Should You Play ESO in 2024? | New & Returning Player Guide

Should You Play ESO in 2024? | New & Returning Player Guide

Hack The Minotaur

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@christographerx64 - 19.12.2023 23:11

Great video as always Hack. I swear if ZOS made challenging overland content ESO would be an almost perfect MMO.

@funkytownjedi - 19.12.2023 19:59

Jumping the gun a bit ay 😅

@Daslikdj - 19.12.2023 15:24

Every year, everyone complains about how the 'ComBaT SyStEm NeEdS tO bE ReVamPeD". No it doesn't you need to stop putting on nostalgia glasses and think Skyrim combat was good.

@vidmastermoa - 19.12.2023 10:26

Just hopped back on this game after like 4 years of being off. Having tons of fun with the arcanist

@scott5375 - 19.12.2023 02:42

Great video and I couldn’t agree more with all your points. ESO has been my main since 2017. Most newbies start out with overland content for the first several months while they build their character and learn the game. However while the storyline is excellent, many leave because the overland combat is as you said, essentially story mode difficulty. It doesn’t have to be hardcore but it definitely needs to be more challenging to keep players coming back for more.

@Korriban4034 - 19.12.2023 02:37

Cyrodiil needs a lot of work. 10 year anniversary soon & still on day one map bar the additions of the outpost. Endless archive is amazing. Would love update to Cryodiil and an endless trial so say trial one is sunspire, you dont loose a thread next you get AA then SO & so on untill your team looses all threads, each cycle trial gets harder like endless archive. But cyro needs a new map & nerfing of ball groups

@bratannis7913 - 18.12.2023 21:38

I think I can say about Necrom-year: not bad even good but not enough

@mathieuroberge7160 - 18.12.2023 21:22

I hate the lvl 20 companion limit and the fact that they can't wear regular item.... i wish i could form full 4 people group with companion.

@andrewgrimes5523 - 18.12.2023 20:23

My biggest complaint on the game is actually the community. It’s the quietest community I’ve come across in gaming. Rarely anyone talks even in bigger guilds. You see a lot of people but game feels lonely because not a lot of social chatting.

Seems to be an issue with a lot of games nowadays.

People talked a lot more in the early 2000’s when online gaming was hitting a rise. I miss those days.

@Barn80 - 18.12.2023 16:25

We need big changes this year. The dlc drop with a zone and 2 dungeons is getting very stale. I hope new/different things come in 2024

@samuraichicken2315 - 18.12.2023 16:18

Ah Hack, always love your upbeat nature.

@dagraenion - 18.12.2023 15:33

As long as you keep updating and making builds, I will always play ESO, HTM! :D

@Taikomo - 18.12.2023 15:13

Unfortunate to release a video where you're saying Endless Archive over and over again the week after it was renamed to Infinite Archive.

@laurentb.8236 - 18.12.2023 14:17

I started playing on PC at the start of ESO, then Xbox now PS5. The comunity is getting worst and more toxic, that s a fact due to that millenial generetion sitting in their parents basments. That sucks but it's an mmo you have to deal with it. That said the nerf, renerf, unerf, reunerf rereununnerf of the gear is a pain. It took me 2 years to get the flame staff of City of Ash that is now basicaly...shit. My point is ESO is still the best MMO for the cheapest price. You can get very good build very easy from crafting/farming (order of wrath/that will be nerf I promise) and that is my second point. A lot of people would like the story to be more challenging. When I started ESO on PC 10 years ago (yhea I sound like I know blablabla but I do actually) the game was level based. It means that when you start the story, Auridon which was a zone 1-10 lvl going to greenshade that was 10-20 was impossible, any trash would oblitarate you because you are too low. Progression has been removed from all mmo's. It took 2 years or so to get to lvl 85 in EQ, it takes 3hours to reach lvl 50 in ESO (skyrim and that kind of crap). That is due to that millenial generation that wants everything easy paid by their parents living in their basments. It sucks, but get use to it. The most stupid thing in ESO is the DPS issue. 80% of players are dps (as a tank q is instant, as healer maybe 30 sec, as dps about 2hours) and guilds for end game ask you for a screen shot on a dummy. Dudes, the dummy to not retaliate so whatever number you get is shit in real combat situation. A dead dps does not do much dps right? And that the main ESO issues. DPS lazy fuck, no progression, nerf and rererenerf. Otherwise it s the best mmo around. Destiny is dead, Wow is dead, EQ is dead, AoC is dead, Now we wait for Chronos Odyssey. And when it hits. Bye bye ESO. And I can bet our dear friend HtM will be on it. To end this, HtM is the best guide online. Easy, doable and honest. For ESO I mean. See you in CO.

