Terrifying Supernatural Encounters in a Warzone

Terrifying Supernatural Encounters in a Warzone

Wartime Stories

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@samkuo4371 - 13.02.2024 03:39

Have you ever witnessed/heard of a hybrid skinwalker? My friend might just be a hybrid. I’m a little concerned… should I run?

@5thgen691 - 12.02.2024 22:38

Cool fake story

@CrowSpirit1977 - 12.02.2024 20:32

I've been waiting for some ghost stories from the battle fields! Its gotta be haunted as FK!!

@Allan_aka_RocKITEman - 12.02.2024 15:54

Great video...👍

@scooby91981 - 12.02.2024 10:49

I am a graveyard Security Officer for public schools. A lot of the schools are really old. Some of them even dating back to the 18th century or at least the property anyways, all of the schools have been refurbish some of them brand new school built on the same ground as the old ones.
While all of you sleep safe in your beds police and security make sure no one else has to deal with the things that go bump in the night and it’s not always criminals.
And I have some first-hand stories from over the years that really hammers home the term graveyard shift .

@arafim.benito - 12.02.2024 09:34

International warcrimes

@jeremyv4636 - 12.02.2024 06:12

surely ya'll get this a lot but I really love the artwork on this channel. If it's AI I'm sure that'd bring laughs but it looks really cool.

@jeremyv4636 - 12.02.2024 05:39

Sargent Popp has told stories about how haunted it is over in the Middle East and it sounds for real to me.

@Expose24x7 - 12.02.2024 05:25

Recite Ayatul Kursi and Have faith in one God(Allah) and no worries.

@jaysonraphaelmurdock8812 - 12.02.2024 05:23

This reminds me of the episode that Bedtime Stories did called "There's Something In The Desert".
Also the bible claims that God created the "angels" out of "fire" and what comes out of fire...smoke.

@ElenaWraithSevatarion - 12.02.2024 05:08

😮 it's the first time I see your face. ❤

@TheErikWulf - 12.02.2024 02:47

Where do we submit stories, because I got a strange one that happened in a training area when I was stationed in Hawaii. I'm telling my fiance about it and I realise I'm like, scared. And I don't scare easily.

@orian-momo - 11.02.2024 21:55

Even jine, ghost, demons and Angles want to kick thoes guys out of they lands. Lol

@SuzukiRacer055 - 11.02.2024 21:06

It is really cool to see this channel getting the attention that it deserves! Been watching this channel for a long time now and this is really cool to see so many people enjoying this content! Keep up the awesome work!

@hazimsharif8685 - 11.02.2024 19:43

Djinn are in the Quran. Pretty sure what they experienced is real

@osamaahmad653 - 11.02.2024 17:06

They should never have gone to Iraq in the first place.

@dzonikx - 11.02.2024 16:32

acorrding to google "Ifrit is a powerful demon in Islamic culture, often associated with the underworld and the spirits of the dead. It has been compared to evil geni loci in European culture."

@beacher50_ - 11.02.2024 15:50


@lifeneverends7068 - 11.02.2024 13:35

Middle East is a horrfying place.

@user-iw3nv1uh1t - 11.02.2024 12:57

Get on with it

@zufar703 - 11.02.2024 10:58

Jinn are indeed real... Olympians? South sea kingdom? Egyptian "gods"? Mahabarata? Ragnarok? Doppleganger??? Fucking Aliens??? These are all jinns

All of these creature have the same depiction:
1. Can change forms
2. Have a society like humans.
3. Are older than humans.
4. Can dechiper data from the 7th layer of space and beyond.
5. Have advance technology.
6. Have a authority of some natures law.
7. Can have children

•Same as human where we have many of distinct form from one and another. Humans are made from clay (carbon based).

Jinns are all come with many kind of forms but have the same kind of body structure which they are made of from "smokeless fire".

The difference between humans and jinns body structure make the two species live in a different kind of "environment", but these environment are not to far between one and another.

Take an example of marine creature and land creature, the marine creature can see the land creature clearly but the land creature cannot see them because the difference input of light between the environment. The deeper the zone the darker its get.

