A complete Nex solo guide 2021 | Runescape 3

A complete Nex solo guide 2021 | Runescape 3


3 года назад

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Protoxx - 10.04.2021 17:38


Optimal Archaeology relic setup:

Berserker's fury
Font of Life
Fury of the small

Quality of Life setup

Berserker's fury
Font of Life
Persistent rage

Mystery IRO
Mystery IRO - 21.10.2023 19:12

Does the Robe Set have be in a Crate as a "Set" or individual items?

Lucas Sousa
Lucas Sousa - 28.06.2023 15:51

Tendi foi nada

BlxssMyEWOz - 02.06.2023 03:03

If I was to use deathtouch darts do I have to use 5 bc it's got 5 phases?

KingKryptic - 14.04.2023 01:22

im trying to do this solo legacy, but i am struggling at blood phase.

Seafoam - 21.03.2023 22:50

Thank you I just got my first Nex solo kill after 3 attempts!

SZV MG - 18.03.2023 20:03

Idm 5mins kills just to dont be running like shit

Redo - 16.02.2023 23:34

Here I am with my cup of tea from noob to nex ready thanks to you and some patient players

Daniel S
Daniel S - 18.01.2023 08:15

i give up on nex, literally cant figure out the blood stage. watched so many guides and tried 100s of times and just cant get past it. i must just too incompetent.

Matt - 01.01.2023 00:38

well onslaught for this fight was a fucking waste of 70mil

Whiskers - 18.10.2022 05:40

you.need.to.slow.down. Otherwise it's ok work, but seriously, slow the hell down, there's a lot of information to take in as it is, yet you're treating it like a teacher on speed trying to melt their students brains.

Felix Williams
Felix Williams - 01.10.2022 15:30

love ur guides but this one sucks (duno if its just bc im drunk or not)
edit: your guides have taught me araxxor, kerapac, skill training methods, ed farming methods but dis one has racked me

Hybe OSRS - 24.09.2022 03:47

I didnt like this guide, I prefer guides that exaggerate the mechanics rather then exaggerate gear. rate this 4/10

RS Titan
RS Titan - 22.09.2022 23:15

I cant get past blood phase she heals too much , any tips?

Poop - 14.08.2022 10:05

Ive done like 10 attempts today and still cant get past blood phase, I dunno what im doing

steve villegas
steve villegas - 10.07.2022 22:40

I still have trouble xc

SmithCommaBenjamin - 31.05.2022 22:58

How come the melee switch during shadow flat out doesn't work 1/2 the time?

Joosef KaarioC1
Joosef KaarioC1 - 24.04.2022 14:54

NOTE: (my combat level 138, approx 2600 Total level). I have killed NEX with a small party (5 memebers). I haven't technically been able to solo it alone. Gear: Sirenic armor (T90). Augmented ATTUNED Crystal Bow (perks: Precise 6 AND Equilibrium 4, boosts damage significally). About the Blood Phase. I get to blood Phase basically every time. But Nex hels like 8000 hp every 12 seconds basically and keeps repeating it, like she was stuck. The acual frame to to damage is like 8 seconds (otherwhile seh heals AND Summons reapers every 8 seconds, but anyway very fast.)

1. You can "1 hit" nex in the aprrox. 8 seconds window with eg. Onslaught channel with boosts, so that you get the 40K damage in 8 seconds, then NEX moves to next phase. NOTE: You need high damage input in this case, but it works. Or other 1 hit mechanic, like double shot with temporary boost (which could deal total of, let's say 8k damage poer double shot with temporary boosts). Anyway, you need a way to deal approx. let's say 40K total damage in very short window (in my kills about 8 seconds until NEX begins healng.) Or 2 or three rounds total (you can do like 12k damage per damage window, counting the heal. This is why it would be best t just Onslaught channel all the damage in 1 instance, otherwise NEX begins the healing rounds, and heals to full HP very easily, IF you don't get the damage threshold done in 1 damage window (in my kills approx. 8 seconds).

2. NO BLEEDS in Blood Phase. It seems like, IF you attack with any type of Bleed (For instance, Shadow Tendrils Ancient curse threshold ability, NOTE, NEX actually uses Ancient curses herself.)

So, IF you attack with any type of Bleed ability, it seems like she starts healing immediately, and in my kills, seh gets stuck in the loop, so that she just summons 2 reavers every 12 seconds basically AND heals 50K damage to fulls health every 12 seconds basucally. Rinse and repeat. Disable all bleeds, so this "trap" doesn't activate. Every type of bleed. But Onsluaght works in this case for some reason, it doesn't count as a Bleed mechanic in this case.

3. Concerning Ancient Curses in Runescape 3 and OSRS. Ancient Curses (I have 100 Prayer And 99 Magic, access to all curses) have hidden mechanics. My assumption is, that NEX can begin looping damage in some other Phase as well as the Blood Sacrifice Phase, IF you have Bleeds in use. I don't know for sure, but I suspect this. So, in a difficult Phase, try disabling all Bleeds from abilities (NO bleed damage at all may hit her, she starts looping the heal mechanic from first bleed damage in the Blood Sacrifice Phase.) BTW, Ancient lore.

nex necis f. death; usually violent death, murder. (Latin Dictonary, Latin Vulgate)

Motionmayfire - 13.04.2022 04:21

So do I use auto retaliate? For the “kiting”?

Justin Simmons
Justin Simmons - 06.03.2022 14:55

just another little nex tip: if you take 10mil gold, the ancient robes set and the frozen key to the banker lady in the nex prelobby, you never have to worry about putting it all on or charging your frozen key again. which means you can enter the fight with full adren if you have the crystals at pvm hub unlocked! :D the more you know!

Tommy t
Tommy t - 12.02.2022 02:06

Any chance you could make an ecb solo guide in the future?
