.12.2008 02:58

John 10:30 (King James Version)I and my Father are one. John 10:34-35 34Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

@raseiler - 04.12.2008 03:38

14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. John 14:11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works sake.

@Shh003 - 20.12.2008 06:27

You're right but thats because there weren't any people in needing of one but it's a good thing that they exist today to house people like you.

@Shh003 - 20.12.2008 06:28

Shut up this is like the 3rd time I've seen you write that. All people judge even if it is wrong. The difference between us and you is that we ask for forgiveness for our judgement of others.

@godihopethisnottaken - 01.05.2009 21:45


@godihopethisnottaken - 01.05.2009 21:47

Please read the bible, you take strength in faith. Take faith in Jesus.

@godihopethisnottaken - 05.05.2009 18:36

How do you know? And why do you constantly say thank you after each post?

@godihopethisnottaken - 10.05.2009 10:20

woah, relax man. I was just wondering...

@Maybeshesbornwithitt - 04.06.2009 07:40

lol me too

@Jeffyfolife2 - 16.06.2009 05:55

he is perfect.

@amlach1 - 23.07.2009 03:08

Well said brother! Jesus is the ONE spoken of by the prophets, the messiah - himself God. And you have undertood the devil's tricks to confuse those that would believe. Thank you for your words. In the name of Jesus Amen

@Jany1954 - 23.07.2009 08:52

gam, you need to re-read His Word :)

@Automatic25 - 05.09.2009 19:52

you can see the sadness in Jesus' face. His own people kept rejecting him yet the gentiles who had no clue about him readily took him in.

@eth34 - 17.09.2009 03:40

i love it when he says No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father,God bless you

@vicochico - 23.09.2009 13:06

death is often reffered to the death of our selves, of our psycoligical defects, our sins. death is allso written about in many other religions, and in all, the secret meaning of the deaths is of our defects, that make us sin at every moment.

@OneEyedJack1970 - 30.09.2009 10:13

Thomas said that because the last time they were in Judea, some people wanted to kill Jesus.

@bloodroses25 - 07.10.2009 03:13

What Happened to Part 9

@tommymac1967 - 14.10.2009 00:59

can you imagine back in the day of jesus to have some one say God and I are 1. especially if you knew jesus growing up. the gospel is so perfectly done, because Jesus always escaped out of harm until it was time for him to fullfill the profecy of death. he knew when it was the time.

@EmmanuelGoldsteinINGSOC - 02.11.2009 13:37

Is the Mary referred to in this part Mary Magdalene?

@rajandavid - 03.11.2009 21:35

many so called church goers in my country are not prepared for this movie....many are still under the law

@mmminmin02 - 17.11.2009 17:59

you will NOT believe for you are not my sheep...did you hear this? jehivah witnesses,protestants,mormons,allah lovers,etc

@johntiessen - 15.12.2009 20:34

If you got up in your church and said these wars that the americans are in are wrong. How would the people handle it? The ones I have been in, would treat you like they treated Jesus in this video. Sad isnt it.

@johntiessen - 15.12.2009 20:36

The meaning of John:10 is; True Christians know the true word of GOD when they hear it. Jesus sheep follow him because they know his voice, they will never follow a stranger in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice." How about, All wars are wrong. Forgive over revenge. The god of this world is the Devil . Do you recognize these words as GODS words? Or are they a strangers?

@Yirmeyahu23 - 16.12.2009 21:56

people still dont know that "one" in the biblical sense means united together. still thinking like greeks

@RichardSDetsch - 12.05.2010 04:34

I listen to this video as I do my work. John is my favorite book in the Bible and I am very fortunate to have this very book so well presented.

@evangelistgirl - 04.06.2010 22:51

I find it interesting that Jesus continually says " I'm telling you the truth" It's as if He is pleading with man kind saying ...heloooooo I'm not a liar everything I am telling you is the TRUTH of course it is because HE is the TRUTH

@johntiessen - 18.08.2010 20:46

@QuantumProphet Jesus is the son of God. Do not ne blind to the words that are wrote out clear in the Bible.

@oneleggedspider - 27.08.2010 09:35

No mere man could say and know such things. Match his words against the reality of life and you'll see. Even the secular powers at the time, who never met Christ, chronicled what was going on in the empire. That was their job, yet look at their words: "One has appeared who seems a man, but greater. " ...a man from Galilee who speaks as though God...is God. The very ground trembles. "

@szilvia67 - 01.10.2010 16:46


@skaterrrrrrrrrrrr - 21.03.2011 10:41

God=Father=Son. Once God was born into humanity God became the Son of God because he was a human that was born into God. I love how Jesus was the fullness of God in a human being. The Father and the Son are one. Praise the Lord!

@rinkitataak1990 - 03.07.2011 18:05

i love you jesus be wid me love u lord

@squidman22 - 09.07.2011 10:21

John Chapter 10 is my absolute favorite chapter in the entire Bible.

@viperfishsasori - 23.07.2011 03:29

@josevalle22 Here "day" meant daylight. please listen again.

@kryceksangel - 08.08.2011 01:34

Pay attention how he explains this but in John chapter 6 he does nothing but say the same exact thing SEVEN times. Yet people think that he's not being literal. If he was being figurative he would have stopped the people from walking away.

@kryceksangel - 08.08.2011 01:34

@squidman22 Chapter 6 is my favorite because of the beautiful gift he gave us.

@BarefootDreamer59 - 31.10.2011 02:20

3:50... you've got it backwards sir... :-)

@weasledust - 17.03.2012 05:43

He is the Son of God. i believe.

@bigkev2084 - 29.05.2012 21:18

he is the Son of God and God in the flesh

@DonutGuard - 27.04.2016 03:18

The point he was trying to make... is that we are ALL the children of God, not just him.

The Kingdom of God is within Man.
