The Balance of Payments Explained

The Balance of Payments Explained

Money & Macro

3 года назад

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modizzle - 22.10.2023 13:13

This is very informative

Luxus Häuser
Luxus Häuser - 10.07.2023 16:31

Presumable AI technology and CBDC's will help central banks to have better quality data on which to base their rate decisions?

Knowell - 26.04.2023 15:58


Brave Shine
Brave Shine - 04.03.2023 07:11


Valerii Soldatov
Valerii Soldatov - 10.02.2023 14:05

Great stuff. This channel is like small uni for me.

Anonymous - 16.01.2023 06:35

I don't understand. Why does importing more than you export have to be 'paid for' in some way – for instance, by there being foreign demand for bonds. Are you saying this must be the case if, say, exchange rates were to remain constant, or what?

Sahil Ingale
Sahil Ingale - 14.11.2022 11:35

thank you for pointing out the credit creation part and how that has net zero effect.

Damian Sacco
Damian Sacco - 14.10.2022 03:50

Great videos man, keep em up

inferno0020 - 07.10.2022 16:58

I really like economy that explains in a basic matter

tt the fashion desingner
tt the fashion desingner - 24.08.2022 21:41


Jim McCluskey
Jim McCluskey - 01.08.2022 18:09

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First Last
First Last - 07.07.2022 03:06

I feel like a more comprehensive video on the balance of payments would really hit the spot.

First Last
First Last - 07.07.2022 03:05

Does the current account balance roughly mean "net exports - net imports" and "net money transfers into the country - net money outflows out of the country"?

Ricarlos Arlos
Ricarlos Arlos - 04.06.2022 23:01

Thank you! Great lesson. It would be great a video about target balances

Albert Pang Khai Shuen
Albert Pang Khai Shuen - 14.04.2022 07:10

This is a severely underrated channel!

Philip Berthiaume
Philip Berthiaume - 18.02.2022 20:41

This is a great video, something people need to know. Thanks for posting it...

Japan Political&Economic News
Japan Political&Economic News - 18.02.2022 06:31

Your videos are always fantastic!!!
But I have a question, how do the economists get all this information. How do the economists or the gov't know about the 10 million dollar payment for the chip maker? I guess those kinds of big payments are registered, but how about smaller payment. E.g. I send my family in Canada x yen per month.

Earl Grey
Earl Grey - 03.12.2021 23:11

Nice russian imperial bond on the wall, defaulted I guess)

Pauleric Tiebot
Pauleric Tiebot - 01.12.2021 16:35

Watching the video from Eindhoven, love you ASML exemple ;)

Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson - 29.11.2021 05:10

Thank you for this. I'm a portfolio manager and you made this very easy to understand

Political Economy 101
Political Economy 101 - 17.11.2021 12:31

Do US states keep track of current account balances or is it only nations? Why does Germany need to reduce its CA surplus?

Adas Lesniak
Adas Lesniak - 05.10.2021 14:28

But doesn't US trade deficit have something to do with the fact that the world is trading in dollars and someone has to create those dollars (at the very least sum required to cover inflation)?

Lukas Broch
Lukas Broch - 30.09.2021 07:31

How does the Black Market affects the balance of payments? Or even those simple transactions that are on cash?

Chris Davey
Chris Davey - 22.09.2021 05:53

Very informative video.

But I'm most impressed with your sweater ☺️

Sutiono Joyodiningrat
Sutiono Joyodiningrat - 10.09.2021 19:09

You professor should do a collab with professor kipping from Cool Worlds

Nsfg - 31.08.2021 10:58

Can you do a video on shadow banking?

szabo369peter - 30.08.2021 16:14

Why is the capital account a "mirror image" of the current flow account? With the example of the dollar, I (as a foreigner) might not invest my newly acquired dollars in the US, but I might buy some oil for it in Saudi Arabia (where they gladly take it as a means of payment), and create stuff from it in e.g. Germany. Then the 2 accounts will be different, and not a mirror image of each other. Am I missing something?

Derwalt Erasmus
Derwalt Erasmus - 24.08.2021 21:02

If the Netherlands & Germany are exporting to the US in excess each year and investing this excess in the US; then it seems that each year increasingly the Netherlands & Germany become dependant on the economic performance of the US; this seems like an unstable system, does this not have potential adverse consequences? Or perhaps I am understanding wrong? Is the alternative a stronger Euro with less favorable export competitiveness?

Shu Shirakawa
Shu Shirakawa - 13.08.2021 17:26

Germany brags about an import deficit(=export deficit created by cutting imports) for decades and then complains about it. You simply cannot become an export champion without turning into an import champion at the end. Of course, faced with a Greek crisis Germany still refuses to import Greek products so they just wire the money so they can continue the idiocy.

Imbalanced trade is a sign of future instability because the political decisions that lead to the imbalance will not be repealed once they are no longer useful. The only ones who should be allowed to do that are developing nations that need to kick start their growth through export surpluses. Germany didn't get the memo. It's not a developing country that has to compete on price. Let the Greek export until they get their economy back in order.

לעזאזל עם ג'ו ביידן
לעזאזל עם ג'ו ביידן - 11.08.2021 19:24

Can you talk about MMT ?

Domingo - 10.08.2021 19:58

Please continue to do more videos like this?!

Annuar Rahman
Annuar Rahman - 03.08.2021 22:14

mind dissecting Turkey's BOP? found that both current and financial accounts are in deficit due to the high trade deficit and dollarization of the economy (ie. capital investments)

Niv Shankar
Niv Shankar - 28.06.2021 07:02

Super clear and useful video!

Jéssica Batista
Jéssica Batista - 15.06.2021 18:00

Thank you for this video. It helped me a lot. Cheers from Brazil!
