Professional Rocket League Players Who Got Caught CHEATING

Professional Rocket League Players Who Got Caught CHEATING


2 года назад

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@Kerupt - 19.02.2022 14:46

not a big deal but we actually did play 1 game in league play vs gambits team before akenro went sicko mode and we all got banned

@theboyz7543 - 14.01.2024 01:58

Pre sure every pro cheats

@oLxvy - 02.09.2023 00:39

Him talking about Space Knights and Zen so casually is so funny considering how Zen now literally destroys pros left and right

@mkayyRL - 27.08.2023 11:35

"with some guy named zen" if only he knew

@itsmegoose. - 24.08.2023 07:45

“a thirteen year old kid named zen”

@AndreLeonardoYT - 17.08.2023 22:56

People who got caught "cheating", first Person got banned by toxicness

@sampeters3768 - 16.08.2023 17:05

That Zen guy probably won’t be important 🤔

@prettybadathis - 14.08.2023 14:50

Literally INSANE that Zen comes off his ban and immediately 3 regionals in a row, spring majors and now the world champions with the rest of Vitality

@blueghost512 - 31.07.2023 17:47

The title says Cheating, but most of the bans mentioned are not related to cheating.

@nsmstrikers5820 - 12.07.2023 07:30

Now a year later zen got unbanned and made his rlcs debut by winning 3 regionals in a row then winning the spring major. Now him and vitality have their eyes set on worlds

@MrAwsome1016 - 24.06.2023 16:44

bro what??? imagine getting boosted by a pro. then telling people and not lying about it.

@Jovan-ct8ho - 03.06.2023 20:18

Get a job! 😂

@Codo_Lyoko - 03.06.2023 09:25

its funny that all the players who cheat by not being old enough end up becoming absolulty insane at the game, with the most recent being zen and him being the best player in the world

@fvlse_ - 02.06.2023 09:00

Ok but the first guy didn’t cheat? He just was toxic… ?

@theerepenterakatheecomfort277 - 02.06.2023 00:36

Video games are for children so why block kids younger than 15 talk about retarded and why not show the real cheaters this bs isn't cheating

@benmiller232 - 30.05.2023 20:44

Zen now playing in the rlcs and he’s won both tournaments he’s played

@Floyann - 21.05.2023 12:08

All trash talk anywhere should be aloud. But no we have to have 😾 run the RLCS and have 😾 players in the RLCS that cry to mommy daddy RLCS when people beat them then talk trash. I don't care what they say and neither should you.

@reinerhoch1357 - 15.04.2023 14:31

Boosting is beyond me. If I paid someone to boost me to lets say GC3 what do I actually get out of it or better ask the question what does anyone get out of it? Too many players are kids that just don´t understand that your rank is not defined by the shiny plate beside your name your rank is defined by your skill to play this game and if you are dia and your account is boosted to GC then you are still a god damn dia. It is shameful and shows a serious lack of integrity and honesty to oneself.

Not to forget that you lame ass bossted idiots go and play ranked with other legit higher rank players and your lack of skill to play the rank destryos their game, good job you suck and you know it!

@oskargarborg-ui4hh - 24.02.2023 01:34

Kerupt more like corupt

@gaming4K - 20.01.2023 14:31

I came here searching if Kai99jr has something to do with cheats because i just saw him in a streamers live and his aim was sus af. . Could be spectator bug as apex had those too but it looked like the streamer tried to cover for him idk. It was just weird i have recorded the thing just cuz why not. . If you interested i send it to you just so you can tell your opinion.

@Bwoods. - 13.12.2022 22:31

Nice TAS

@jedi_jo_9015 - 12.11.2022 08:59

the toxicity bans dont make sense to me tbh, like as long as they arent toxic during the rlcs matches or posting stuff on social medias it doesnt really matter

@coldblooded1379 - 06.11.2022 07:54

I love it when they get caught and try to say no I don't cheat

@coldblooded1379 - 06.11.2022 07:53

Ttv do the same

@Games-bl7hm - 30.10.2022 09:01

How is saying inapproriate stuff cheating?

