[FREE] Meek Mill Type Beat 2019 - "PAIN" | Sad/Rap Instrumental

[FREE] Meek Mill Type Beat 2019 - "PAIN" | Sad/Rap Instrumental


4 года назад

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@Teezusbethyname - 07.11.2019 02:31

Yooo bro why you violated 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 straight heat you never disappoint me !💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

@user-rw2pn6zx6v - 02.12.2023 07:13

still the greatest beat you made

@user-ti7sb3so2r - 05.10.2023 02:10

Ive been feeling tired but im still trying
My heart hurts but my tears are drying
U wanna know why im so silent
I just move like dat
For my mum i gotta put that work in
For all the times she was working
So i beg u lot just take me in
Even if im stuck in the same spot
I still wont stop
For every tear my mums dropped
Imma cop whatever she wants
When its late at night i think about how i can change my life
U lot wouldnt care though but i have some stuff to share though
So imma take it out
My sister ran away and that hurt like a bitch
I dont talk to my dad i guess it is what is
When my grandma died i looked at my mum cry and cried too
I tried finding you sis but in the process of that i lost myself i
Kept going hospital because of my health
I started losing weight
There was nothing i could gain
Half of u punks care about image and fame
Flexing on the net for a name
What a shame
Time is precious i dont wanna waist
Dont call me mister maker
Call me mister make it
I can see it through your eyes why u hating
Idk what my fate is but hope its good
Struggle is the best way to come up
So dont be sad if ur struggling
Keep juggin
I kept moving house to house so i really never had a place to call home but im still glad i had a roof on my head its better then death
Lifes a test i didnt study for
But im steady wid it
Im a lion when im on the mic im deadly wid it
Growing up i watched my dads side of the family just break apart
For that i wanna be on the charts
U lot are doing the most all i see is fake ass love
U wont find me ever again im a officialy ghost

@jacopodigesto7825 - 09.09.2023 01:13

già lo so che tu sei andata lontano
Ne è passato di tempo ricordo per te lottavo
Lavorerò di più dicevo come Gondrano
Perchè è un premio che ricevo in vita se t'ho incontrato
E già lo so che non accetti le scuse
Io non accetto le fusa, so l'ora e sono le due
Non voglio le mani addosso se poi sono non le tue
Non voglio pensare a un'altra, ma c'ho le idee
più confuse
Ti ho scritto un giorno a caso ad agosto
mi hai detto no io non torno lo giuro non ti sopporto
Che a volte non mi sopporto perchè lo so che c'ho torto, pensando ad ogni ricordo mentre tu guardi il tramonto
Sto vincendo per me stesso non per chi c'è attorno
Sto cambiando un po' me stesso in meno di un secondo
Quindi adesso mangio primo secondo e contorno
Questa gente che c'è intorno è solo di contorno

Vivo come non aspettassi il domani
Come non avessi piani, non ci fossero sti guai
Vivo ancora come fossi lì seduta sulla solita panchina su cui non tornerai mai
E ho fatto un altro sbaglio
Sei stata un altro abbaglio
Lotto per niente in palio
Per un bacio o per un paio

E già lo so che non mi guardi negli occhi
Pure se mi ritrovi da solo dentro ti blocchi
Ho riletto i messaggi dopo ho pensato che sciocchi
È un'altra mezzanotte in cui io spero che scocchi
E già lo so che non rifiuti le avances
Ti guardi sempre attorno perche fiuti ste chances
Io sempre piedi a terra come avessi le Vans
Tu sempre di corsa come le auto a Le Mans
Ti ho scritto un giorno di fine estate, eri con le tue amiche, sai delle finte sante, ora c'è il rumore di queste finestrate, perchè ti sei incazzata come gente di strada
Sto perdendo con me stesso dai stammi alla larga
Sto crescendo troppo presto, la famiglia è larga
Però sono un po'depresso, non so starci senza
Come quest'espresso, come questa merda

Vivo come non aspettassi il domani
Come non avessi piani, non ci fossero sti guai
Vivo ancora come fossi lì seduta sulla solita panchina su cui non tornerai mai
E ho fatto un altro sbaglio
Sei stata un altro abbaglio
Lotto per niente in palio
Per un bacio o per un paio

@darsheytheogwayvip2694 - 29.04.2023 08:00

Straight 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Hands down

@dinast5716 - 19.02.2023 17:27

8 месяцев назад
Это не баттл по фактам, это факты про баттл
Щас будет лирика снова, пятый раунд, понятно
Мы так давно рванули по тротуарам куда-то
Started from the bottom и to the bottom обратно

