Dating & Relationships | Dan Ariely | Talks at Google

Dating & Relationships | Dan Ariely | Talks at Google

Talks at Google

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@mightytaiger3000 - 03.10.2021 10:57

I've dropped many people due to them being more trouble than they're worth. So, his thing on cognitive dissonance makes no sense at all.

@dkail08 - 03.10.2021 22:58

I wonder how bad the societal collapse and continuing reduction of marriage and children will become before people revert back to an arranged marriage type if system.

Another century at the current rate and Japan is going to evaporate. The US probably isn't far behind.

@michaelshannon9169 - 21.10.2021 05:14

Women always want what they cant have. Its the mans job to delude her into thinking he is all that she wants.

@Elle-ht3km - 23.10.2021 17:18

Jordan Peterson should consider this in relation to the gender pay gap

@youngjohn5076 - 23.10.2021 20:28

This should be a ted talk . Great video .

@mofoshrimp - 25.10.2021 13:42

It always amuses me how the academic researchers who study human sociosexual interaction end up coming to the same conclusions as the PUA community, albeit in a much slower, more roundabout way. Glad they are doing this research, although if you want to learn from the real experts in this field, you should check out teachers with serious experience doing this in real life, like Todd V or RSD!

@acbikeatgmaildotcom - 28.10.2021 14:23

What q? the animal q, If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you have and why? The why is what qualities they value in a mate.

@Kookbandit - 01.11.2021 15:59

He's wrong on the pay gap and equal income in a relationship.

@mintusaren895 - 05.11.2021 11:15

Kharga pur

@aceofspades989 - 08.11.2021 06:53

Thumbnail legit looks like a still from The Price is Right

@mostlyunmentionables - 09.11.2021 19:44

why the fuck is everyone in the audience talkin as if they're on cocaine 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Like... the guy at about 40 mins and the asian gal at about 45 LITERALLY COULDN'T SPEAK ANY FASTER...

@gayleroberts9765 - 14.11.2021 20:57

LOL, what a great glimpse into the mind of straight male engineers on dating and relationships. However, as someone who for 8 years has facilitated a Facebook group of over 700 women discussing relationships and sexuality, I can say that he has no idea what the majority of straight women are looking for in dating and relationships.

@youtubelearning2990 - 15.11.2021 03:33

Even after all these years this talk is relevant

@arsplastiques - 15.11.2021 21:03

It is interesting to hear him talk about "playing hard to get," because in my reading, specifically on attachment theory, what playing hard to get gets you, is someone who doesn't want someone who is actually available. Playing hard to get, I've read, tends to attract people who have issues with emotional intimacy. Then too, there is such a thing as being too available - so there's a balance in there somewhere between not being too unavailable, and not too available.

@lronhubbard5915 - 10.12.2021 07:54

Learned something.

@LeafySpreads - 18.12.2021 06:42

What you say is much wiser than those said in many videos with million clicks!

@robotone2812 - 29.01.2022 07:41

Such bad advice.

@alexeykulikov2739 - 09.02.2022 14:30

7 years later. Tinder killed realistic expectations in women completely.

@muneshchauhan - 11.02.2022 18:28

I think we should leave dating and looking for mates as a natural process rather than getting into the science behind it. A badly gone date is also necessary to learn about different mates.

@samthewhale2183 - 13.04.2022 14:11

I was having lunch when he went into details about colonoscopy.

@irrelevant2235 - 08.06.2022 19:37

This guy is now divorced. Don't take Dating & Relationship advice from a guy who's divorced.

@catsaresocute650 - 22.08.2022 14:13

Sounds not particularly usefull, that. I mean okay apprently the type of ppl like me is usally lesbians (?) who hate the idea of dominace itself so maybe that's the point because we desire relationsips that are build on heavy empathis of companionship and equality as more foundational for love then anything so anyone who's not interrested deeply anyway falls out of optional partners pretty immidiatly. So

@ryzennngg2349 - 11.09.2022 12:26

Can someone make a 500 word essay about this video pleaseeee🥺🤝🏻

@alinesanchezramirezbaruchi2658 - 20.09.2022 21:25

Não casem rápido.

