Dating Advice For Inexperienced Guys & “Late Bloomers”

Dating Advice For Inexperienced Guys & “Late Bloomers”

Courtney Ryan

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@youtuber3328 - 31.01.2024 08:51

i did do and will TOTALLY accurately rank these female celeb faces in this EXACT order the #1 TIED really really GREAT looking model/movie star faces of doutzen kroes and denise richards #2 really really GREAT looking model/movie star face of alicia silverstone #3 TIED REALLY attractive faces of rachel bilson rebecca romijn nicole sherzinger and vanessa morgan #4 TIED REALLY attractive faces of behatti prinsloo vivica a fox and vanessa morgan #5 TIED SEMI attractive faces of candice swanepoel and jessica simpson #6 SEMI attractive face of carrie underwood #7 TIED SEMI attractive faces of pamela anderson and gwyneth paltrow

@jment34 - 31.01.2024 02:14

Best advice is to lie about it and hide it fake it emulate someone successfull. Don't believe the idea that women don't care about inexperience.

@aladeen9031 - 30.01.2024 23:34

Tbf, I got more confident in conversations with girls, but mine current issues are compliments. its hard for me to tell a difference between a girl being nice or girl flirting. I thought that one girl was just being nice, but it turned out she liked me and I missed the clue lmao.

@PTStudent_ - 29.01.2024 04:00

Me lol

@Nightmare-wo2gd - 28.01.2024 21:07

Guys dont give her the ick, you gotta do everything but also nothing thats the key. You gotta do something but also nothing but also dont do nothing cuz you need to do something, yknow but not everything. Hope that helps.

@tomeryaha6151 - 28.01.2024 16:17

And remmember! Bonding with some1 because he/she has also no expirience is a bad idea!

@tomeryaha6151 - 28.01.2024 16:15

Let face it real, Women see it as a red flag. Be ready for a long journy and dont give up because of rejaction!

@Mr.Meme1885 - 28.01.2024 06:21

Here's Reality: if you're an facially unattractive man, women are going to reject you, reject you, reject you. Therefore, putting yourself out there...will only lead to more rejection and unnecessary stress. Knowing this is the case, it's a fruitless fucking objective!

Final Analysis: People who were born pretty privleged don't have a fucking clue about what it's like to be ugly!

@sagarthakkar900 - 28.01.2024 05:56

Women need to realize things on their own and own up to making crappy life choices + CHANGE and stop making good men with good hearts who have a career suffer

@seigyoku.39 - 27.01.2024 21:09

Any advice for old souls or is it a whole different topic in the future?

@nishadsawant4402 - 27.01.2024 16:47

my madam guide i needed always!!!

@TrappMillions3312 - 27.01.2024 10:15

If your azz is late in the game then just go ahead and grab that bull by the horns aka LIFE

@kushisharma5228 - 27.01.2024 09:50

Those mammary glands are 🎉the 🎉

@johnwestrookTBI - 27.01.2024 07:10

(I bloomed late, and thought that it was better for everyone, especially myself, also the bloom was like a tumbleweed. only once then rolling around dry for the rest of the time. I love talking. Word art is fun.)
My mind is naturally distant. Should I actually invest in whatever could it turn out better?
Some guys say they have more judgment about more experience.
LEARNING yes. Listening is so important also.

@damndan1870 - 27.01.2024 02:53

I did let her know only once it was my first relationship in 4 years but she didn’t seem to care so I never did either

@troopernate8046 - 26.01.2024 08:17


@roberturban4149 - 25.01.2024 22:22

there is nothing bad about being clingy!

@JacksonSmokey - 25.01.2024 21:40

It has been disappointing to see this creator, with her cleavage obviously exposed, touting male performance enhancement. Sexually explicit ads are harmful to men and she seemed to have a better sense of helping men than to do this

@youbetcha6880 - 25.01.2024 10:16

So why do so many women ask, "How many girlfriends have you had?"

@oeckstei - 25.01.2024 09:55

Even if your confidence is low as long as you have the drive the how will come to you.