@Blackdeath2485 - 18.12.2023 12:56

Pvp needs a complete overhaul not sure about pc but on playstation pvp is basically dead honestly pvp players are dying or have died from the massive content drought its been coming up 10 long ass years and in that time pvp has recieved next to zero content and and im talking about cyrodiil not imperial city or battlegrounds cyrodiil has barely changed since release it NEEDS a complete overhaul

@salinaember9527 - 18.12.2023 12:53

idk i lost my motivation after the gold price for crowns has skyrocketed. i dont have the energy to be grinding for millions of gold. also, tired of paying for a subscription to remove ads and annoyances, aka craft bag.

@cssims1981 - 18.12.2023 12:36

Need a new elder scrolls game, I’ve done almost everything, multiple times.

@muhammadn.cheema998 - 18.12.2023 11:06

ESO community is beautiful beyond belief, unless you're in the imperial city which is understandable

@merpins - 18.12.2023 10:50

I've been playing ESO since launch. Since before launch, my wife and I played in the beta together (more than one beta test, too), back when we were dating. There's no other MMO I've played more.

I haven't played regularly in a while. They removed my favorite skill from Templar, and though I really, REALLY like Arcanist, it's more of the same stale content for me and my wife. We've done basically everything this game has to offer 10 times over, and though the two-man dungeon was a nice addition, it didn't really hold our attention for that long. It just feels... The same. Reusing assets, models, I've killed the same bone colossus and flesh atronach more times than I can count in multiple different zones at multiple different levels of difficulty. The meta is constantly changing yes, but it's dominated by the same 10 sets year in and year out, so if you wanna be in the meta, you're gonna be playing similarly to everyone else. My wife and I still play. But it's like once a month at best, usually less than that, when we just wanna go in and duo a dungeon or something.

What someone said in the comments is right. The game needs some a wow factor update to bring in a breath of life for me. Hard mode overland plus an overhaul to the combat system (enemy AI mostly), and overland reworks: add more quests to the main zones, or even a second questline through the OG zones and even old DLC zones that pops up when you complete the main questline of the alliance you're doing, or the zone in the case of DLC zones.. Rework and buff all the sets no one uses so there really is more build diversity at end game, add more incentives to play the game like in WoW with cosmetics throughout the world that you can actually earn unlike how it is now, and most importantly, balance PVE and PVP separately so we can finally buff classes that are underperforming i PVE, and nerf the classes that are overperforming in PVP. I'd love to see Spell Crafting. But I don't think it'll breathe the life into the game that I'm looking for. Maybe it will for a while. But the game needs more than that for me to feel like I'm actually doing something new and not a rehash like it tends to be lately with this game.

@nathangelaonline2391 - 18.12.2023 09:47

In case people actually think that you can play this game for as little as a few bucks, This game is NOT POSSIBLE to enjoy without the "ESO Plus" subscription which is $15 bucks a month. ESO has deliberately designed it that way. Plan to spend $220 PER YEAR to play this game and stay up to date. I have 4000 hrs in this game, I should know. Gameplay and content is fun at first, but becomes stale quickly.

@tes_bloodline - 18.12.2023 09:36

ESO needs to finish the storyline with humeaous mora 7 quests was more questions than answers, but endless archive is my favorite tool to lvl up new toons

@ElisielAskailDark - 18.12.2023 08:57

Loot boxes and the crown fomo store ruin what is an excellent game otherwise :(

@aaronbrandt5026 - 18.12.2023 08:19

Eso is woke intersection fem trash

@darlenehoover6577 - 18.12.2023 07:59

I slowed down alot of my play due to constant set changes. I cant keep up with it all. Tired of getting my character where its effective only to have it turn to complete trash with the latest update.
I absolutely love this game. I just do not have all the resources to change gear every month or two.

@recon939 - 18.12.2023 06:18

Pay to play is it's only down fall, without the craft bag its hard to do anything. Anyone who has been playing for a while knows this. Yes some can work around it but its still a pain but without it eso makes less money.

@True_Draconian - 18.12.2023 03:46

Oof I try this game many time ,after a week everytime I get exhausted the combo thing you need to do yo damage just a big no

@joshbains1154 - 18.12.2023 02:54

Absolutely love ESO, but I do wish the questing/overworld was more difficult. I love the quests but it sucks that I can 1-shot majority of the content. Then again I am like 1000 CP lol. Wish I could restart ESO with 0 knowledge. Overall I give the game a 7.5/10. Server/ping issues is one of the biggest things I dislike.

@kurufeemo8076 - 18.12.2023 02:32

I certainly should, yet I don't know what to do.
I don't really do any questing nor hard pve or pvp content - I don't want to get involved in any constant group.
May be I should just continue doing crafting and housing?? A little tired of it tbh.
Already reached stage 5 in the endless archive (almost stage 6) solo.
May be I should get into tales of tribute hmm ...
Overall idk. Happy to hear your suggestions guys

@leewallace6180 - 18.12.2023 02:21

You mentioned trading in unwanted pets. How do i do that please?

