How to Start a Sticker Business

How to Start a Sticker Business

Creative Hive

3 года назад

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@nidyazuhra5098 - 01.07.2021 18:22

thankyou for sharing this :)

@brandonestelle6318 - 01.07.2021 18:27

Great idea! Thanks for sharing, Mei!

@orlinchirinos1981 - 01.07.2021 18:51

Good niche type of business. The opportunity is unlimited.

@hitotsuworldllc5352 - 01.07.2021 20:43

This is exactly what I do! I didn't know that there are other cutting machines aside from cricut/silhouette, so I learned something new today. Thank you for making the vid, Mei! <3

@simplymaci - 01.07.2021 20:44

I’ve been waiting for this! I currently manage a sticker business and learned that I prefer to outsource my sticker production because of convenience and I don’t have a lot of room to store all of the equipment. I know a lot of other small businesses that do produce their own stickers and they’re great as well!

@sarahmichelle3222 - 01.07.2021 22:11

If you can in the future, a video detailing how to sell handmade cosmetics would be perfect! 🤍

@Filiaris1 - 01.07.2021 22:23

~~~~everyone has a plotter now! Nice that I bought one and now nobody buys from meeee

@happihijjabi9631 - 01.07.2021 22:40

Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us ♡. I'm in my 3rd month of selling my stickers & handmade products on etsy and am slowly moving to a website. I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with big cartel. I know it's not quite shopify 😅 but their £30 a month fees are currently too much for me. So I'd like to start somewhere budget friendly while I get off my feet. If you have any wisdom, please part it here 😉🤲🏽 thank u

@TheBalochOfficial - 01.07.2021 23:43

Brilliant content

@MimJenkinson - 01.07.2021 23:57

I loved this video, Mei!! I teach how to make stickers with Silhouette and Cricut and I’ve been making and selling them myself since 2016 😍💌💗

@houwaidabashir - 02.07.2021 00:57

Thanks so much for helping me organize my thoughts.

@robinh4 - 03.07.2021 13:43

That was so informative and helpful. Thanks so much!

@walidd7519 - 04.07.2021 19:18

Great video, thanks for sharing Mei! Do you plan to make a video on how to scale such a business?

@alyluna4131 - 06.07.2021 05:31

Part 2? Please to go more in depth about starting a sticker business

@chrisjeneanepombo9850 - 07.07.2021 09:11

Can I have a shoutout my shop is StickerStudByDylan on Etsy

@kamichan127 - 07.07.2021 09:33

So many stickers that come up on Etsy are copyrighted things , isn't that risky ?

@melissasherman3897 - 07.07.2021 20:00

how much I sell for 15 stickers in my shop can you give me a sample? I not good at math.

@christine_rae - 08.07.2021 04:42

Thanks for your video about selling stickers. I have been a sticker lover since I was a kid. For awhile now I've been thinking about creating stickers to sell. A possible niche I was thinking of doing is cat stickers. Right now I was thinking of outsourcing my stickers, but I may try out the vinyl and use my local public library's Silhouette machine to see how it goes in creating some sample pieces. Question: The vinyl material used with the cutting machine really will prevent an ink jet printed piece from smudging?

@johannawooldridge4318 - 12.07.2021 16:30

Cool i found a great video. Thank you ❤

@LongLiveIvanna - 16.07.2021 19:23

Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️ thanks this was very helpful I am a newbie and really just researching for future ventures. I am a little lost 😔 why do you need a cricut machine and a inkjet printer 🖨 what is the purpose of each one when making your stickers ?

@laurel1854 - 17.07.2021 21:52


@rochellejohnson5534 - 18.07.2021 17:04

You can get refills for printers at Costco 8.00 dollars and 12.00 Dollars each so you don't have to buy a new printer every time

@fangyi6198 - 23.07.2021 12:14

Great idea!

@glsvcplw - 07.09.2021 08:12

Very informative! I'm planning on starting a small sticker business and this provide a lot of insight.

@gadabout522 - 14.09.2021 22:56

This was so timely. I want to start a side business to create income for savings purposes. I can’t do it 100%, though. Do you have a video series about starting a business while working fulltime elsewhere?

@LuisRamirez-gg9xk - 28.10.2021 17:50

Damn I'm in love with your personality 😍 I never cared about stickers until now, i wonder why 🤔😄😂

@ceceyangg - 31.10.2021 23:21

I know you don't recommend starting off on etsy or having it as my main website. But tell me if I'm wrong, I feel like it's cheaper starting there and easier especially as a small business starting off on a small budget and all. I want to believe starting on my own or on shopify is the best route, but the financial part scares me!

@ceceyangg - 31.10.2021 23:26

What if I want to do a mix of types of stickers? And different art styles? I don't like to stay limited in my art and want to enjoy what I make to sell, of course in mind of what my customers would enjoy and want too.

@ceceyangg - 31.10.2021 23:27

What amount of money do you think I should always have set aside for my business? Especially starting out!

@kats5827 - 27.11.2021 19:07

This was super helpful!

@Hifeguu - 06.12.2021 21:06

I have a sticker shopp

@warmcookie - 27.12.2021 08:07

Do you need a buisness license for a sticker buisness?

@jessasantos5188 - 13.01.2022 09:09

I actually planning to start a sticker business glad I found this video

@cameo668 - 06.02.2022 08:55

And if you don't want to put out the money for the sticker machine and sheets, there's always Print On Demand.

@lifebidesign - 10.02.2022 00:04

Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw are others.

@margiesvanmori - 10.02.2022 04:05

These are great! I'm building out a 1988 chevy to travel in and I am looking to put used furniture in it. I love these tips!

@fatimahq108 - 08.04.2022 05:41

Thanks so much for your help!! 🌻💕

@caroltrimble2738 - 06.05.2022 20:48

Am in the process of starting my sticker business

@ShoshanahShear - 18.05.2022 20:15

Thank you for all your information. How about the options for print on products eg Printful or others, can you get enough profit to earn from the stickers?

@oneveganboricua4785 - 25.07.2022 14:58

What if I use a company for printing and cutting? Will that be cost effective too?

@aymanerh9953 - 09.08.2022 03:18

Thank you for all this information. If i want to make a sticker for bank card witch type of paper do i need?

@The_RagingGamer - 23.08.2022 04:27

Do I need a LLC?

@iangill6761 - 30.08.2022 19:37

As a spin-off from stickers I have just got in to button badge making. Not as a business yet, but who knows what the future will bring. Thank you for all of the videos you produce, they are inspiration to a nation.

@tarapfeiffer6695 - 03.09.2022 01:40

This video was so helpful!! Thank you so so much! I am really wanting to start my own small business creating stickers, sweatshirts, and t-shirts in the near future! This was a great video of the step-by-step process and would love to connect with you to discuss more!

@Mary20002 - 11.09.2022 08:06

Wow..there’s a lot you need to get and that translate into money 💰 and you haven’t start yet..boy..not easy…but thanks for the info..👍👍👍another question..what’s the best way to ship and advertise

@beatrizjurado5648 - 24.01.2023 19:52

if you start sticker business in shopify how much it cost scare to bill if it is monthly if we don't have money to start.

@arabgirl1228 - 25.07.2023 18:34

I want to start a sticker business. Seems the most clear at this time. I am at a loss of what to do and am on the fence about all of it and need to talk to someone.