@unisangalaxystudio - 25.01.2024 06:02

I just got rejected by the 2nd person I ever thought that looks attractive, last time was 8 years ago well now 9 years since the 1st person I ever ask back.
I feel after my 2nd rejection I feel I out grew having a relationship am 28, I think am going to just rent a girlfriend from Japan and call it a life.
That one experience will last a life time for me

@kirkwhite1736 - 25.01.2024 03:15

Not Very Helpful

@MegaSilverscorpion - 25.01.2024 02:45

If there was anything I learned from dating my ex it would’ve been confidence is key, especially with inexperience. And just have an open mind when it comes to specific things, you will do fine.

@JR2K80 - 25.01.2024 02:06

Penis enhancement ads…seriously?

@vkdeen7570 - 24.01.2024 07:22

u got two options and both can be effective (provided u do the basics like be in shape n make an effort)

1. own it. just be totally comfortable and honest about it. just be super enthusiastic like nothing phases u

2 fake it until u make it. don't mention your inexperience and skirt around things cleverly. this does teo things ... it hides your inexperience but also may make u look mysterious, which is a great thing. just act like someone who goes out all the time, its no big deal we're just hanging out

@faithmanages7352 - 24.01.2024 02:34

Honestly Courtney if you made an entire channel devoted to inexperienced guys and late bloomers I would welcome that and I think a lot of other guys would too!

@MH15501 - 24.01.2024 00:12

I struggle with your 'don't lie about it' part. I have been trying to get into dating for years but have never had one and don't have any other experience either. To say that it wasn't a priority up to this point would be a lie, but I feel like telling the truth would be offputting for some aswell.

@TheForensicLobster - 23.01.2024 22:28

She nailed it

@blairpittams9380 - 23.01.2024 16:34

Is love everything or an affected propaganda derived from the rise of Christianity and prominent nowadays from the decay of costly sex

@OctaviusAzura - 23.01.2024 11:07

I'm a late bloomer. What you said about those who think they're experiences is a confirmation because I got called out in the past for not having experience and the one said that to me turned out be a stagnant now.

@jdarnellsix - 23.01.2024 10:32

Deleting comments changes the content sure, but you're deprivation won't be. Ha ha ha ha, lol.

@jdarnellsix - 23.01.2024 10:17

Ha ha ha ha, lol.

@jdarnellsix - 23.01.2024 10:13

Do the math.

@jdarnellsix - 23.01.2024 10:10

I like this channel but I wonder why Courtney seems to take some of it personally. Because it is. Like the Tik Tok girls that said men disappoint you no matter what, it's just worse when he's UGLY.

@foreigncarfan493 - 23.01.2024 09:30

How do I approach her at her work area without being creepy? We don’t work in the same area but she says things like “get home safe”! and constantly smiles at me when she sees me

@Godfailedyoustophumpinghisleg - 23.01.2024 01:51

Anticipatory rejection is a learned behavior, you can tell me to experience more rejection, but you dont tell people to be kinder to those of us fumbling away.

@willythemailboy2 - 23.01.2024 01:24

Just don't. Problem solved.

@singhizhem - 22.01.2024 23:52

Im 40. I raised my son on my own since my mid 20s. All the times I tried to get a date, I was rejected quite harshly and sometimes even told I was too ugly. I spent most of my latter 30s working on myself to look better but unfortunately, a cold hard truth I realized is women will not budge on the 6’0+ height requirement even if other aspects (that I can control) are quite remarkable. Wish me luck but I don’t think I am dateable due to that. But I will do the best I can mentally do as I admit, it is taxing on my mental wellbeing. Thanks!

@tonyhawkins3835 - 22.01.2024 20:22

Yo C stop u know that the modern women sucks regardless!!!!😢

@hkphenom - 22.01.2024 14:25

I once slept with a woman who realized I was a virgin prior to the activity with her. She was like, " if you haven't had much experience...was that like your first time?"

I was like, "I wasn't going to say anything if you weren't." 😂 (Nonchalantly)

She proceeded to get self-conscious about it, and she made it really weird. Meanwhile, I'm over here being the mature one and saying, "Look. It's not a big deal. It's just sex."

