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@flipgroove - 18.01.2024 02:45

If I was fabulously wealthy, I’d buy one of those Boston Dynamics robots to roll a stone up and down a hill.

@injusticeanywherethreatens4810 - 15.01.2024 23:29

There's just no way anyone who is logical and has empathy can 'imagine Sisyphus happy'.

He clearly isnt and probably would have never been happy.

True happiness to me comes about when your needs of life are met like enough socialisation with friends and loved ones, housing , food, enough exercise, clean water, enough warmth, etc... Any person who's whole life is a Sisyphus like struggle where they never can get a regular and healthy amount of exercise, they can never get shelter from the elements, etc... that person can never ever be truly happy. Never.

Imagine Sisyphus shiving wet as he waits for the rain to stop so he can continue boulder rolling when the hill is less slippery.

Imagine a group of homeless people who have to huddle under a bridge or some sort of structure so they dont have to deal with freezing cold and wet clothing.

You'll start to see what I mean...

@Swagmaster65 - 11.01.2024 13:47

I believe in a God and an afterlife, but also through a lense of Calvinism I also believe that I am fated to a plan i am not privy to know anything about.
It's about as different and about the exact same as choking in a vacuum and choking at the bottom of the sea. I have no choice and know no choices.

@chaos8775 - 10.01.2024 21:02

i wont study, i hate money and by being unable to gain the money that will keep me alive, i will forever be free, just by creating art with this absurdity

@maxstainforth2352 - 09.01.2024 16:07

Elliott Smith mentioned!!

@Magik1369 - 01.01.2024 18:53

Absurd. Yes. This life is completely absurd and makes no sense. Here we are in the midst of abrupt exponential climate change and the 6th mass extinction and every politician and "world leader" is doing nothing and pretending it isn't happening. Yes...absurd indeed.

@retrox684 - 30.12.2023 23:23

Agnostic absurdism is the best answer to the question, WHY? I don’t know and I don’t care.

@user-js7gs2nv2q - 26.12.2023 15:33

The world(universe) is not absurd. It’s people that make it absurd and they deserve the world they live in!

@darbigwynn - 24.12.2023 21:53

Absurdism, like nihilism is for emo teenagers that don’t want to face adulthood. Objective reality points to all truths, to what degree we understand them is where we find ourselves on the philosophical spectrum. Let’s begin with the self ownership principle which spawns morality and rights. Objective reality shows us there is one consciousness per vessel. One mind per body. Therefore no one shares the emotional, mental and physical burden that a singular consciousness does for a singular body. We can then easily extrapolate that no one has a right to our body but ourselves. This is the origin of morality and rights. Life is not about“feeling good”. That is a very immature way of approaching existence. It also lacks a huge amount of accessible data from objective reality in order to construct an equation that actually makes sense. We are programmed to reason, seek meaning, etc. Just because someone doesn’t understand the meaning doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Furthermore, absurdism is like nihilism, and relativism, are contradictions, and therefore not sound philosophies. The nihilist adopts the value of meaninglessness as a meaning for life. Meaninglessness is still a meaning. It is still a value. So the statement that life is meaningless, is in itself a meaning. Just like the relativist makes the claim that they know the absolute truth about truth in which there is no absolute truth. It’s a contradiction and therefore it cancels itself out. It’s a nonsensical philosophy. So what are we left with? There is meaning, and there is truth, and we are programmed to seek these things. That is furthermore, the irony of nihilism and relativism, which is that they are actually in pursuit of the thing they are denying. Absurdism is just not well formed thinking. It’s sloppy thinking about the data acquired. It leaves out pertinent data just like nihilism and relativism, would clearly show those Philosophies are using presuppositions and objective reality in order to argue their claims against it.

@Hanna-jq2dk - 22.12.2023 22:51

You think to damn much .... get u a life and stop trying to convince people to think like u.

@kaethestendel7088 - 21.12.2023 18:33

Life is like dadaismus

@JohnAranita - 18.12.2023 00:04


@fespinoza287 - 17.12.2023 08:06

“Perhaps it was a breakup, a layoff, a pandemic…”

Perhaps all of the above

@kamilkarnale6010 - 16.12.2023 07:20

It depends how.u choose to live your life!

@jaja47_coolness - 15.12.2023 20:12

So there's endlessly attempting to find meaning, or there's saying screw it all and existing despite the unknown.