•To enchant the point of a different "environment" we can take a look of some cases:

>Jinn go to human environment:
°Hounted places
=The jinns who are living between their "environment" and human "environment" are young and weaker jinns. Same as where creature that lives in shallow water are smaller than the deeper ones.
=Mostly are young and curious jinn who are playfull of the human environment and like to messing with human.
°Ghostly apparition
=Type of jinn which are living close to human and like to take a form from a deceased human. These type have data of the person they living with, this explain why they know the all of information of that human. Most of this case are same as the doppleganger ones.
°Living among us
=Some of jinns are trying to blend in the human environment. Some of them may take human form but many of them take the form of animals. Jinns who do this often have their own agendas.

>Human go to jinn environment
°Instant liminal space
=An occurance where you suddenly feel like the space around you become much quiter and feels heavy, you can feel the pressure change when this happen.
°Spirited away
=This extreme occurance are often happen when a human wonder to deep to the boundry beetween humans and jinns environment. Much of this cases happen at forest and mountain. Human who got spirited away will most likely hard to find its way back and often got trapped in the boundary space or even go deeper into the jinn environment.

The difference of human and jinn environment are hardly to see because the different dimension of their environment.

Long time ago the boundary between these environment are much clearer but are severed now 🤐, and your damn government are trying to restore them 😂.

•Demons/satan are not a title only for jinns but also humans who are evil.
•Ifrit are species jinns who have direct lineage to iblees.
•Human and jinns are still often have a contact between one and another.
•They can use our tech.
•There're many of their kingdom which settle near the boundary.
•Jinns indeed can have lust for humans

*Side note:
•Human and jinn interaction have always been active even in human politics.
•There're species like animals and plants that live in human, boundary, and jinn environment.
•There's one more sentient species other than both of them. 🤫

Trying to not hide this information, like your "people" did.

I share this information to open your mind and try to reduce the people who still worshipping these MF. No offense 😁

@anthonyfajardo5627 - 11.02.2024 10:07

Me waiting to deploy 😂 watching this at 12:00 am lmao

@RcomplexRandy - 11.02.2024 09:49

Shaun of the Dead?
That was his reference for terror?
It’s a comedy.

@Jellydoughnuthole - 11.02.2024 07:51

Yeah, funny story I was in the armored and long story short. We were sleeping inside of our. M1 and I decided to pop out for a smoke And just so I could get away from the stench of sweat and piss. Yeah, I saw something I don’t even fucking know what it was. But I’ll tell you this much. It certainly wasn’t human. Really wish I could give more of a description, but I could hardly see shit I mean I could see something moving and all I heard, was something between a Meaty crunch and the sound of a bone twisting the exact way it’s not supposed to and me being tired Young and jumpy fucking let loose a few shots from the ma deuce eventually, I just heard something coming towards me, and I just kept my finger on the trigger. The thing that stopped me was I ran out of ammo, and someone had to pry The damn thing out of my hand apparently I had Woken everyone up, safe to say, I decided to never pop out alone ever again at night because that shit I don’t even know if it was just like my fucking mind or whatever the hell it was some godless beast but it’s really scary when you’re only seeing move and vague shapes I really hope it was just a fucking human because we didn’t see shit the next morning just some weird ass footprints heading relatively over towards where we were I mean the wind had even been blowing all night so I don’t know how the fuck those things stayed there I just haven’t thought about it much for my own sanity

@MrBusch90 - 11.02.2024 07:25

Wenn der Tod dich ansieht lächle zurück.

It's definitely one to think about.

@4thdoctor284 - 10.02.2024 21:57

It sounds like military needs to assemble dedicated special ops type Ghostbuster teams complete with military grade proton packs.

@Barlas511 - 10.02.2024 20:53

Yes its a cursed land for some noses which don't belong there.

@brokencat2662 - 10.02.2024 15:48

what happens when you put a bunch of ptsd riddled schizophrenic brainless cannon fodder in the darkness of an unknown area? they will make stories up. what a shocker.

@mikaylalynnmacpherson9649 - 10.02.2024 08:04

As both an Iraq and Afghan vet, I am glad to know I am not the only one to have seen and experienced things like this on several deployments.

@jackrourke1317 - 10.02.2024 07:18

Can you pleeeeeeasssse try to find more ww2 stories I find those extremely fascinating and cool no matter what kind of story.

