How to Decrypt Ransomware: A full guide

How to Decrypt Ransomware: A full guide

The PC Security Channel

3 года назад

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@pedrochip - 29.12.2022 07:25

so our pcs at work got ransomware. i got lucky and shutdown pc. i popped out harddrive and browsed files on another pc and noticed half my files were encrypted and the other half were ok...i could open them fine. question is there a possibility the ransomware could re infect another pc if i copy the un encrypted files to a new pc? what would be the best way to verify the non-encrypted files are safe?

@actionnew - 14.12.2022 03:19

Instagram windows 11. In a virtual machine and still got ransom wear with protection

@studyrelaxwithme4564 - 09.11.2022 21:24

i got infected with a new version of Stop / djvu (.powd) with encryption key online, so emisoft decryotor does not go. Digging a bit, I managed to recover two text files, one with the "public key" and one with the personal id (not the ransom note id), the file is called personalID.txt. Having these two pieces of information, can I get to the private key? Or, when the virus does all its work, is there an exact moment when it creates the private key in some file (like for the public one) and sends it to its server before deleting it? Thank you.

@jatinkumar1894 - 02.09.2022 11:40

please help for .rrbb ransome

@LeMemeboss - 02.09.2022 10:58

Bot comments

@helloneighbor975 - 30.08.2022 06:56

please tell about .docx,jpj etc .mrv ransomeware

@suryaadi7747 - 29.08.2022 04:49

Hello, my pc just encrypted by MKP ransomware and i lost all of my data
Since i didn't have any back up from last year. Can you decrypting MKP files too?

@kingleno5956 - 11.08.2022 16:57

Not quite long I contacted @Cleedenz directly on Instagram and he got my encrypted SSOI files decrypted

@user-md8qn8kg5b - 11.08.2022 16:35

It feels good and I appreciate @cleedenz on Instagram for the job well done. My files are now decrypted

@tanyagachovska9982 - 12.07.2022 05:27

Be careful when you call one of the guys from the comment. I called and pay 100 CAD$ and he did not do anything on the end he told that I should pay another 100CAD$

@veskobelchev - 21.06.2022 03:51

Hello, on 19.11.2020 I was infected with .makop virus and all my childhood photos were encrypted. I sent a decryption file to the hackers and they returned it fixed for me. For other information, they asked me for an unaffordable amount of money, which I did not pay. I copied all the infected files to an external hard drive. I bought a new hard drive and installed a new Windows. Is it possible to decrypt encrypted photos from childhood?

@aljaffar6400 - 19.06.2022 16:19

How to decrypt repp. Files

@foreverlearning6743 - 06.06.2022 03:46

Def thought you were gonna use GHIDRA

@gaurav6177 - 19.05.2022 08:55

Damn so many bots comments

@ItsOnlyLogixal - 18.05.2022 19:51

I've been thinking and wouldn't a database of all known encryption results of a standard system file allow you to brute force ransomware?

@Paulgibbs99 - 04.05.2022 11:25

Hi I store all my important files on an pc connected to my home network running truenas, If I make access to these files read only but allow copying to the workstation pc as many cannot be worked on while on the server anyway , will this stop a ransomware attack being able to encrypt these files while they are on the trunas server . Unless you log in to the server as root then you cannot change the permissions so I would have thought they would be safe. I also add the mapped drives to the protected folders area on Microsoft Defender , and Run Defender only ( Tried out bitdefender and hated it , and kaspersky worries me ATM ) with the security Tweaks you described in you video about making "Defender Harder " I cant say I have noticed any performance loss in daily use on my PC ( Ryzen 5 1500x , 8GB, EVO NVME ) . A test on this would be a great video and I feel worth exploring. Keep up the great work >>

@dr.athersaifuddin4835 - 17.04.2022 21:46

im not able to decrypt .voom extension files its an offline type of key i used emisoft still its is not decrypting help me please

@waskots - 10.04.2022 07:28

Just lie

@Jetsalmon8 - 01.03.2022 16:52

I got a Trojan virus a few days ago and it got into my accounts but 2 minutes after it got in I deleted it but I think my files are encrypted

@jiyusiew - 08.02.2022 18:00

My company infected by exile ransomware. Are you able to help?