@alinesanchezramirezbaruchi2658 - 20.09.2022 21:29

Não hackeiem o cérebro da sua futura namoradinha para ela te amar.
Não precisa. Tem asilamento no Brasil.
1981. Eu tô com um militar puto da vida que já repetiu mil vezes. Eu tive que fazer fotos pelada como sua mãe.
E Jesus.
E como o McAfee.
Só olhem.

@alinesanchezramirezbaruchi2658 - 20.09.2022 21:32

É um golpe de Estado monárquico britânico.
Eu não estou pedindo muito. A NSA, o MI-6 e a Abin estão colaborando com o Mossad na fuga.
Fora a CIA e outros.
O Assange e os outros estão só pedindo atenção.
É um golpe de Estado.
Com um montão de nazistas.
Eu não aguento mais.

@alinesanchezramirezbaruchi2658 - 20.09.2022 21:33

Niki lauda fez uma companhia aérea.
"You don't own me"

@Gg-rssystG8 - 27.10.2022 05:47

Yes he right so Though that has a lot to do with the woman's maturity as well what she might want is a young woman a middle aged woman and an older woman in a man.
My imagination is great but when I'm with the person it's always much better than I imagined always.

@rachann87 - 01.11.2022 18:56

Where have I been besides here now

@BryanBloom - 18.04.2023 04:38

Great talk, one of my all-time favorites Dan and one of my new favorites, Amy!

@sumeetsingharora1046 - 19.07.2023 04:29

Is there an experiment on how much efforts do I put in a relationship as compared to how much efforts does the partner put in...

@AndrewNiccol - 23.07.2023 20:57

5'9 have to earn more money 40,000 a year to compete 5'10.

@sentientAl - 04.08.2023 06:31

I really like the day-to-day apartment lease analogy! What he said about playing hard to get kinda caught me off guard though, as I know from first-hand experience that it could turn your life into an emotional rollercoaster if you are a serial overthinker and/or have lower self-esteem.

@wetalksports1128 - 12.08.2023 09:49

כמה חשוב לסיים דייט בצורה חיובית?
כי דיברת על קולונוסקופי
אנשים מעדיפים חצי שעה לא נעימה עם 5 דקות של לא גרוע מאשר חצי שעה לא נעימה

תגרום לו לדמיין לעתיד

תבין מה אתה מוציא מהפגישה הזאת

אל תשאל שאלות סופר עמוקות בהתחלה או חוצות גבולות

למה לשחק אותה קשה להשגה עובד כל כך טוב

עד כמה רעיל לדעתך עידן הטינדר או עידן האונליפאנס בידיעה שפעם חלק מקבוצות הציידים שלנו היו פולימוריות בלי דמות אב וכו׳ כתוצאה מכך היינו פחות מחויבים

כשדברים קורים שהם רעים לנו אנחנו מאשימים את העולם
כשדברים טובים קורים לנו אנחנו מחמיאים לעצמנן

דייטים מאהבה לטווח האורך הם לא לרוב מסתדרים כמו מערכות יחסים שבאים בשידוך

האם לדעתך טינדר מוזיל את חווית הדייטים בעצם העובדה שאתה רק רואה את הפרופיל של הבן אדם לפי הפיזיות שלו

@ericb7223 - 23.09.2023 08:53

not a bad talk, shame this guy turned out to have committed academic fraud.

@DanielDashnaw - 26.09.2023 18:36

Utter bullshit. He's been proven to be a complete fraud.

@hahabojo1772 - 15.10.2023 13:35

good,i am reading this woman s book recently

@Bill0102 - 13.01.2024 03:14

Magnificent content; parallel to a book I deeply respect for its intelligence. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint

@anyvoicespeaks - 08.02.2024 10:30

Just goes to show how stupid the narcissists at Google really are that they couldnt figure out this academic fraud was scamming them with his research! Google employees are unethical fame chasing liars. He played into their dumb ideas of what geniuses are like while selling life coaching to lonely google execs…

@squaretriangle9208 - 31.05.2024 13:44

This was perfect, so interesting, this man is an excellent speaker👏🏻
