Winnebago Factory Tour

Winnebago Factory Tour

National Indoor RV Centers

4 года назад

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@acdii - 16.09.2020 23:45

Great example of just in time manufacturing.

@hassanelaorf978 - 17.09.2020 17:12

great vedeo....plenty of informations
thank you

@marilynhansen2193 - 17.09.2020 21:14

I was given a tour of this Winnebago Plant at Forrest City several years ago by my nephew Reggie Andersen who worked there many years. It was the most interesting tour I have ever taken. If you ever get a chance to tour it please do.

@pwengert1 - 18.09.2020 04:31

Great tour. We came from Iowa but had never been to the Winnebago factory. Quite educational! Thank you & God bless.

@WILDEBILL308 - 19.09.2020 03:37

Angie, you are doing an amazing job. I am going to tell the boss he should give you a raise.

@subohioguy - 19.09.2020 04:29

My parents bought a 1967 22ft Winnebago Motor home and we enjoyed it very much, We used to go to the factory every August for the National Winnebago rally. Great memories

@OurJourneyInMyles - 20.09.2020 08:20

Really interesting tour loaded with great info showing how a quality product is produced. Watched all 57 minutes,........and was wanting for more when it stopped!

@richardburguillos3118 - 20.09.2020 09:34

That was an amazing tour. The industry is getting a bad rep with people saying they are all rushing to manufacture as many as they can and sacrificing quality. Looks like they are doing a great high quality build. That was fun to watch. Wish there was more time spent on the Class B line. Possibly a revisit to spend more time there?

@MrLucastobing - 22.09.2020 07:21

Nice, Angie. You should host a TV show.

@stevenperry5709 - 25.09.2020 09:16

Most excellent tour!!! So rare to get this much detail. So glad NIRVC is willing to do the very in depth walk throughs of products and now this detailed tour. Thank you.

@mikepeters5785 - 27.09.2020 02:45

I have a 1974 Winnebago Chieftain 25' trailer my family and I still use to this day. Up until last year it still had the original carpet in it. The interior and exterior is still 99% original. Due to the longevity and the quality of this trailer, going through my grandfather, then my father, and now on to me, plus this video showing how they construct their modern RVs, next year when I upgrade to a new trailer, it'll most likely be another Winnebago.
I do wonder after watching this, I wonder if they would be able to still produce some of the factory pieces that are worn out on my rig such as the tail lights and cupboard latches of days gone by. I may just want to stay in my unit for another year or two. LOL, or if they would want to put this in their show room as mine is still in excellent shape for it's age.

@Ursin101 - 28.09.2020 02:12

Angie please tell them to put a washer and dryer unit in a Winnebago View along with a bigger shower.

@robertbarnes6639 - 25.10.2020 08:51

Please do a Newmar factory tour

@thomasdarby6084 - 09.11.2020 15:43

With all due respect, Winnebago may be the world's oldest "Motorhome" manufacturer, but not the oldest RV manufacturer... that honor belongs to Airstream, which Wally Byam started in the 20's. Unfortunately today it is owned by Thor.

@thomasdarby6084 - 09.11.2020 16:05

I am more and more impressed with Winnebago's build and design quality. I'm going to buy a new RV in Spring 2021, and have looked at several makes, but they all fall short in many areas of what Winnebago does. Thanks for this.

@David-im1fp - 15.11.2020 08:26

Is the water tank BPA free? any plastic chemicals can leak to fresh water? Great factory tour.

@thaisguedes4067 - 30.11.2020 04:55

This is awesome. Loved the video. Thank you

@terrylarkin690 - 10.12.2020 01:53

Angie this was the best factory your I have ever watched and I have been through a lot. I was a Mac Tools Distributor for over 20yrs and toured all there made in America facilities along many others. Your presentation was a 10 out 10. We've been shopping for a Navion/View and now I'm totally sold on the Winnebago thank you.

@guarddog318 - 13.12.2020 12:38

I grew up in a time when an RV was simply a "Winnebago".
There really wasn't anything else when it came to motorcoaches.
...well, unless you converted an old bus of some kind.

@alanshad6292 - 15.02.2021 17:17

Angie, Thanks for the Amazing tour...Wow! What a facility..We use to own "Winnie" Brave. It was tough, and well built..looking towards a Class B soon. Winnebago considering nay future Class B Full slides (for space) w/dry bath & ini W/D hookup. They would dominate the Market in the Southwest. Shad in Az!