@aldenencluna6409 - 18.12.2023 01:42


@rerere1569 - 18.12.2023 01:32

So many salty comments here lmao
I started playing back in 2016 and stopped playing after morrowind (no particular reason, but I was focused on other games and the game didn't feel much fun). I was playing casually, didn't spend a lot of time in the game really, just hit around 200cp (with the old cp system) and cleared a few vet dungeons
I came back recently and have a blast for the last 3 weeks! The game feels fun, really like the new dungeons, tons of new sets, endless archive is fun as well, atmosphere is amazing (much better than most mmo's I played), storytelling is ok at worst (some side quests are quite boring) and sometimes even amazing (which is a compliment to an MMO). Combat is... ok, I guess, hasn't changed much from 2017, but build variety is quite cool.
I guess a lot of negativity is coming from the people who have like 2-3k hours in the game, which is understandable, but I've never reached that point with any MMO, I think for majority of gamers ESO could offer so much in terms of exploration, questing, dungeons, raids, achievements etc.

tldr: sure, give it a try, especially if you got it on sale

@BlazeBuds - 17.12.2023 23:55

Also as someone who started in 2016, played for 8 hours and went back to final fantasy 14, then this time last year was about 100 hours into the game, now I'm 700 hours through and still loving it, the game has improved alot over the last 12 months with just little changes with quality of life and such. Managed to play ff14 for maybe 50 hours this year, which is the least time in 9 years, for me Eso has overtaken 14 in many ways. As 14 gets stale, Eso is trying to mix it up

@BlazeBuds - 17.12.2023 23:51

Me personally would like normal combat to be a little harder, delves are way too easy and can run through most of them without a hassle

@georgesimmons5959 - 17.12.2023 23:04

Vet of 2014 who plays daily (or as often as I can), also Retired twice [military for 34 years and teaching for 20 years (high school plus 12 years Jr. College in the field of social sciences)]. I've played several other MMOs starting with WoW and ending with War Hammer of which none measured up to this MMO. Yes, the game does get buggy and yes PvP did not measure up but as a single player and one who shy's away from cliques, it is a pleasure, My one complaint outside of those already stated in your video is I want equality in deconstruction of equipment for I do not like being treated as one of the game maker's minions to gather crafting material they need to craft with: if one plays the game all should be on an equal playing field to experience what it is for those of us who pay to play.

@millirabbit4331 - 17.12.2023 23:03

Former ESO player here. I honestly don't plan to come back until there has been a bigger amount of content released. I stopped with Blackwood. I haven't explored the High Isles or Necrom. My main problem is there is no hard mode to the campaign. I love all the content since I left but I don't want to play it if its a breeze. Great stories but boring gameplay gets in the way. I did love veteran dungeons and trials, though, except they were missing story.

@MrTehru - 17.12.2023 22:30

Great video I was actually just thinking about this. Question, did I read somewhere that if you get the subscription for a month and you get all of the DLC that comes with the subscription you keep the DLC that you get even if you cancel your subscription after a month? Because if so, that with game pass is a sweet deal.

@01Durhamguy - 17.12.2023 22:26

I can't go back to ESO. I did not like the combat style when the game release, and I still don't like it now since its never moved on from arcade skills to something more RPG. I'm just tired of all the "Action" RPG's.

@AveSinistra - 17.12.2023 21:04

i left ESO after 9000 hours and i just dont see myself returning unless alot gets overhauled dont get me wrong its fun and iv met so many amazing people but the game is ugly as sin its buggy its unbalanced too much cash grabs not enough epic in game rewards still needs more classes and more magic weapons better pvp
the houseing is the best part but there isnt enough small homes its all massive 100$ houses they keep coming out with

@individual116 - 17.12.2023 20:46

There is absolutely no reason to start playing ESO. It’s $200 a year for all of the content, PvP sucks, vet dlc content is extremely hard to get into, and overland content is very basic.

Yeah you can start for $5, but you can’t do any dungeons that are actually fun or well made.

@Juckel0815 - 17.12.2023 20:33

Nice Video ! I started last monday its so fun i sure will play this a long time ;D .

@skullkrusher-dx4kg - 17.12.2023 20:26

I want an unarmed skill line in ESO.

@SoldierBoy3064 - 17.12.2023 20:26

bad timing... I have nothing to play but suicide squad and gran blue fantasy are coming soon and I won't even have time for hell divers 2

I'll play the next eso

@iranianali - 17.12.2023 20:16

I have started ESO last week! it's bit hard to get into it but I am level 15 right now and having a blast. Very worth it to pay attention to the story and Dialogue.

@ELL830 - 17.12.2023 20:04

No...the answer is no... you do not need a 24 min video to get that answer lol

@ItaChu787pr - 17.12.2023 20:00


@MrPinballWizzard - 17.12.2023 19:57

i mean... if you have not played the story and etc - sure why not its never late to explore the world i would say...

@christophermccormick5505 - 17.12.2023 19:56

ESO needs a big Wow factor update. Something huge like a complete combat update to improve the decade old sounds and visuals. A major overhaul to Cyrodiil. Or a new major activity to stand beside the tentpoles of questing, pvp, housing, dungeons/trials, etc...

@molly9765 - 17.12.2023 19:52

fast answer: no
