A Part of GERMAN CULTURE I have come to terms with

A Part of GERMAN CULTURE I have come to terms with

Brit in Germany

1 год назад

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@pepoaudi8253 - 18.08.2023 16:58

you should do a review on sharks club fkk :D

@AyebeeMk2 - 12.08.2023 22:13

3 minutes in I am falling asleep..zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......................

@6ffm70 - 05.08.2023 02:09

Showing my local hood in the pictures 💪💪💪

@margaretcampbell2681 - 04.08.2023 03:40

If no one integrates then Diversity doesn’t work

@uselessoldman7964 - 04.08.2023 01:47

Germans and cultural diversity are miles apart. When a youngster I had a German girlfriend Bettina, beautiful blonde and I do mean beautiful I was erm 17 she was 20 (something) and we had a awesome relationship but when it came to real life issues, she was stuck she was lost refused to budge I had a few African "good friends" and she refused to be in their presence below her. Then when I met her father he would always go on about we lost the war we should have won and Europe would be better for it? I studied history I understood the war and what Germany did, as much as have issues as to what we the UK did to Germany. He would always claim, we are brothers we are the same we share the same blood as in our royal family were German !! He hated the French with a vengeance something to do with history Napoleon perhaps? I never understood, but when it came to the Brits we defeated him we had something to unite us. Thing is I understood the Germans have a warped mind believe their better than everyone else above everyone else. I am no racist I try and respect everyone but when it comes to Germans? EU? The 4th Reich? Germans care about one thing and one thing only MONEY yet when it came down to it Russia and Putin bought them, corrupted

@tic-tacdrin-drinn1505 - 02.08.2023 16:36

Americans don't complain, they sue

@sventice - 31.07.2023 06:41

I was raised by Germans, have relatives in Germany, and lived in Germany for a few years, and you are absolutely right, Germans do like to complain. But: They don't aways actually mean it. When Germans complain about their jobs, or the DB, it doesn't necessary mean that they hate their jobs, or that they will never get on a train again; they just think there is room for improvement. I have come to believe that, especially for older Germans, complaining about something is a backhanded expression of love. If they actually, sincerely despise something, rather than complaining about it, they will just pointedly ignore it.

@jimmyjames3136 - 29.07.2023 19:44

Im Scottish.....i think only the british use the term English, or something. INSEL AFFE

@jimmyjames3136 - 29.07.2023 19:39

allesfotzenausermama. ScottishMannheimer aus viernheim, Edinburgh. German humour LIKE Scottish fitbaw ....is no luaghing matter. x

@rainerm.8168 - 09.07.2023 15:13

Don't debate (complain) - litigate!

@countzero2405 - 06.07.2023 13:06

I'm watching this video on an ICE train that's currently 27 minutes late 😂 But I'm on vacation and I don't need to catch any connecting trains, do it doesn't bother me too much.

@Winona493 - 09.06.2023 15:17

"...having Kreislauf " made me roll!!!😂

@roboldx9171 - 07.06.2023 11:09

A funny story. Some Swiss friends were travelling to Germany on the Swiss railway. They were sharing a carriage with a group of German men when an announcement came over the train's intercom. "Due to a problem on the tracks, this train has been delayed, for two minutes. We apologise for any inconvenience". At this point, the Germans burst into laughter and amazement. As a Brit, hearing this story made me think about the situation with the railways in my own country.

@Pierluigi_Di_Lorenzo - 05.06.2023 22:48

bla bla bla

@alameachan - 03.06.2023 10:53

Don't come to me complaining about Deutsche Bahn. I'm what we call "Pufferküsser" or "Nietenzähler", and I'll rip you a new one if you try. Specifically because Deutsche Bahn is one of the most reliable and best passenger transport I've experienced, second only to Japan Railways.

@frankhainke7442 - 02.06.2023 21:43

Complaining is just something that is done without really thinking of to or being too emotionally engaged. In Berlin there is a saying wich is used instead of praising something that goes "Da kann man nicht meckern." The you can't complain. "Das war doch ein gutes Konzert." "Ja, da kann man nicht meckern."

@StarshipTr00per - 02.06.2023 18:58

When I was in planning to move here from Canada a French colleague told me that when in first came to Canada he could only see positives things about the country compared to France and after A couple of years he started falling in the mold and began complaining about the roads, lack of quality public transport and so on. He told me that I would most likely have the same general feelings. He was right. I couldn't fault Germany for anything when I first came here. Everything was better than Canada. After 8 years I can say he was right. I do also complain about Deutsche Bahn 😂 and a few other things. . But in General I'm still very happy on how things are here. I'm not going back.

