Ice Cube Clarifies Role in Helping Trump Admin Develop ‘Platinum Plan’ | RS News 10/15/20

Ice Cube Clarifies Role in Helping Trump Admin Develop ‘Platinum Plan’ | RS News 10/15/20

Rolling Stone

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Rod Ferguson
Rod Ferguson - 31.07.2023 13:39

Let's get this absolutely clear ice cube does not represent Black America he represents himself and his own bested selfish and that little quadroon that was sitting there saying quote leaders are going to lead and haters going to hate is clear proff of the slave mentality and brainwashing that some so-called prominent black folks seem to have these days

Ralph beans
Ralph beans - 16.06.2021 07:24

So now nothing passed


Biden thinks the black community too dumb to understand technology. Smh democrats are stone cold racists who pinned the black communities worst fears against them if they ever try to leave the left. An absolute shame.

Jay Allen
Jay Allen - 20.05.2021 14:27

The media lies to you every day, read the links and educate yourself. Stop letting politicians/media play on your emotions, they don’t care about you

Candy Girl
Candy Girl - 11.01.2021 08:38

... ice ice ice baby

James Johnson
James Johnson - 30.10.2020 07:42

This is a joke!!

Mohammad Rayan Bin Elias
Mohammad Rayan Bin Elias - 30.10.2020 06:11

Democracy and Liberals based on freedom, why is it they are censoring Trump and cooperating with CIA, Media and Social Media. Hypocrites. Now we know whose the one controlling the people, CIA is compromised, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, US Media are compromised, facebook, twitter, online journalism like new york times, washington post, intercept are compromised, jimmy kimmel, fallon, colbert and corden are compromised, California, New york, Philadelphia, Chicago and democrats states are compromised.

Think about it, Biden is blatantly caught lying about fracking issue, a racist, he's famous line like "You ain't black if you vote for trump", against African American since he's Crime bill incarcerated mostly all of them, including non violent and innocent African American who Kamala Harris locked up, Biden crime family, hunter got caught for making money from ukraine, russia and china through Biden vice presidency.

Biden doesn't criticize China for what they've done to the world for Corona Virus, for taking American jobs, bankrupting American company through low labor cost, Stealing and copying patent if you want to work with them, devalue-ing their currency to get more money from America.

I now know All of them are against Trump, he sure is doing something right.

Michael carroll
Michael carroll - 27.10.2020 14:58

We the Democratics turned on ice cube because he is so called black and trying to help the community and do something life changing for the better with the help of Republicans and President Trump. Who does Ice Cube think he is outside of a trader and a sell out like Joe Biden our future President said you must not be Black.

Tony Hurtado
Tony Hurtado - 24.10.2020 08:31

This is why Trump let the states govern the COVID issue on there owne. its different everywhere.