@jamesmichael652 - 09.02.2024 18:42

do afghanistan

@Syed-dv6bd - 09.02.2024 18:21

The human perception of light and sounds is limited we don’t see or hear the entire spectrum. There are beings like us that inhabit the earth along side us. There are no ghosts or spirits of the dead, it’s those beings. Sometimes they impersonate someone who has died and they know intricate details of their life because they were with that person all the time tempting them to do bad things. Yes the devil is part of this race of beings. Not all of them are bad like the devil and his armies. Some of them are mischievous and think humans are lesser beings. They have powers and can do magical things, and some spend their time messing with humans out of boredom. They tend to live in uninhabited places where humans don’t regularly occupy. But if you come to where they settle they will make their presence known so you will leave. Not leaving will irritate them and they will try to scare you away by slamming doors making extra noise so you get the idea. The bad kind of them flock to places where humans are doing immoral things. Like the building where saddams sons were killing, torturing, and clubbing. More of them come so they can enjoy the show of destruction of human souls and have victims to whisper bad influence into their minds, the human assumes it’s their own thoughts. Those bad inclinations are not from us. The inner voice your hearing that reasons with you not to do that bad thing is your actual soul, and it is always telling you the good thing to do. The anxiety and unease you feel after doing something bad is your soul because it knows it’s in peril from us jeopardizing it bad doing wrong. We wrong ourselves 😔. Much to the delight of these evil beings that hate us. Don’t be afraid of them and don’t listen to them. Not all of them are bad so respect their right to live in peace and don’t go to those uninhabited areas. If you are a righteous person devoted and striving to become close 😢to God, there is light all around you and you can’t be messed with cause you have divine protection from God.

@KOPFTJAEGER8541 - 09.02.2024 17:02

Thanks for sharing your personal story Devil dog. Semper Gumby!

@Mrdarkrai12 - 09.02.2024 15:44

Keep up the good work guys

@scorpioriddick - 09.02.2024 11:58


@TobiPhree - 09.02.2024 06:21

This world is full of inter-dimensional diabolical entities. In fact, they run our world and have our planet in their wicked insane grips. So, don't get scared if you run into such experiences. They can even masquerade as angels, Jesus, aliens, etc... Be strong if you ever come across these demons don't let them deceive you or make you do anything horrible.

@malegria9641 - 08.02.2024 23:44

I feel like the demon children were visible to the American soldiers because they weren’t meant to be there. They were foreign invaders. Maybe the land is cursed, but only to those not meant to be there.

@liortisson8007 - 08.02.2024 23:41

Iraq is LITERALLY Babylon. It's not surprising to hear such testimonies. What does the Bible say about Babylon?

@alRuh-005 - 08.02.2024 19:26

It May Not Be Jinns all the time
Allah Has Created Many Many Creatures which Many Will Never See.

The Ruh.

@jinmikerideyourbikes - 08.02.2024 18:34

You need to experience the unexplainable to believe. My experience during one of my mountain biking adventure solo ride in a thick jungle/trail I had to cross a river crossing I can hear kids calling my name when I look no one was there. Locals told me the mountains/jungle will test you

@mariuspettex4402 - 08.02.2024 16:05

Great episode, great stories, great illustrations, great voicing, and great music. Thanks to your whole team for this work, keep it up !

@user-tu5un8jc9v - 08.02.2024 15:17

Omg i love your channel so much. I knew about jinns coming from France we have a big Arab community, but I discovered the ifrit watching the show Evil (it's really good BTW), and I'm so glad you did an episode on both of them.

@danilonakazone386 - 08.02.2024 11:21

Hey there WTS team! I love this channel, I love listening to stuff I would never hear from army people. Specially supernatural stuff. This is the perfect channel in my opinion. You guys cover traditional wartime stories and supernatural stories too, with no judgement.

@Genesh12 - 08.02.2024 09:06


@Carbonoxbeats - 08.02.2024 08:07

I pictured you as a bald guy for some reason I really appreciate the fact that you’re still making episodes and they helped me a lot when I sleep

@Yaboychad - 08.02.2024 06:39

Not gonna lie. I saw a weird shit in Kabul. I was a mandatory service member in Turkish Army. My biggest fun was the night vision googles that I used to borrow from sergeant major to play with since they don’t lend such equipment to temporary soldiers. One night I walk out wearing the thing and I saw guy with outdated helmet and AK. I googled as soon as I had access to a computer and found out it was the same exact uniform and helmet that Soviet solders wore. I never touched the NV again. The old Afghan cleaner guy told me that this was not unheard of, also told me on some places you can even hear them whisper or scream from time to time.

@zachdrozs2938 - 08.02.2024 05:07

My grandpa was a helicopter pilot in 'Nam. Maybe I'll check if he has any stories he's willing to share