@bigboymamba - 02.06.2023 18:27

in the build up i already know that topic for shitting on would be deutsche bahn. ^^ daily annoyances are a weak form of"suffering" (sufferings is shared between all humans) and are light enough topic to talk with strangers.

@sarahnd - 02.06.2023 12:56

On the other hand, according to my daughter who married a German and lived in Munich for a few years, the busses are painfully punctual! She was always missing her bus, since she expected it to be a few minutes late from her experience in San Francisco... 😂

@cathbadmusic8489 - 29.05.2023 17:55

Brits use exaggerated understatement to signify the opposite meaning. Something that's "not entirely satisfactory" is actually really really bad. "I suspect you're perhaps being a little less than completely straightforward" means "You're a damned liar." It's a face-saving device that allows strong meaning to be communicated without being directly provocative. I've seen it used and understood by the Irish, Aussies, Kiwis and sometimes Caribbeans. But Yanks, Canadians and Saffers take it literally and miss the subtext. The Germans - whose subtlety and interpersonal finesse aren't conspicuously foremost among their virtues - definitely don't get it. Ironic, because as a literary device, exaggerated understatement has its origins in Old Saxon. It survived in English but fell out of use in German.

@kulturfreund6631 - 29.05.2023 03:17

A reason for train delays are oftentimes occurring suicides on the tracks. Deutsche Bahn just doesn’t communicate it, and people think it’s the management‘s fault.

@elisabethhagspiel3695 - 28.05.2023 21:30

I am a German who has lived nearly 20 years in England (Brexit made me leave) and I could not agree more! This complaining about all sorts of things is exasperating. I make it my job to remind this whiners how lucky they are.😄

@bendjohans3863 - 28.05.2023 21:26

sometimes i think yopu dhould do ausio books you really have a calming voice and funny fact... most grown ups use audio books aside from listening during driving ... to listen to them to goto sleep easyer you may could get rich :) greetings from aschaffenburg

@gypojohn9871 - 28.05.2023 17:16

You mentioned memories and rose tinted glasses and I do agree with you about this. However, this is not always the case as I just described about the trains. I was a soldier here and could not speak any German but one thing we did do was we all used to laugh about British Rail and how bloody awful it was not only because it WAS BLOODY AWFUL but because we could compare it to the Bundesbahn (German Rail). This is fact, not just nostalgic memories. We could also drive our cars, ride our motorbikes as fast as we liked on the Autobahn network. Gradually over many years bit by bit they have put restrictions on this to the point that it is no longer the free Autobahn that I used then compared to now.

@gypojohn9871 - 28.05.2023 17:00

I had to smile at your opening comments about the trains. I first came to Germany in 1980 and honstly, you could set your watch to the punctuality of the German railways and the overall efficiency of German culture and life in general. These days and I have to say very unfortunately since the railway networks were privatised it has gone from bad to worse. I will be flying from Düsseldorf on holiday next month and my Daughter will drive there with me and collect me when I return even though I have a free return ticket as part of my holiday deal. The reason is because they are striking and when they are not doing so the railways are so bloody unreliable that anyone who needs to catch a flight would be foolish to use the train.

@steffengrossmann169 - 26.05.2023 03:04

I’m a German living in down under for 15+ years and I can confirm, that there is complaining for the sake of it and there is german complaining with a purpose, that almost always ends in improvement.

@martinstubs6203 - 16.05.2023 12:37

There is only one thing to say: Früher war mehr Lametta!

@Tormonir - 15.05.2023 17:00

The biggest praise you can get is if you get told that they have nothing to complain

@cb7560 - 13.05.2023 10:59

DB is brilliant. I lived in the UK once - enough said? Needed a mortgage to buy a ticket and crap (privatised) service.

@herb6677 - 10.05.2023 18:16

„Manchmal muss man sich selbst loben“ ist typisch deutsch. Kein Österreicher würde sowas sagen. Natürlich sind die Österreicher auch Leute, die sich gern aufregen, und manch einer liebt es, wie ein Rohrspatz zu schimpfen. Aber auf der anderen Seite sind sie etwas gechillter als ihre deutschen Nachbarn. „Wie gehts?“ „Jo eh. Und selber?“ „Jo eh a.“

@juricarmichael2534 - 08.05.2023 20:00

Well, in germany even ICEs can get lost....🫡🤦 I don't think i need to say more. 😉🤣🤣

@WolfeRavenwood - 05.05.2023 13:53

The past wasn't better, it was just less fucked up.