shonté steele
shonté steele - 22.10.2020 22:28

In my opinion, no politician can be fully trusted. But when I think about it . . . how many people on this planet do I fully trust anyway. Hmmm . . . Honestly, we're all taking a gamble on whoever we vote for, every time that we vote because nothing is guaranteed. We don't know what a candidate truly has in his or her heart and mind or how easily they can be influenced to make the wrong decisions, or how weak in character a candidate might be under the surface . . . or a mountain of other things. There are just too many unknowns and things that are out of our control and not within our line of sight, to know the full story before we vote. With that being said, I feel people do themselves and our country a great disservice when their main reason for choosing one candidate, presidential or otherwise, over another, is based on what color they are or are not or what gender they are or are not or some other inconsequential reason. Many are diehard Republicans, just as many are diehard Democrats. But does that mean that every Republican or Democrat that comes along is best for the job? Of course not. But diehards will vote with loyalty to their party regardless. I believe more people need to step out of their boxes of just going with whoever represents their party in a given election and ask if compared to the other candidate, is my party's representative better for myself, my family, and my country in not merely more ways, but in more of the IMPORTANT ways than the other guy or gal? Now, obviously, what is important to one may not be important to another, but even so, if diehards answered this question honestly, surely sometimes they would say, "No. My party's candidate is not the best for the job." For the first time, I've chosen to be an unaffiliated voter for this very reason. I don't want to continue being caught up in some cookie-cutter voting system. I want to make my voting decisions on an individual basis of each candidate, not the party at large. I'm realistic in knowing that all politicians on the presidential level will disappoint me to some degree. My goal is to do the best job that I can, to choose the one who I think will do it the least. As for Ice Cube, he is trying to make a difference in this country. Yet, there are many who want to down him for making the effort outside of the confines of the Democratic party. Why does that matter? What's crazy is that most of those who are calling him a sell-out and other things are the same ones asking, "Why isn't someone doing more to help the black communities? Why don't black people have the same opportunities as white people in America?" Then someone with notoriety comes along with those same questions and devises a plan to uplift black communities and make more opportunities for the black Americans who want them and look at what happens? If the Democrats were the first to take Ice Cube up on this joint effort, those same people would be praising him from the mountaintops. But since that isn't the case, Cube is spoken of negatively for his actions. Now check this out ---If Trump decided to take the plan off the table because there was too much resistance or objections from black communities, then these same people would say, "See? I knew he didn't want to help the black man." Yet, they forget, that they didn't want his help. The proverbial catch-22 if I ever saw one. Even the Bible states that sometimes God will work through someone who you deem to be your enemy, for your own good. And if that's how you see Trump, then this could very well be one of those instances. So be grateful that Ice Cube is working on behalf of who and what you care about it, rather than condemn him for the alliance that may bring it all to fruition. If it doesn't pan out, they hey, Cube tried and it's safe to say that he did more to bring about a change than any of you out there who are complaining about him. Remember, what's important is not which side the help comes from, but that the help comes. Ask yourself this >>> If your life was in jeopardy and you couldn't make a call for help yourself or couldn't free yourself from say, a burning car, would you give a damn about the race, religion, gender, political affiliation, or the sexual identity of the person or even if it were your sworn enemy who actually made that lifesaving call for you or pulled you from the wreckage?

tECHNO tODD - 22.10.2020 05:10

Cube is smart & knows the media campaign against Trumps is by the same oligarchs that have oppressed black peoples for centuries....

MIke A
MIke A - 22.10.2020 02:44

Big Tech and the democrat establishment are trying to put us all in chains. Thank you IceCube from some white guy. Lets fix things together.

Kathy Lucas
Kathy Lucas - 21.10.2020 18:34

Ice knows he has no pop at getting dems to pony up 500 billion dollars for the black community....and he’s pissed!

fortitudo1992 - 21.10.2020 17:34


Gun Metal Guy USA
Gun Metal Guy USA - 21.10.2020 09:31

Thank You Ice Cube For Holding Your Ground And Not Bowing To Bullies And Hippocrites Who Can't Comprehend That Maybe, Just Maybe, Someone Else's Opinion May Be DIFFERENT Than Theirs.

Juanita Santos
Juanita Santos - 20.10.2020 18:06

Hey there ice cube Sometimes people attack you because they do not listen fully to anything I remember you mentioning some previous time before that if you are going to vote Democrat tell them but they have to give you something and make sure that they give it to you So I definitely understand trying to negotiate with the powers that be to see if you could cut out something for Us. You did not say don't vote Democrat you did not say vote Republican I think that you feel the Republican or at least Donald Trump will give you something and you look for a solid answer and defining from him. See I understand you ice cube that sometimes it's not about liking people it's about whether or not they do the right thing by us. So then Where are you different from Candace Owens Because their awesome similarities but they are also some differences. I understand ice Cube

rayvenswrath - 20.10.2020 06:30

He is just collecting enough evidence to "arrest the president".

Lucky Strike Films
Lucky Strike Films - 20.10.2020 05:49

what I don't understand with some black people, DL was doing nothing to help in that sense but someone put their career on the line to do that everyone has an opinion, I understand you don't like Trump but it be more stupid not to sit down with him about black America we got to made a deal even with the devil himself sometime so we can sit with trump he is the president dang it, whoever is the president will be. so I give him props for putting his foot forward to start a conversation. sitting behind ya computer or phone and critic every leader wont change anything but make your voice heard that matter. so Mr Cube respect for you brother