@imrank340 - 03.04.2021 15:53

This broad seems to know about RV.

@johnluck1923 - 05.04.2021 23:53

Thanks Angie for showing us how RVs are put together. Winnebago looks top notch.

@joechudy1257 - 11.05.2021 07:57

Once again Angie, you did your homework and it shows! Great in depth tour with insightful questions and pertinent comments. Looking forward to our Winnebago coming off that line someday soon. Thanks!!!

@heathercummins1644 - 20.05.2021 07:43

Thanks so much for the Tour! With the announcement of Winnebago/Newmar buyout, even with your company's assurance, I was concerned about the changes. This video put those concerns to rest.
As always, great video, Angie!👍👍

@mickthedawg4575 - 14.06.2021 08:58

This made me change my mind. I'm buying the Winnebago!

@VernonWallace - 25.06.2021 18:38

This was so very interesting. Thank you and Winnebago for the tour.

@addictedtopussy69 - 27.08.2021 10:56

After watching this, i'm impressed with the details that Winnebago put into their construction.

@dixieerickson4452 - 23.09.2021 11:50

Wow you did wonderful tour. So much to learn about, very very interesting.

@JollyDeacs11 - 28.11.2021 23:45

Thank you Angie, you're a doll. We just purchased a Adventurer 37F, Gas, 2015 so super excited to RV for the first time. Winnebago cost us out of our original budget but well worth it for the long haul. Cheers and God Bless!

@JohnS916 - 13.12.2021 09:03

Nice infomercial.

@gilbertcounts4317 - 26.01.2022 00:15

Great video

@melbourneleogibbsgibson...1653 - 15.02.2022 19:43

Thanks for having here

@MrStrangegoo - 05.05.2022 01:37

I remember that motor home. Never had one but wanted one, I thought it was so cool at the time..

@jimbryan860 - 26.05.2022 03:49

I would have liked to see the finished product inside

@jimbryan860 - 26.05.2022 03:50

I would have enjoyed seeing the inside of the finished coach

@carlstanoyevic3070 - 17.07.2022 11:48

Thanks for sharing this It was well worth the time you invested. I learned so much.

@geasenergie - 17.09.2022 19:06

Cool from Italy

@winginitwithjohn8451 - 16.11.2022 03:54

I'd like to see a tour of the Entegra Coach factory Angie.

@macsrock2010 - 19.11.2022 08:16

Very cool 😎 😮 … you did a great job, Angie.

@propbender2 - 10.01.2023 00:45

Thanks for this great tour and all the details. I am now looking ONLY for a (used) Winnebago.

@danwolter - 17.04.2023 17:32

Did this plant tour a few months ago. It was not at all what I was expecting for a factory and I expected robots and automation. It's really more crafting than traditional manufacturing. The amount of precision and care into each rig is amazing!

@ericverpeten8503 - 15.05.2023 20:16

I'm impressed , thanks fot the tour Angie, really enjoyed it.

@hitchedmarrow0446 - 24.07.2023 09:04

2021 Winnebago Minnie Winnie 26T

@roberttabler1037 - 26.07.2023 04:39

Very nice production. Not Falcon 9 or Dragon at SpaceX but legacy all the same. Curious why Winnebago uses MCD blinds? Seems like a no-brainer for their capabilities.

@cris_miko - 31.08.2023 23:45

Thank you for an informative tour. I have toured many factories in my engineering career and i really liked hearing the reasoning behind their factory processes. Winnie was at the top of my list and now there is no other choice. I'm looking for a 25b layout and confident a used model will meet my needs within my budget.

@kennyr3751 - 14.10.2023 06:15

I drive an 84 Winne....still going strong!👍👍

@mikevollmer8418 - 15.01.2024 19:25

How long does it take to manufacture a Micro Mini from start to finish?

@NoWay-xu1ie - 13.05.2024 21:59

Does Winnebago put in a fender well in the event of a blown tire to stop a lot of damage. Which happens on a lot of camper's and motorhomes ?
Also is the wiring pulled through the walls shielded to stop chafing ?
If not it should be.
I've been through several MH factories in Elkhart Ind. That are doing some pretty crappy wiring from a mechanics view point.
Also is the seating upholstery better than what other manufacturers use that falls apart in 3-4 years with full time use ?

@adda2637 - 12.08.2024 02:16

How long does it take to make ur avg RV? Don’t think they mentioned it. Thanks

@twoeagledrones - 27.11.2024 06:27

Thanks for the tour! Amazing!