It didn't work out for other reasons, but honestly? Good.

I owned my inexperience with it. She's the one who made it weird. Frankly, some of the most insecure people are those who have had active sex lives.

Gee. It's almost like they may be compensating for something.

@eliriekeberg7127 - 22.01.2024 05:47

Is it still anticipatory rejection if I have hard data showing that I have a sub 0.01% acceptance rate (1 out of 10,000)? That’s roughly the percentage conversion rate from first talking to someone to getting them agree to a date.

At a certain point, you just say this game isn’t worth playing and go enjoy your millions alone.

@shy3846 - 21.01.2024 22:21

I did everything right still it failed , you never know i guess

@l4ur158 - 21.01.2024 21:36

Inexperienced guy here, and how my insecurity f-ed me over as well as the girl i cared for:
Experiences before:
In 5th grade i confessed to a girl, she replied with "ew"
In 11th grade i confessed and she told me she was a lesbian
In 12th grade i confessed and she said "yes, that would be nice" and then completly ghosted me

This year i met a girl that i have become friends with, and i thought we were just friends but over time i started feeling a sort of way. I at first tried to ignore them, thinking that she is just a nice person (she is the only person that asked me to hang out in last 4 years instead of me needing to ask others to join). However the more time passed the more often i started feeling things towards her, it almost felt like time was slowing down next to her.
She was at the time dealing with a messy situation with her bf and i wanted to support her cause she seemed very troubled by it. We would go to uni parties, especially around christmas time, and since she is pretty weak with alcohol i wanted to make sure she got home safe, so i often walked her home. During these times we had a lot of body touch and at first i didnt want to come off too strong, at start was only shoulders touching in train, and towards end i would put my hand around her waist when we walked. I tried to ask if she was ok with me getting closer but she never seemed to mind (although most of that happened when she wasn't sober).
Throughout this whole journey i was always nervous, do i speak fine, do i look ok, am i caring enough, do i come off too strong, i am not that good looking regardless of how many people tell me i am handsome, i dont have a good physique because of my recent weight gain, i am struggling to keep a constant engaging conversation and i often questioned myself on "why would someone smart, pretty and kind like her be willing to spend time with me of all people". This let me spiraling too much, i stopped having energy or will to do mundane things like keeping up with homework, every morning and evening i started thinking about her, and the more i did the lonelier i became.
Eventually we decided to go on a trip for new years. Everything was fun until i eventually drank a lot of alcohol for new years. Generally i am pretty reselient but that day i crumbled. So on new years day i confessed everything even though i knew that she was still unsure about her feelings with her current bf, and i just did that because i wanted her to reject me so i can get over her myself. But in that action i put my personal feelings over hers so it came off as very rude and incensitive. So in the end i kinda ruined new years for her and myself.
I spent a long time to think about why things went that way, and i realised that, i did not regret saying what i did because i was being hurt and couldnt carry it in the same state anymore, i was being hurt because i kept thinking about things i am not, because i am insecure and did not have enough belief in myself and confidence in what i am. In the end she kinda forgave me and while she doesnt avoid me in stuff like class or when we hang out in same circle of friends, i havent received a single dm from her since we came back from the trip.
So yeah i learnt a lot from that and i realised that i have to work on myself and love myself more to have confidence in who i am.

@louisdavis7493 - 21.01.2024 16:57

Morning Sunshine! I sure would ❤ to have you as my therapist 👍💯

@infinityon62 - 21.01.2024 15:39

I'm 6f2, lawyer, 25 old and I've never been on a relationship. I spent my entire youth studying, I never partied or had fund when I was younger.

Now I look at myself and realized I'm no longer that irresponsible teenager I used to be. I have gray hair and tons of responsibility. In contrast, women my age have ran trains, had tons of experiences, partied a lot and travel. I feel do bad about myself that i don't even have motivation to try anymore.

@playstationplusfilm316 - 21.01.2024 14:58

Hello i wish u doing good.i am bad at having women. I dont have women socially to attract and talk to. I need your help plz