@lemon-wt3dv - 04.05.2023 01:20

I like the System which changed in UK better refugee police

@henningbartels6245 - 02.05.2023 21:36

There is a Chinese saying: "memory is a painter with golden colour"
In retrospective many things look nicer.

@calise8783 - 01.05.2023 16:36

I’m not German but live in Germany. I do complain about DB. I have never had a smooth ride. So I don’t use them for important journeys. 😂

Two years ago, my child had a serious accident needing an ambulance, surgery and hospital stay. I thanked each nurse who came into direct contact with my son. I also asked what I could/should do to help my son and them. They were all über shocked and gave my son extra nice treatment. I again thanked them personally when he was discharged, of course also donating to their Kasse.

Also in an expat forum I frequent, they all complain saying customer service here is dead. I reply, were you kind, accommodating, humble and flexible in return? In other words, you get what you give! 😉

@hape3862 - 01.05.2023 13:54

Früher war alles besser, sogar die Zukunft. (In the past everything was better, even the future.) 🤪

@robertzander9723 - 01.05.2023 09:23

Especially in Germany there is no reason at all to say, well, everything was better in the past, what was better, the First World War, the economic crisis, the Second World War, the division of Germany, the losses of Königsberg, Pomerania and Silesia and the expulsion and flight , the blood sticking to many hands who followed a brutal regime unconditionally without thinking, all the Nazis came back to their posts when the Federal Republic of Germany was founded, so Germany still has problems in many areas, most of them are was only addressed with reunification, from then on Germany made the biggest leaps. We Germans have always been very enthusiastic about technology and unfortunately that is a bit lost and the German railways are unfortunately a symbol of this and are now reminding us of this loss.

@rainerm.8168 - 01.05.2023 00:47

Having a critical attitude towards complaining too much is Allright. However - there is complaining and complaining. Sometimes absolutely justified but then just nagging about nothing.
But even when justified I would advise "Would it be terribly difficult for you not to be so boring while complaining?"

@windhelmguard5295 - 30.04.2023 22:30

the bahn is a serious issue for those who rely on it at all times.
and yea when you're used to living in the UK, or the US where public transport is barely functional it might seem uncalled for, but when you look at countries like japan, where public transport works so well that a ten minute delay will make national news, that helps put things in perspective. the trains ought to run on time.

i for example got stranded on a tiny train station with no indoor area, at -17°C, because the train i arrived on was delayed and the train i had to switch to was already gone and it was the last one for that day.
so i had the choice between A: roughing it on a bench at -17° and freezing to death, or B: take a detour i hadn't budgeted for, to get close to a friend i met online who happened to live close enough that i could still get there, so i could crash at his place.

also relying on the bahn for your daily commute you loose hours of your life every week because trains seem to be deliberately scheduled so that you either arrive five minutes too late, or an hour early.

@cybertonto72 - 30.04.2023 22:04

I can't understand people complain about Deutsche Bahn, I spent a week in Hamburg at the start of April this year and being able to get around the city by train was fantastic. Have been to London a few times and trying to get around that city was good but no where near as good as Hamburg. The trains are so much cleaner, I never had to stand for more than a stop or two and they where always on time and very regular too.
I live in Belfast and Northern Ireland has the most useless train server I've ever used, it doesn't really cover the country and there are major towns and citys that don't have a rail line, so we end up using buses that go along small country lanes
I guess it is all about perspective

@teotik8071 - 30.04.2023 20:59

Is this video a complaint ? 😜
I've learned if something has the power to upset me more than two minutes, the problem is more often on my behalf.
Not always easy but helps a lot. 😎

@marge2548 - 30.04.2023 19:35

On a note…
I went by train from Düsseldorf to Northern Germany yesterday and am currently going back.
Yesterdays delay was 40 minutes initially - somehow I still managed to get my next train, they really hurried up in between.
Todays delay is a record of 147 minutes - and it still was the fastest option for me.
I am not complaining. Just saying, as it fit today’s subject so well… 😂
I have to add that I am really thankful for the DB App. There were continuous updates so that it was easy to keep track of things while waiting. It’s a real improvement compared to former times.
Because back then, trains would be delayed and often not even the DB staff could really tell you what was going on.
So there - früher war auch nicht alles besser! 🙃

@jeffreykilpatrick3592 - 30.04.2023 19:06

Seems like you belong in Germany since your clearly a super duper complainer and have an annoyingly know it all and pretentious personality to boot. I bet the Germans all complain about you. And not surprising that you have a hard time making friends -anywhere not just Germany!

@wizzelhoart - 30.04.2023 19:03

I've been living as an ex-pat in Germany for 23 yrs and i still don't like the german "small talk". its miserably boring and i prefer to be alone
