Can Nootropic Pills Make You Smarter?

Can Nootropic Pills Make You Smarter?

The Doctors

4 года назад

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Can you become smarter just by taking a pill?

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About The Doctors: The Doctors is an Emmy award-winning daytime talk show hosted by ER physician Dr. Travis Stork and co-hosted by plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon, along with dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra, OB-GYN Dr. Nita Landry, and neuropsychologist Dr. Judy Ho.

The Doctors helps you understand the latest health headlines, delivers exclusive interviews with celebrities dealing with health issues, debates and investigates health and safety claims, explains the latest viral videos and how you can avoid emergency situations, and serves up celebrity chefs to share the hottest and healthiest recipes and foods.


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@stayhappybetrue - 10.01.2024 01:04

not really you can't it helps your brain more attention and think more

@112233JORDAN - 30.12.2023 18:20

College kids are popping addys. They work. Im the one person that went thru college without it. It can be used as a party drug as well

@arielperez797 - 20.11.2023 20:34

Creatine and lion's mane.

@beatriceurena5291 - 02.11.2023 02:16

Thx for absolutely nothing 😊

@viveviveka2651 - 20.10.2023 15:06

Chess performance has been carefully studied. Caffeine, Adderall and modafinil all improve chess performance, by 9%, 13%, and 15% respectively, in a European multi-universtity study. Dosages were 400 mg, 20 mg, and 400 mg iirc.

Other drugs and dosages were not tested.

Often people overestimate what psychedelics do. They fool people into thinking their experiences are great, and give them inflated importance. The actual performance is lower, the perceived performance is higher.

@nurowerx - 07.10.2023 23:02


Development and Use for Cosmonauts:
Phenylpiracetam was developed in the Soviet Union in the 1980s. It is essentially Piracetam with a phenyl group attached, which provides added benefits like increased potency and different pharmacological effects. There have been claims that Phenylpiracetam was used by cosmonauts during their long space missions to help combat the cognitive declines that can occur in stressful environments, like space.

Studies and Effects:
There have been several studies on Phenylpiracetam that suggest its potential benefits:

Cognitive Enhancement: Phenylpiracetam has been shown to improve cognitive functions, particularly in individuals with cognitive decline or brain injuries.
Stimulant-like Effects: It can increase physical stamina and tolerance to cold, making it different from most other racetams.
Anxiolytic Effects: Some studies have suggested that it may reduce symptoms of anxiety.
Antidepressant Effects: There are reports of Phenylpiracetam having mood-enhancing properties.
Safety and Side Effects:
While Phenylpiracetam is generally considered safe when used at recommended dosages, it can have side effects, including irritability, insomnia, headache, and increased blood pressure.

@tarunarachmad3976 - 03.10.2023 11:45

good night sleep, hydration, nutrition and reduction in stress

@phoenixghost2466 - 27.09.2023 21:25

he forgot exercise...

@Chiefmaker75 - 14.09.2023 12:28

Modafinil and Lion's Mane work for me

@biabenicia6006 - 31.08.2023 21:51


@arsenalmanic - 20.08.2023 08:57

ooooh no. There's no magic pill?

@felicianoluis2 - 02.08.2023 21:56

Dude sitting there promoting coffee after other dude said stay hydrated coffee dehydrates you and causes crashing and headache when you don’t have it and also very addictive which is why he promoting it yet he’s supposed to be smart and give good advice this show is bull ish wake up

@lizeth987 - 30.07.2023 05:19

That doctor doesn't have good info

@selenasmith7943 - 27.07.2023 08:19

The meta analysis may not support it but you can't deny real life science. With modern day social media and people's self documentation of their progression. Its like watching an experiment playout. Nootropics helped with my anxiery and manic depression. I'm alot calmer and "present "

@DekayDaKing - 10.07.2023 11:01

Nobody thought that was weird how he started off? They all started looking nervous and started making jokes 🤔🤔

@williamzeigler2600 - 04.07.2023 22:46

I didnt know so many people in the world was so unmotivated n uncreative that they got to take pills to function throughout life😔

@bluecavemen - 04.07.2023 06:03

They aren't real Dr. They get paid buy the drug industry

@RG-mt2yr - 09.06.2023 16:06

Come on, these are blanket statements. Can't stand this show

@RussellJohnson12 - 02.06.2023 16:16

I take nootropics - normotim. I don't think I've become smarter, but my attention span has increased

@monet4993 - 01.06.2023 20:37

hm ... i would to hear about it but by a true neuroscientist , i do appreciate he speaks in a very responsible way

@upgradeyourawareness3539 - 26.05.2023 07:21

He’s basically lying on behalf of pharmaceuticals. It’s a billion dollar industry and if people turned to this they would lose out on the money people spend for doctors visits, medication prices, etc.. It’s been long known how rigged the system of healthcare is and they’re definitely gonna protect their money so they downplay ALL alternatives that are better for you, healthier, less expensive, etc.. Just a big game this life is.

