Lordaeron The Aftermath: The Forsaken w/ Zoomsf |  Warcraft 3 Reforged LTA

Lordaeron The Aftermath: The Forsaken w/ Zoomsf | Warcraft 3 Reforged LTA


55 лет назад

681 Просмотров

Lordaeron: The Aftermath is a custom mod of Warcraft 3 set around the end of WC3: Frozen Throne's campaign where Lordaeron is left in chaos and the forces of Azeroth battle for dominance across all continents. Learn more at my Twitch handle 'BladeMasterRUSH'.

GUEST: Zoomsf (https://www.youtube.com/c/zoOmsf)
✅Subscribe for more Warcraft 3 Custom Mod videos
🤵Suited Streamer playing Warcraft 3 at my Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/blademasterrush
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📷Check out my Instagram gaming blog: https://www.instagram.com/blademasterrrush
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🎨Thumbnail Credit: https://www.deviantart.com/eddy-shinjuku/art/Sylvanas-Windrunner-Warcraft-Wallpaper-Art-748482280
#Warcraft3 #Reforged #LTA #Custom #LordaeronTheForemath #LTF #LordaeronTheAftermath #Burning #Legion #Scourge


#Warcraft_3 #Warcraft_III #Lordaeron_The_Aftermath #LTA #Lordearon_The_Foremath #LTF #Zoom #WC3 #W3 #BladeMasterRUSH #Scourge #Lich_King #Arthas #Frostmourne #Campaign #Azeroth #Customs #Custom #Mod #Mods #Game #Games #Reforged #Cult_of_the_Damned #Kel'Thuzad #Necromancer #Death_Knight #Prince #Northrend #Skeleton #WoW #World_of_Warcraft #Raid #Dungeon #Guide #Gray #Blue #Marshmalo #Grand #Purtress #Demon #Legion #Plague #Grain
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