До сих пор не понял - сыграла ли ставка
То спокоен как удав, то налезает удавка
Хуй знает чем я одарен, на окраине хайпа
Но я в центре своей правды, это считаю подарком

Талант не оправдал, мой талант не оправдан
Мешает дыхалка, не хватает азарта
Снова пишу все в последний момент
Пока в итоге линия пульса тоже не станет дедлайном

Опять рефлексии! Не в оппонента, господи боже!
Разобрать его на все элементы жестко ведь должен
Давай полай тут, мне так по кайфу
Разница в том, что я просто не хочу, а ты просто не можешь

140 - лучшая площадка под бит, печальный мотив, но я счастлив тут быть, начало пути
Зачатки игры, перчатки в крови, не просто печать на руке, остался здесь отпечаток внутри
Время выключать негатив, молчать не привык ты, но
Они жмут плечами, пойми, и мчатся на выход
Они к мыслям безучастны твоим, сколько сейчас не ори
Даже читая шепотом я могу докричаться до них

Пока внутри и снаружи пиздец
Строится новый порядок, а старый рушится здесь
Кружится снег, души в огне, лучший момент
Просто делать, что умеешь и я пишу этот рэп

Инопланетный флоу, но все таки Шумм человек
Ебу запреты в рот, пока не отключат инет
Лови все треки бро, идем через тучи на свет
Ты боялся жить, ну хотя б не бойся ебучую смерть!

Нечего терять, нам не скучно на дне
Бит долбит по низам и мой слог закручен поверх
Иногда теряюсь от того как в одном куплете себя может найти целая куча людей

Опять рефлексии! Не в оппонента, господи боже!
Разобрать его на все элементы жестко ведь должен
Давай полай тут, мне так по кайфу
Разница в том, что я просто не хочу, а ты просто не можешь

@leonardoballerini8867 - 08.02.2023 21:26

anche stasera sono qui bevo e fumo i mie problemi
Esco da solo in giro per strada mi sembrano tutti scem persone senza cuore senza anim non come a mamm mi
l’ho vista piangere per cazzate che ho fatto l’ho vista piangere per babbo io sono un bravo ragazzo ma sono cresciuto dove son cresciuto e spesso mi so fatto un mazzo tanto
Credo nel karma perché calma giuro tutto torna sta ragazza mi ha fatto uscire di testa io che gli ho dato tutto e se avessi potuto gli avrei dato pure la terra ma che merda quando ti illudono ti amano e poi ti distruggono
ora basta penso solo a me anzi non penso a nulla mi si è spento il cuore sono un giovane ragazzo nella vecchia giungla mi farò da me come ho sempre fatto ho smesso di contare e dare la mia felicità a qualcun altro sono troppe le delusione che mi hanno dato

ho visto la merda ho visto la droga ho visto ragazze darla per una raglia di coca
ho visto mamma piangere a casa con babbo
perché l’affitto era aumentato e faticavano a pagarlo
Ho visto cose non belle
che non racconto
Che mi hanno segnato dentro come quel giorno su quel raccordo per fortuna è solo un ricordo
chiedo perdono per tutte le volte che ti ho deluso ma giuro che ci sto mettendo tutto me stesso per essere un uomo diverso

@lil-me8qz - 05.01.2023 23:38

chalk this whole beat the comments the picture allat

@OmarAli-rm1kx - 29.11.2022 13:18

aldrig følt mig deprimeret
men smerten
Ka ik føle den
Intet hjerte
Intet smerte
Indre sorg
Men ka ik mærk d
mentale problemer
D været
De prøv skab splid lave scener
Har min habad
Vi ses i hell
She tryna hex me with a spell
She sweet like caramell
Hun var mmh
Men ingen Kiss og tell
Hun er 4l
Hun vil se mig sell
Byg et empire
Vores forhold er on fire
I walk with a glock
And i walk like I talk
12am jeg sælger cracky
trapper og i ved d nonstoop

@morris-b_the_freestyleboy - 17.11.2022 21:32

Can I use the beat for free cause beat fire 🔥 and with the beat like this will make you to see your dreams with music for real..

@heinkelemarie-christine6419 - 11.11.2022 19:43

M’y friend m’a trahi

@lilcsydid2453 - 05.11.2022 17:33


@timothylandry6350 - 11.10.2022 10:59

So I’m able to just use this and post it on any platform right?

@sergiohurtado6205 - 14.08.2022 23:30

Near painting illuamanti

@sergiohurtado6205 - 11.08.2022 09:25


@jondoe3296 - 03.08.2022 22:42

How do I buy this beat?