@zeroh8033 - 13.09.2022 05:19

I think zen and atomic deserved a ban for what they did, and it makes since to wait until after they turn 15 to initiate it. But I think (although it may not be true) that being as young as they are it'd be to easy for the 2 older team members to rope them into it without discussing the consequences with them, maybe even saying things like (nah it'll be fine, and whatnot). I think a year in both cases are too harsh, 6 months feels like a good middle ground.

Also I feel like there may need to be some lenience for the kids right at the border to 15. Say they are turning 15 on may 12. But the first closed qual of the spring split is like april 24th. It would make no since to pick up that player if they weren't allowed to play (I know Xset did for evoh, but he wasn't allowed to play)

That last comment is made for those teams who see a crazy good player but can't pick them up because of their birthday being a week or 2 after the first regional. Meaning these kids are being left hanging when they are good enough to compete and make a huge difference for a team.

@tuhin1264 - 12.09.2022 10:00

nobody banned due to in game cheating still why cheating is in caps in the tittle

@pzplayz1036 - 28.08.2022 20:04

Boosting is bannable yet i never see people get banned that have boosted accounts... nice

@xwolcliff10x - 28.08.2022 19:54

So not one case of actual cheating. Didn’t think so it’s RL

@oliverisalone - 26.08.2022 01:48

Then we saw Seiko win the world championship with BDS

@jamesjk1234 - 18.08.2022 07:13

Story of snitches being wussies. The makers of this game should ban the players who are shit in 3v3's instead of caring about chat. The makers are so stupid. Everyone point and laugh

@lk906 - 18.08.2022 01:28

bro australias are just like that they cant help it

@theswingdoc2132 - 17.08.2022 19:25

There were some cheater chants at RLCS directed at Seikoo but i had no idea this was why.

@qrqn - 15.08.2022 17:11

kerupt pack

@andy25metal - 09.08.2022 19:36

and the other cheaters in the game go free, right? they ban 4 RL pros but the rest are still cheating with GoS (gameonsteroids cheats) for example. or chronus or ds4 windows, or similar programs to get a head start on RL players. All video game companies, or at least the big companies, should agree to fight these cheaters and do the same as in Korea. DNI for registration, Telephone, Real Address ...... if you use cheats, fine the player if he is of legal age, if he uses them again, a higher fine and 2 years in jail, for example. if he is a minor, the fine is paid by his parents, if he uses them again, more fine for the parents and he is also imprisoned. And in both cases, if they repeat, I will be banned from all gaming platforms, PC bans, IP bans and internet service with a fine and jail for life. You would see if there are no more cheaters in the games.

@felt5952 - 04.08.2022 04:42

So boosting is against the terms of service? But why is every mate of mine still not banned? :(

@thedarkpenguins227 - 01.08.2022 23:43

This music at the end - is that Far Cry 5 remixed?

@manugabbana - 26.07.2022 04:12

bro the blury screen stuff made me think i was losing eye sight wtf

@pablorolando6658 - 21.07.2022 01:27

Banned for calling someone a name wow😆Rocket league is a joke anyway nothing new here😆UnAmerican not a free speech platform 😆I banned Rocket league from my house 😂Kids have switch Xbox ps4 and no rocket league allowed☝️support American values🇺🇸

@Pogomeister - 20.07.2022 13:44

I mean after all kerupt kinda announced his misbehaviour in advance through his name. kerupt ≈ corrupt

@riptorzor - 19.07.2022 12:49

Shout out to rapid's paypal scamming

@varyable3758 - 17.07.2022 23:36

rule violation is not really the same as cheating

@feetonland6609 - 08.07.2022 17:10

How is this cheating lol

@kirkstable - 04.07.2022 23:47

* *** ******!

@ShowMeYaMovez - 14.06.2022 19:59

Nice clickbait, downvoted

@scyhte82 - 11.06.2022 18:54


@andrewmcnicoll2299 - 01.06.2022 05:47

zen.. 13 n crushing pros... FREEZEN

@xKuRupTx - 29.05.2022 00:09

So this is why everyone thinks I got banned for boosting 😭