@kaseybowen - 28.04.2023 21:31

Bahahaha! What a great representation of how UNINFORMED the "doctors" in our amazing medical system are. What a joke. So sad that the majority of americans listen to people like this and take what they say as gospel.

@konradmcdougal3957 - 26.04.2023 14:00


@MrFox64057 - 26.04.2023 07:10

Lions mane

@FreeSpirit47 - 23.04.2023 05:47

The advice given that getting adequate sleep, nutrition, lowering stress are all good. Sometimes it's more difficult to get than a nootropic.
In my career, sometimes, I have to work for 12 - 18 hours straight. No breaks or I risk losing my data stream. If that happened, I would lose all of the previous hours of work which would cause me to fail in meeting my deadline.
I have used different nootropics for many years before they were called nootropics. I have to cycle them as the brain & body adjusts, making them less effective.
I use different workout supplements if I only need a short term boost.
It's also important to cycle off of the nootropics for 30 days several times yearly, to give your system a break.

@arthurmcdoogleheimer9443 - 20.04.2023 07:06

Yes, above average intelligent people with higher serotonin and stable dopamine, etc. that have good fortune of more life success, better food and exercise already have an optimized brain and gut health already thus Nootropics is not necessary, not needed.
More and better sleep quality with lower stress that includes consistent exercise is something many people that have less resources cannot change just flipping a switch to change all these factors like the successful television personalities in this video can do with their privileged lifestyle. This does not mean some people cannot, it means many people have a variety of constraints in their life that don’t allow them to just suddenly make all those change benefits. So yes, if you are already highly successful and feeling great, don’t bother with Nootropics. You are already on top of the world without it.

@uberedblackwolf4438 - 18.03.2023 08:48

LOL I Can't believe these guys are still on
they're doctor Oz's' flipside
and they also gave plant-based diets thumbs down, so much for their credibility LOL
these are celeb doctors, but lately doctors in general, seem to not be that good either,
as they're using their title, to not look into the science, lazy cunts
and yes, they do work, but not in the way people(laymen) think

Vitamin B12 is made from bacteria, and it's important for brain function,
Vitamin D essential in health
Vitamin C, well sailors got sick from not enough
melatonin to sleep works, but some say they had nightmares
calcium supplements seem to be causing blood clots, so more research is needed here
them saying it doesn't work is like saying coffee, or caffeine doesn't work, yes it does, and yes they do
now i don't drink coffee anymore, because it lowers nitric oxide production
but caffeinated tea doesn't, thank some researchers in italy for this

Monkey's head/brain, or satyr's something, old names for Lion's Mane, Mushroom/Fungi
the mechanism is based on improving/making more pathways for neurocytes
Not sure why everyone is calling it a new age nootropic, as first study in the national library of medicine is in 1996

creatine the most valid supplement for working out, just watch on yt this british bloak thats a exercise scientist i think

l-theanine, just opens up vessels, or Vasodilates* I still remember when when these guys on the show were being smug about this word, just shows how shitty humans can be
I'll drink hibiscus tea, as it also opens up blood vessels, and it comes with more antioxidants, and it's naturally caffeine free

L-Tyrosine, they say focus ingredient amino acid, or you could just eat food with a high amino acid profile, lentils are still a personal favorite, as about 2 cups it meets a big chunk of vitamins and minerals, fiber, protein without the cholesterol-saturate fat-trans fat

speaking of protein, I encourage people to read "Protein-oholic" By Garth Davis
also sprouting can increase the protein in legumes, and other nutrients, which escape me atm, but I didn't realize I'd stumbled into it when I was kid
and sprouted soybeans are a common thing in Asian food

Going back to fungi's for a second, Asians do seem to consume more of them than other people groups
and while many mushroom heads, will swear it's the beta-glucans, beta-glucans are also present in oats

USDA's website is awesome, for checking nutrient beyond cronometer, as leaving some mushrooms in the UV Light(Sun or UV lights, whatever way you want to expose them to UV) will lead them to develop Vitamin D2, some more than others, but what I wanted to talk about
this other nutrient, that might be classified as a new vitamin that is present in mushrooms, but other stuff to, but just significant in the fungi, which
is probably
contributing factor to the old asian sterotype of academica, as their diet is what leads to better
and with the westernization of
their diets, we're starting to see them develop the same diseases as the west, DIet trumps genetics, even if like me you were dealth a bad hand

there's still more research and trying stuff, but just a warning to people "What I've learned" isn't that much better than "the doctors" for academic-scientific research
there is some people by people difference, but that might be to physiology difference, one example the microbiome gut-bacteria, and how people vary in general
I still have to try ashwagandha, asxan-something, but later, I'm still isolating some on their own, as I know how as a combination they work