@jwork5680 - 19.12.2021 12:33

Does online ID ransomware still have their keys hardcoded on the exe?

@farhanffaa - 16.12.2021 11:48

i have .orkf file extenion i want to decrypt files fplease help me

@DPLearner - 04.12.2021 22:31

Dear sir... Can decrypt .wnln files...

@mysteryunknown1139 - 02.12.2021 06:45

What happens if they do something like salt the key or the info?

@TheGamingChad. - 28.11.2021 13:44

can somebody decrypt one small file of mine for $30 via paypal? please!

@OthmanAlikhan - 27.11.2021 14:22

Thanks for the video =)

@fusionzs4838 - 20.11.2021 02:22

So much spammer in the comments

@claudiokiari - 18.11.2021 23:22

Hi. Someone found solution for .Acuff ?

@naveensubramanian7747 - 13.11.2021 22:12

Emisoft says online id and impossible decryption !any help for me to save my files?

@anthonyperkins5856 - 13.11.2021 17:02

How to remove zepto. files. have important photos and somehow a-lot of them have this zepto. at the end of them. How do. I get around this? please help! thanks

@juniordavid8807 - 04.11.2021 16:49

Please, i need a dycrypt for .cool. please help

@aroncrimeTV - 02.11.2021 18:51

So many botted comments!

@mousemallow4227 - 31.10.2021 03:36

could you make a guide to decrypt rugj ransomware? it is quite new and all the videos are fake and full of bots

@yousufp - 29.10.2021 21:12

.rugj file, i cannot open my files, all files are rugj file, how to recover it, i am re istalled windows, but same issue

@haydene3802 - 24.10.2021 18:56

Great video. Appreciate the info.

I’m interested in practicing this, where did you download the jigsaw ransomware from and did you run it in a vm?

@kingalano9521 - 22.10.2021 06:05

Where did you get the sample malwares? Need to get for my lab study.

@tcozzolino - 06.10.2021 01:26

Can i decrypt .LOCKBIT?

@trasivoulostrasivoulos8033 - 05.09.2021 21:17

Hello can you help me i lost all of dnSpy options and i cant recover them ??

@jorgemelendex - 31.08.2021 03:51

How come all these video explanations are hell blur?

@RajeshkumarArumugamsanthan - 25.08.2021 21:27

❤️ thanks 🙏

@TheRandomRager - 25.08.2021 15:37

The dealing with ransonware video is on up next lol

@kenken8865 - 25.08.2021 08:00

Here i have STOP (DJVU) is it worse than Jigsaw?

@rizkiyudi - 24.08.2021 08:27

Can some files encrypted twice with different attacker?

@hagar7519991 - 22.08.2021 01:58

Hi .. does this work for hoop virus i was attacked by online id and emisoft cant decrypt the files .. so my question can i get the key this way from online attacker ? And then use emisoft ?
Note: i installed new windows to remove the virus as it got my whole system

@rash-i - 18.08.2021 17:02

thanks so much u just saved me from my moms belt since she uses my pc to use her Pc files (shes a teacher and uses my pc to do her job)
Thanks again!

@algeo1 - 31.07.2021 15:20

Yeah, uhm. You might just wanna hide the comments on this video to prevent people being fooled by these comments.

@mdnahidalraj_5395 - 27.07.2021 09:01

Online key,

Moqs ransomvirus attrack.what i do for decript

@Nekz2004 - 23.07.2021 10:47

.Moqs please!!!

@vipinvipin9767 - 22.07.2021 16:10

In my case file extension is. moqs how decrypt?? Plz hlp