@Dollface_6103 - 04.06.2022 20:07

(Do you feel me)
(I got pain)
(Do you feel me)
(I got pain)
(Do you feel me)
(I got pain)
(Do you feel me)
(I got pain)

They don't know what its like to walk around with something you try to hide
Pain isn't easy or something it can go away in disguise
Been hurting for so long don't know if I can go on
Gotta keep you in my heart that's the only thing that's keeping me Strong
The way you dress your smile your eyes
Yeah I dig
You I had a crush on I will admit
Nobody will ever replace you
Matter fact they can't even Erase you
The love that I got will always be for you
You made me smile in ways I can't thank you
I won't forget you and the memories Of you
Memories of you

Do you know how love works I will never give up on Us
Do you know how love Works I will never give up on us

(Do you feel me)
(I got pain)
(Do you feel me)
(I got pain)
(Do you feel me)
(I got pain)
(Do you feel me)
(I got pain) [2x]

I love thissss beat such an amazing beautiful beat 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯❤

@user-ct6uy1sc5m - 25.05.2022 22:20

Это не баттл по фактам, это факты про баттл
Щас будет лирика снова, пятый раунд, понятно
Мы так давно рванули по тротуарам куда-то
Started from the bottom и to the bottom обратно

До сих пор не понял - сыграла ли ставка
То спокоен как удав, то налезает удавка
Хуй знает чем я одарен, на окраине хайпа
Но я в центре своей правды, это считаю подарком

Талант не оправдал, мой талант не оправдан
Мешает дыхалка, не хватает азарта
Снова пишу все в последний момент
Пока в итоге линия пульса тоже не станет дедлайном

Опять рефлексии! Не в оппонента, господи боже!
Разобрать его на все элементы жестко ведь должен
Давай полай тут, мне так по кайфу
Разница в том, что я просто не хочу, а ты просто не можешь

140 - лучшая площадка под бит, печальный мотив, но я счастлив тут быть, начало пути
Зачатки игры, перчатки в крови, не просто печать на руке, остался здесь отпечаток внутри
Время выключать негатив, молчать не привык ты, но
Они жмут плечами, пойми, и мчатся на выход
Они к мыслям безучастны твоим, сколько сейчас не ори
Даже читая шепотом я могу докричаться до них

Пока внутри и снаружи пиздец
Строится новый порядок, а старый рушится здесь
Кружится снег, души в огне, лучший момент
Просто делать, что умеешь и я пишу этот рэп

Инопланетный флоу, но все таки Шумм человек
Ебу запреты в рот, пока не отключат инет
Лови все треки бро, идем через тучи на свет
Ты боялся жить, ну хотя б не бойся ебучую смерть!

Нечего терять, нам не скучно на дне
Бит долбит по низам и мой слог закручен поверх
Иногда теряюсь от того как в одном куплете себя может найти целая куча людей

Опять рефлексии! Не в оппонента, господи боже!
Разобрать его на все элементы жестко ведь должен
Давай полай тут, мне так по кайфу
Разница в том, что я просто не хочу, а ты просто не можешь

@franchisej-arra5912 - 15.05.2022 19:16

A bro I made a hit to this beat is it free if not how to purchase ? I also Hit your DM on IG I write to a lot of your beats

@newwavesmerf2195 - 03.05.2022 06:59

im about to fuck this beat up hold me to it

@atamiq - 27.04.2022 11:47

140 bpm battle шумм vs r1fmabes

@user-zm2xg9bl4y - 24.04.2022 14:17

140 шумм и рифмабес!!!

@isauelstacks192 - 21.04.2022 19:43

If I ever broke ya heart neva ment to open ah scar

@prod.suburban4738 - 22.02.2022 22:35

Raise your hand if Melvin’s brought you here

@ryanbanks5001 - 19.01.2022 15:15

I was addicted to the feeling of guilt
I was addicted to the feeling of never really accepting I could heal

For real

I’m accepting something different
That’s real

I’m attempting to build

I’m attempting to heal

I’m attempting to build

I’m attempting to heal

I’m doing my best to be better than I’ve been

Know it takes time for real

It don’t happen in a season or a year

It don’t happen over night

It don’t happen when you need it

It just happens when it’s right

I’m just tryna live right

It’s alright

I promise we’ll be alright

Even if it’s hard to see sometimes

@NajjaPrice - 15.01.2022 16:41

Does anyone know the hat loop?? Or how to make the hats like that ?!?!?

