ChatGPT Copyright  EXPLAINED #chatgpt #ai #copyright

ChatGPT Copyright  EXPLAINED #chatgpt #ai #copyright

Ian Corzine

1 год назад

5,674 Просмотров

Have you ever wondered about Chat GPT content copyright? In other words, whether you own the copyright to your ChatGPT content? In this video, I discuss the Chat GPT copyright issues and help you learn the way ChatGPT copyright will work in the future.

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#chat_gpt_content_copyright #chatgpt_copyright #copyright_chatgpt #chat_gpt_copyright #chat_gpt_copyright_issues #chatgpt #chat_gpt #ian_corzine #lawyer #explainer #explained #chatgpt_explained_technical
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@JoseEnrikes - 19.10.2023 04:15

I knew there were others that agreed with me lol. I told IT to make it using words and prompts, and then others wanna tell me I'm stealing. It's ridiculous. It's unique, it's mine, and I can to use it for display and it would be funny if someone copied my one AI generated photo of a trillion (or more) non yet made others so that I can simply regenerate a similar copy if not just generate another entire image. I'll have fun with that.


@Deltasquadformingup - 10.09.2023 00:19

If you go to the art station and write a book on the entire history of the Ottoman Empire at the library and write a 5000 page book does that mean that the library owns copyright?

@spookyboosacrystorytime - 29.08.2023 20:50

I'm going to run a test on ChatGPT and run some public domain stories in it and see how much it changes because that is still considered plagiarism if you copy it and just change the wording around.

@spookyboosacrystorytime - 25.08.2023 18:54

Why would anyone want it? It's awful!

@MrSunturion - 15.08.2023 06:06

That's Great to hear! 🙌

@Hall - 24.07.2023 20:39

As a copyright attorney, I completely agree with you.

@paulaumentado1588 - 10.07.2023 17:37

I mean thats like saying i created the statue of micha angelo despite asking the artist to create it

@baggelissonic - 18.06.2023 23:04

For being a lawyer, you sure are giving bold legal advice based solely on your subjective opinion.

@brycejohnson7095 - 05.06.2023 21:37

I am a phd student in AI , I think it’s pretty obvious that any code/ writing / image written by any bot is a direct reproduction of what is in the training set (what these bots are trained on.) If you don’t believe me , make up a word and see what image or prompt chatgpt will produce , it likely will be nonsense. So anything that has meaning has to be trained on something, and that something came from a human. HOWEVER, since it’s basically impossible even for researchers to determine which exact prompts / photos / data etc. was used to generate a writing or an image their really is no legal basis for any artists or writer to claim IP. Instead laws are going to have to be passed which make certain data ineligible for training under a certain license and if a company like OpenAI is found to have trained on that data they will be legally liable. In the meantime, if you are an artist you can also add noise to your images to make them impossible for training but still look the same ( I’ve seen lots of companies doing this.) If you are a writer find solutions that make it hard to web scrape your website (use more than just raw html. .. I’m sure their are companies for this too. )

@EL.Pepe98 - 28.04.2023 16:18

Chat GTP😂

@NavyashreeManjunatha18 - 29.03.2023 08:12

I created prompt in google search and steel all the data because I created search

@Imagineitwrite123 - 29.03.2023 01:55

Ok but if i hire a ghost writer and they sign the proper documents then i own what they wrote even if it was their idea. Which means sites like chat gpt need to give us something along those lines. It should be something like we need so many custom prompts and we meet the criteria for chatgpt to be our ghost writer, for a fee of course. But it would be worth it. I mean different sites give U.S. copyright as long as we have a subscription so why not. Anyone have anything to add?

@ssf42069 - 05.02.2023 02:27

I can see both sides to this argument on one hand chatgpt did all the work while I just typed a sentence into it but at the same time chatgpt wouldn't have ever created that without my prompt

@veesoho93 - 04.02.2023 23:43

Very interesting... the truth is in the amount of work that is responsible for the result.. in this case the words + the software.. and also the images used to compose the results.. its a collaboration in which a negociation of property percentage must be negotiated.

@p-x-a - 04.02.2023 20:09

if you were the one to create the prompt then what is the boundary/thing that's actually copyrighted? that would also mean an entire genre of music is copyrighted by the person who made it.

@ScullysHouseofThrillers - 04.02.2023 19:37

Regardless, doesn't it go against guidelines to produced AI generated material, i.e. copy to video, MidJourney, etc. I really want to know where this is headed.

@josueveguilla9069 - 04.02.2023 19:37

Fun Fact: ChatGPT is programmed to be biased.

@josueveguilla9069 - 04.02.2023 19:37

Again. Copyright must be abolished. Permanently.