@12babyzandabully - 11.03.2023 05:13

I do feel lions mane when I take them and it helps with my sleep pattern however now I don’t use them as much due to a herbal product I carry

@shjh798 - 15.02.2023 21:22

I have ADHD....and I need nootropics...I haven't found a perfect one, yet, but I am on my third one, lol, so wish me luck lmao <3

@shjh798 - 15.02.2023 21:21

I want what you have...lmao.

@amerikanlegend2306 - 25.01.2023 20:31

First, you have this guy that has no knowledge whatsoever of nootropics. He of course being the good doctor that he is will push on PHARMA's solution to all problems by prescribing another "medical necessity pill"...." The Doctors" show should put someone on the panel that's " qualified" to know what he/she is talking about, not this quack!!

@ConnoisseurOfExistence - 18.01.2023 16:01

Lions mane actually works and it helps with memory formation. Psychedelics, like shrooms and lsd also do increase cognitive performance (yep, tested it myself with tests, brain games and stuff). Testosterone boosters (tongkat ali, fadogia agrestis) also increase alertness, processing power and motivation.

@fuckoffshittube - 06.01.2023 19:30

If you want a "smart" drug then microdose magic mushrooms or LSD.

@yousfesmeil8542 - 01.01.2023 16:42

What happen if you quit.and that make your problem worse?

@donttakeitpersonal8704 - 23.12.2022 04:58

Those doctors are on the side of the pharma companies so I, as a person, would not believe everything what those doctors say. Nootropics like Bacopa Monnieri are just growing everywhere in India, so there is no possible way for a company to get a patent on it. This means that pharma companies can never be the owner of Bacopa and they cant sell it.

Doctors know this very well ofcourse, they have to protect the pharma companies, besides protecting these companies they also have to support them. No one in the medicine world wants you to take nootropics. Why? Because there is no money in this business.

@zackisback3651 - 29.09.2022 00:22

Tf is she talking about coffee😂 that only works short term energy benefits

@radioog6945 - 24.09.2022 06:12

Whatever I got better when I took nootropics ✌🏾 Newsflash rhodiola and other nootropics help to reduce stress!

@itzqueengale_1372 - 12.09.2022 02:24

imagine having insomnia and being stressed 24/7 wow, umm thanks for helping i guess

@19stri - 07.09.2022 19:46

What a standard American doctor response. Take 10 mg of adderal with or without ADD and see what happens. You’re not going to raise your IQ but your focus and production will increase, dramatically - more in a non ADD patient

@chadchristiannationalist3422 - 07.09.2022 16:41

'nootropic pills' lol, there are hundreds of different types of nootropics, this video is vague and sucks

@theredpoweranger - 07.09.2022 10:16

But reduction in stress is easier said than done and even when it is said it sounds annoyingly ridiculous!

@Maverickbillion - 30.08.2022 08:21

He did what all doctors do prescribe

@rajinigupta1534 - 26.08.2022 15:17

Gutsy psychiatrist

@saintjabroni - 13.08.2022 02:51

This channel/show should be banned.

It’s not about being “smarter”, it’s about ‘bio-hacking’…getting the most of yourself that’s already there. Giving yourself an edge, if not a fighting chance if you struggle with real-deal mental health issues.

Fuck this show.

@terrafirma9328 - 10.08.2022 14:36

I think these doctors want to keep the good supply to themselves, not enough to go around if everyone used them it could drive the price up🤨

@plumbo624 - 07.08.2022 15:21

Wow! I see honesty here

@biohackshq4072 - 02.08.2022 06:50

Multi-billion dollar industry - wow. They either work or make us produce expensive pee! The simple: Nutrients are good!

@biohackshq4072 - 30.07.2022 22:34

Nootropics are dietary supplements built to safely optimize cognition by manipulating cognitive functions in the brain. They help the brain operate more efficiently by filling in the gaps in our cognitive functions.

@Dave_and_Jo - 20.07.2022 11:10

I work rotating shift work and use Modafinil to keep me functioning at my peak when I feel zonked out. It works fantastically and is a godsend. So don't give me that "the meta-data doesn't support the claims" rubbish because you don't know what you're talking about.

@tarxan2790 - 20.07.2022 06:55

If you get 9 hrs sleep and still feel exhausted the next day chances are you may have sleep apnea and should get that treated asap especially if your still young.