@floridayoungin5782 - 21.12.2021 04:02


@jerzay8974 - 12.12.2021 23:17

Lemme ask you a question , You know I really love you right ? So why u treating me like I was never in ya life/ Wonder if I was locked up would I get a kite/ Wonder if Ian make mistakes would u love me twice/ Ian show u to my mom cause I was kinda shy/

@next1up939 - 30.11.2021 17:43

beat was dope till the bass dropped

@bruzyzzgaming_cv6728 - 09.10.2021 11:26

Props to everybody out here grinding on this beat for free... Shit is dope

@shannonwilson9918 - 24.09.2021 08:42

I don't worry I tell yeah I am a man who believed that I die 19 years ago and I live like a man who is dead already I have no fear of anybody or anything 😪

@danny.phantom3185 - 26.08.2021 16:14

Skiinnyy killed that beat🔥

@stevevonbraun2322 - 01.08.2021 21:57

Has anyone big used this

@namaste4553 - 22.07.2021 22:22

Just dropped my dog to this go listen

@aspecthammy_632 - 10.07.2021 04:32

I be going so dumb
But they said I’m strong

@imsevvans - 28.06.2021 02:35

omb jay dee

@nathansaunders6663 - 21.06.2021 16:04

Countless times I’ve felt like giving it up
All the time and the dreams about living it up
Cos I ain’t living it up and they ain’t giving it up
Been through the trials and tribulations but no living it up
And they ain’t showing no love
Cos its easy to hate
You ain’t bring nothing to the table but you bringing a plate
And they ain’t come from a struggle so I can tell that they fake
They ain’t come from the dirt with dreams to be great
And I ain’t willing to wait cos trust me I’ve been waiting
And don’t ask me about girls cos only one I’ve been rating
And don’t dm Nathan about talking and dating
Straight money on my mental and I ain’t debating
6 years and they still sleeping
I put in blood sweat and tears but never no cheating
Trust me I’m still dreaming and bro said they still scheming
On my life I’m meant for this shit can’t tell me that I’m reaching
I be smoking on Cali
On smoke no baki
I’ll always up the score
So you won’t need a tally
Tryna score on the pitch like Rooney at manny
Whereas my bro masked up on the bitch with a burner and bally
And I ain’t got love for this country like Megan and Harry
But I got love for my G’s my girl and my family
And I ain’t changed a life and I say that sadly
Still young brothers on the block who gotta stay trappy
And my g got teethed by two fools and a neek
Foolish behaviour because retaliation is peak
But it’s my time to elevate
I stay eating tell them to bring me another plate
And I want it all so I can move to a better place
Break bread say grace and only see better days

@opencorners - 09.06.2021 05:42

we out in space
we smokin hella dope
see through my eyes
youll see the outer spaces
like a telescope

zero brother

do this for fun
im no hero
why we need heros
when we just need to love her

instead of forming

words on the street
so thats where i sleep
and when i wake

and as a writer
i dont need for nuthin

its a fire
when the beat drop
and the pen stops
for the reprocussion

so when i speak
its like a leak
from a secret
that keeps
crushin it

the reason
because the love
it gives

i aint.... cold hearted

the go
gadget go
the flow
sparked it

this the roll
how i hold it down
then blow the rocket
the shark flip
the Vargas move

when we go for crown
thats three diamond
thats neat timing
thats the beat
thats street fighting
and the targets lose

if you not honest


we about to fall outta
the sky
for the

@tmoney5287 - 03.06.2021 08:54

Shorty had some new. Plans and i dont that i aint think I'd see the day u turned to a throwback well I guess that I'm gone hold that I told you that I love u and I'm sure that I showed that but I really hope u know that I wish u nothing but the best I hope it never goes bad if im being honest when I finally realized it was over I was so sad are u even hurt do u think about me too do u think about the trials n tribulations we went thru im just trnna figure out what separated me from u cuz i felt like u were ride i thought
We were stuck like glew but it is what is we said the shit we said we did what we did its just sad we had to end but fuck it 💯

@303officialmusic4 - 22.05.2021 01:32

This is one crazy mf beat

@Iamghoststorm - 09.05.2021 11:32

Skinnyfromthe9 killed this!

@yungenufogeeh5790 - 03.05.2021 07:56

Im grab this !Facto!! Great work 11👆🏾

@drejones91 - 22.04.2021 19:04

@cormill do you have rights to that sample in the begging of the song?

@deeksr-a-l2467 - 15.04.2021 04:39

Kids don’t play fair now
38ll make your head spin no fairground
The block got weird when I came out
Friends disappeared they not here now
Only set fam that am cool with
Now I got beef with the man I went school with
used to watch bro sell crow as school kid

@MitchellRich180 - 13.04.2021 20:41

OMB Jayden killed this