@jayyceanthony - 14.12.2023 17:50

camu and tich ni than are my favorite philosophers ever istg

@Mabelliot - 29.11.2023 09:58

thank you so much this came at the right time. i appreciate cookies and siri for doing their job

also ur fucking outspoken jesus christ

@karifurai8479 - 28.11.2023 23:37

it almost feels like this is the one true philosophy.

@newtonthetimetraveller802 - 28.11.2023 12:13

Anyone with common sense would know how illogical this philosophy is. BS

@WindsongPodcast - 20.11.2023 07:18

I enjoy your work. Thank you.

May I ask what program you use to make these?

@filkampl4725 - 19.11.2023 22:50


@sovietproductions7362 - 14.11.2023 01:02

Chaos chaos

@Sir.M - 08.11.2023 00:32


@JimmyJoeBob - 07.11.2023 07:52

Eventually you grow up and realize that those edgy mysterious teenagers you idolized as kid were just full of it and trying to look cool. Only it's the whole universe.

We get it, you're a cosmic enigma, screw off already.

@yeaesthetics3195 - 06.11.2023 06:51

Reason is a fairly useless concept

@viktor49117 - 03.11.2023 23:53

But when camus says to rebel he doesn't mean violently like the revolution for independence you showed on screen, he thought power swaps brought more power swaps and more death. He meant creative acts of rebellion like art and hope. edit not hope but free living

@OoOoOo-we3dn - 19.10.2023 18:09

I like this video, it is good

@levithurston6365 - 16.10.2023 12:16

if I will experience more and more suffering and pain before I cease to exist, is it not better to extinguish my existence so that I "feel" nothing, more so "I" doesn't exist?

@bubblelf4341 - 15.10.2023 19:19

before i discovered absurdism, i was comforted by the fact nothing mattered. then i forgot how i found comfort in that. im so glad to have found absurdism.

@gatertod2018 - 15.10.2023 01:46

Omfg my whole life I’ve been ‘alone’ never understood and felt like no one really could be a part of my life because they can’t understand my thinking, but now I have something to present them when confronted with my way of thinking. Hell even my parents didn’t know how to interact with me because I didn’t even know myself.

@supertron6039 - 04.10.2023 12:29

Absurdism is my favourite philosophical idea so far. It's basically saying, "Nothing makes sense but I don't give a shit."

@smkh2890 - 01.10.2023 09:56

A lot of this seems similar to Stoic philosophy. The Absurd has unfortunate connotations.

@lcchristensen9322 - 30.09.2023 15:53

This may be as good as it gets

@skittersspider1704 - 24.09.2023 08:57

I shall propose another solution: just chill and be OK with the lack of greater meaning. It might work because we can understand this lack of meaning and supplement it with science and information.

@LilFuego24 - 23.09.2023 20:50

Camus was the first healthy french person

@philipmateo3816 - 22.09.2023 19:56

Should I una live myself or have a cup of coffee?

@chaz706 - 21.09.2023 17:50

It is a form of insanity to live rationally in a time where everyone and everything else is insane.

@longfade - 20.09.2023 23:40

This is a point of view that only enters the minds of immature spoiled babies. It’s a good thing to go through for those who are young, comfortable and semi-intelligent.
But this dictum itself is completely absurd. This becomes evident when you enter the workforce, buy a car, and maybe try to buy a home while trying to keep a relationship alive.
The realities of survival lay the stupidity of “Absurdism” to rest in a hurry.

@andreaalfieri5239 - 19.09.2023 18:51

Isnt this positive nihilism?

@vudat1710 - 19.09.2023 18:37

But is Sisyphus truely happy?

@logangant7732 - 17.09.2023 17:34

Basically sounds like my interpretation of stoicism

@soupinspace1986 - 13.09.2023 12:43

ONe muOne must emagin syisyphus happy,

@kartoffelgaming5371 - 10.09.2023 11:26

i do not

@jacquelineraner14 - 09.09.2023 15:43

I experienced a year where I finally saw people catching up to what I had been trying to tell them was inevitable because they refused to actually look at it or believe it. I supposed that probably wasn't very nice when that illusion crashed down and the delusion took over. The reason it crashed down was because it was a lie. It wasn't even the first time it's been done. Maybe we should listen to the weird kid instead of bullying next time?? Or not. It doesn't matter. There is one thing everyone is still mostly the same with and that's how predictable you are. The ruling class has everyone unaware of the puppetmaster pulling them along.

@Rukain - 09.09.2023 09:07

Thank you for the great video!

@mauriciosalmeron9387 - 04.09.2023 16:51


@JoelMcCary - 04.09.2023 04:13

I dont like philosophy just live in what makes you happy
